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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Did you follow the instructions? You need to run the plugin on all characters with one set to leader etc. I mean, I haven't recompiled it in a while, so I'll do that quickly to be sure it doesn't throw any errors.
  2. My plugin specifically stops the followers' movement if they get within the following distance. You can easily adjust the code and recompile, if you want MovementManager.StopMoveTo() to be called earlier or later. I can say as much: I will definitely not develop a paid version of this. It's hell of a lot of work that is overall in very low demand. It's not like a new fightclass that takes me 16-20 hours of development time to shell out from scratch.
  3. Activate CTM, force 60 Hz on your monitor and enable vertical sync ingame.
  4. That sounds like a really old message, make sure to update HMP. It should tell you that the period after IP reset is 15 minutes, be prefixed by [HumanMasterPlugin] and even show your order ID (which obviously you shouldn't post here!). Try the updated version (download link is the same as before). It has a looser fallback policy and should hopefully work for you. If it doesn't, I'm afraid you'll have to message me on Discord so we can find a solution.
  5. Should be fine as long as: - your connection is stable - you don't disconnect and get assigned a new IP If you get the error, monitor your network. I can promise you, the connection to the server is timing out or you're losing packets. You should be seeing BOTH bots time out around the same time too, if the connection remains unstable.
  6. Not sure what you watched videos of, but even on 5.0 patch release, it was never like that. They do have cross-faction BGs implemented (you specifically have to opt-in) to make sure BGs are happening at any time. But their AH is cross-server, they have cross-server groups, raids, RDF, BGs and arenas between all 3 of their servers.
  7. MoP is without a doubt one of the best expansions. Raids are challenging and PvP is the most balanced it has EVER been at patch 5.4. Most veterans will tell you that. The expansion isn't well received, because too many westeners instantly get a hate-boner when they see the Asian-style continent. The server itself is also, easily, the best scripted server I have ever played on. More shit works on there, than Warmane was ever capable of fixing. They have had cross-realm interactions since forever and generally have really, really skilled devs. Also Hungarian, not Russian. I personally think TBC and MoP are the only good states the game has ever been in. TBC had too much rng and was a bit too grindy for PvP, but PvE was both gated and challenging. MoP finally had balanced PvP, after removing almost all PvE gear. It was a bit too casual friendly and classes weren't unique enough anymore, but they introduced challenging 5 mans again and raids were actually both fun and hard. Meanwhile vanilla is unpolished and just plain bad (of course, it was 2004-2006). Wrath is probably one of the most unbalanced expansions when it comes to PvP, because the entire balance resolves around what pieces of PvE gear are available. Haste and armor pen turn everything around and allow you to oneshot shit without time to react. The only other time PvP was that bad was during a short period of time in Cata when triple DPS was a thing. PvE in Wrath only became challenging in the last patch. Ulduar was cool, but only hardmodes were any challenging at all. Any heroics were a complete joke and so was the first raid tier. I'm honestly surprised people never got tired of farming ICC. Probably because it's so easy and you need to to become a God in PvP with no mentionable gameplay skills. I truly believe the reason Vanilla and Wrath are so popular now is because they are the only expansions that have had a decent amount of open-source emulator work put into them over the past years. Because if you play Tauri, their core is absolutely mind-boggling. Never thought I'd see anything past Wrath work that well on private servers - but they are literally the ONLY ones out there and no open-source cores are halfway decent. Same for Cata, except Twinstar might be the only halfway decent server (but dead).
  8. Honey, my best friend was Pirox' only paid supermod during the time. I was an active member of the Pirox forums and had an elite key from when it only cost 8€. I've been using Pirox since before PvPTool even came out and all it could do was queue AV, then use the trinket to port to your base and Anti-Afk. Pirox couldn't quest in Wrath. And it certainly couldn't interact with target without clicking everywhere on the screen in randomized mouse patterns in TBC (3.3.5 Pirox with TBC support).
  9. ??? Questing... in TBC... where the bot can't even interact with target and needs to spam random clicks into the WoW window... Or Wrath, on the cracked Pirox version that had almost no real functionality. Yes, there were some good grinders that would take you pretty far, without having to change profiles manually every few levels. But those were far and inbetween. I personally remember maybe 1-2 in total that came out before Cataclysm.
  10. This thread is about Icecrown (WotLK). TBC is definitely not detected, although I've been unlucky getting a 14 days BG bot ban recently when running my healer fightclass. It's just unfortunate that the Battlegrounder has no support for healers. Even so, that doesn't make wRobot detected anyway.
  11. It was pretty good for BGs with prerecorded paths and people make good profiles that could tap objectives, etc. But other than that, Pirox can hardly even be used to level properly. No memory writing capabilities, mostly out of process etc. I can write a plugin that responds to whispers for wRobot (automatic) in half an hour. That's hardly an argument. Most people would prefer NOT to have automatic responses and use plugins like wDiscord by @Marsbar to actually respond to whispers directly through Discord.
  12. I'm surprised how you can even run for 20 minutes as a trial user. Besides, log files go into your log folder
  13. No documentation. You can decompile the binaries to look at methods. Other than that, look at free plugins and code snippets here to see what's possible.
  14. C# If you know the programming principles already, just look at existing code on the forums and make your own. If you have no experience, go to mooc.fi and learn there.
  15. If you get problems with a specific plugin, don't make new threads. Go on Discord and reach out like everyone else. This is where you get support for my products. Make sure the plugin is up to date. If you change your wRobot key, you need to wait 12 hours for it to work again. This is to prevent people from sharing with their friends. Edit: We debugged it on Discord and it turns out that the internet connection was really unstable, leading to random disconnects when trying to communicate with the auth server.
  16. OP linked to a WotLK DB because he is actually a WotLK player. I noticed his spongebob icon and all the other 3.3.5a threads. So using Lua he can definitely achieve this.
  17. TB lift is done with OffMeshConnections because the bot can't find a path. 1k needles lift doesn't work that way, because the pathfinder can make a way through the elite area
  18. Change it in the settings if you don't want it to sit down to maintain crit buffs...
  19. For the code you want, just call Lua.LuaDoString("SpellStopCasting()") to cast your spell. Maybe insert a sleep for 50 ms afterwards
  20. You skipped over the installation instructions and also didn't read the part where discord is used for support
  21. Old cracked pirox or honor buddy, both will make you wanna kill yourself compared to wrobot and probably detected
  22. Pretty sure you can't have your own namespace. But I'm also not sure if DLLs work to begin with
  23. You can subscribe to state events, read for the resurrect state and then execute your own code. There's a thread in developer assistance on how to do that
  24. Probably doesn't work in xml. Modify the fightclass range to 60 yards or higher and it will never walk up to enemies. The party helper plugin actually makes wrobot pick a fight because that's what triggers rotations for the bot. I would recommend taking a look at the free resto shaman fightclass, changing some spell names in the rotation in c#and recompiling it in visual studio.
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