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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. You may be confused. This is a forum for a World of Warcraft private server bot that doesn't use Python at all.
  2. No, it's a cross-expansion product that doesn't support loading a second product in the "downtime". It will wait out deserter and queue again.
  3. not happening, you can use a batch file will never happen you can just extract them with dev tools just make your PC auto start after shutdown in BIOS or something already exists, somewhere below in the UI there's a timer for how long the bot is running
  4. All the info is in the OP and this isn't being maintained. That's why it's free and open source. You're welcome to make adjustments yourself. It's very simple. The main runs quester/grinder/etc with the plugin enabled and slaves set in the settings. The slaves run party or wrotation with the plugin enabled. All it does it attempt to long-distance sync your characters positions. There's other stuff like force-triggering states to go to trainers at the same time etc. Many people have used it successfully, but it's for "fun" open world botting. It's an experiment and nowhere near efficient.
  5. They aren't using a modified client in that sense. MoP client just has way better Warden and they can detect WRobot. So yes, hooks are detected. Droidz fights against it, but I wouldn't risk a real account.
  6. No, 1.12 to 3.3.5a. You would never need this on MoP anyway.
  7. I don't think you understand how detection works. Detection means the client tells the server the bot is injected. If you use patterns, grind for hours on end, don't do quests, use non-human behavior etc they can track that statistically. It doesn't mean the bot is detected. I've it for years on Warmane and it's been safe except when I got caught. It was only ever detected on an old version, but that was fixed. So if you are using the old cracked WRobot... go figure.
  8. No, you're an idiot. It's not detected on Warmane. Someone wasn't careful about multi botting (over a month ago - a thread you just necro'd). There's some servers that have actually good anti-cheat (because the client is modern or custom and supports better anti-cheat, which base 3.3.5a does not) and instantly ban/detect WRobot. Warmane is not a server like that. They have decent detection that's hard to avoid. But it's agnostic to what bot you're using and based on stats and behavior. So it's up to you to avoid that and player reports.
  9. You can't. It's hardcoded into the ToTown class, so you'd have to write your own and replace the existing state in the FSM of WRobot.
  10. local creatureType = UnitCreatureType("target") return creatureType == "Elemental" or creatureType == "Mechanical" Hopefully makes it more readable
  11. Also, if you're looking to check buffs on party members, you need to replace -- UnitDebuff("player",i) UnitDebuff("party1",i) Otherwise you're dispelling party members if you have a debuff, which won't work. Additionally, this will only work for party1 but then try to dispel everyone. So you need to make your spell actually cast only on party1, not every party member
  12. cleanse = false; for i=1, 40 do local _, _, _, _, dtype = UnitDebuff("player",i) if dtype == "Disease" or dtype == "Poison" or dtype == "Magic" then cleanse = true end end Return value var = cleanse Return value research true
  13. Well, for starters you've misspelled cleanse as clense where you're searching for it. You can also just make it then return true end and not scan for any value. Additionally, you're setting a "yes" and "no" string. Have you heard of boolean? You want to set true or false. Otherwise you need to adjust the editor to look for the string "yes", which makes no sense.
  14. You're likely trying to a quester profile as a grinder or the other way around. Start it as Quester
  15. I believe there's a minimap function similar to Radar3D. Look into UserControlMinimap and MiniMapGenerator.
  16. Then the best you can do is read log events and react to your current target when it happens. That should do the trick for now. Don't use the regular blacklist either (wManager.wManagerSetting.AddBlackList - this isn't realiable), it has to be the property directly on the ObjectManager class as seen here. I realize log events won't help much with identifying the mob correctly, but hopefully this will do the trick as your bot is still targeting the mob, so that you can blacklist it and then stop the fight manually afterwards.
  17. I think blacklist events exist, but I don't recall if this case is covered by them. There is a blacklist of GUIDs (which in "real" wow are truly random and NOT re-used like on most p-servers) attached directly to the objectmanager iirc. It's either a list or a map that you can manually add those GUIDs to and they will never be considered in the OM, so for WRobot it's as if those mobs don't even exist. I believe I used this in my free AV plugin for blacklisting AV mobs too.
  18. Did you paste the code into the Quest editor? If not, I suggest properly escaping your XML
  19. If you log back in, it will tell you if it's perma. If it doesn't mention being temporary, it's perma. 99.99% chance it's perma, btw.
  20. You will need to write everything from scratch. WRobot doesn't support smart functionality like that for battlegrounds.
  21. You don't have a wrobot license *and* you're looking for help with your obviously cracked version. Good luck.
  22. All I had to do was use the search function and type "bg leave"
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