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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. No, but PayPal offers the option to pay directly with credit card.
  2. Your versions of HumanMasterPlugin and FrostMage.dll are incredibly outdated. Make sure you didn't get them from an unauthorized reseller. If you did, you were probably scammed and should use PayPal to get your money back.
  3. In Battlegrounder you can set the ratio of enemies/friends around for it to engage combat
  4. It's only using the 2 minutes trinket, I didn't really realize anybody would waste 2.8k honor on the shitty trinket when the 2 minute one is only ~5k honor more. What server do you play on? Maybe that somehow causes issues with blind. I have it set to never cast blind on its current target - but MAYBE during target switching it loses its main target for a split second or something. Or the server doesn't always handle focus correctly. I've tested this on Warmane and never had it blind its current target.
  5. Latency settings should be 300-500 at the very least. I don't think wRobot can even function with your latency settings. You can redownload, I set it to only stealth if there are enemies in your ObjectManager. Keep in mind that in TBC, all players get stuck in your ObjectManager at all times, so it's probably not a big improvement due to that bug in TBC.
  6. Should NEVER EVER blind your main target. Turn off all plugins and addons you're running. WHat's your latency setting? Make sure you don't run wRobot in no frame lock. It will generally stealth at all times, but it should mount up and break stealth any time it needs to. There's no way I could know what situation you are currently in to prevent stealth, with maybe the exception of the rezz buff.
  7. ... vanilla doesn't have a timer on buffs/debuffs, with the exception of your own. But they don't fall under the regular aura API so you have to use Lua to get specific timers.
  8. These are just the addon messages your character receives from all users on the server at all times. You can deactivate the debug logging if it bothers you, the source is right there.
  9. THe fightclass does not run from combat... you are probably using my plugin, in which case you need to set it up for your preferences in the settings...
  10. TBC has a bug where all objects get "stuck" in the game's objectmanager so when wRobot reads them, it builds up a really large list of players and their items etc over time. That, in turn, slows the bot down and gives you high CPU usage. Use relogger to relog every 2 hours or so and you should be fine.
  11. No, source is not available. I've released a very basic, free fightclass with my framework for 1.12, which you could build your own upon.
  12. Anyway - read the damn docs: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_EquipItemByName You will need to call: EquipItemByName("mainHand"); PickupInventoryItem(16); EquipItemByName("offHand"); PickupInventoryItem(17); -- or the macro call RunMacroText("/equip mainHandName\n/equip offHandName");
  13. Should hopefully be fixed. I forgot to terminate the walking loop when entering combat and only started it if you're not in combat.
  14. Disable keyboard movement and enable CTM in smoothmove
  15. If these settings don't work for you, then using HMP wouldn't change a thing. Check your log to see if the bot even enters regen. Disable all addons too. And set up CTM correctly (60fps/60hz, vsync enabled, no monitor over 60hz) and you'll have no problem swimming either. The bot literally tells you to do that when you start it in BIG RED letters in the log.
  16. Nah, you just have to put in the names and set the percentages in your advanced settings. You can do this through adding C# to your quester/grinder. wRobot automatically restocks food when it goes to a vendor that has food with this name and you've set the correct amount to buy. HMP actually just tells wRobot "go to vendor when at 0 food" and sets names automatically. Grinders are between 5 and 8 euros. That's way below minimum wage for much more work put in. FNV's quester for example has received nearly a year worth of work (and doesn't even get to 60 yet). He could've made 50k working a day job that way. The framework (the bot itself) including the quester base, across multiple expansions with multiple pathing servers, anti-anti-cheat being updated to protected against new private server protection vectors, forum cost and profit because Droidz doesn't do all that work out for charity's sake. Subscription is also a yearly price. Can't be compared to Blizzard. Take a look at other bots tackling vanilla. They're nowhere close to wRobot. If you're lazy, spend the money you earn from actual work on the bot. Then you don't have to do ANYTHING including grinders/questers. If you don't wanna spend money, invest time. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Again - compare this to Pirox or Glider, both of which had a much larger community - and you'll see wRobot is much more advanced. Especially with the API it exposes.
  17. You're not supposed to use free profiles. You're supposed to make your own (like absolutely everyone who knows anything about botting does), because sharing with people creates bot trains and will get you banned. In 2016/2017 there were basically no paid fight classes at all. People still botted just fine using the fightclass editor - which I agree could use some work (because it was created for MoP and backported to other expansions later). HumanMasterPlugin came out by the end of 2017. It's not even 1 year old and only works for the first 3 expansions. I personally started using wRobot for MoP and was fine using grinders (in Quester product) where food was set for a level range of ~5, using wRobot's normal food buying by just adding only 1 vendor and repair to the profile and limiting wRobot to them. That's how I came up with the free food and drink plugin (I essentially used that code in quester). Obviously I think my plugin is useful and so are my fightclasses. But these are things most private grinders had beforehand anyway - it's just stuff that helps with laziness. If you've ever botted outside of wRobot you know that the framework it provides is already pretty damn good. You will never see another HonorBuddy (it was an actual company with paid developers and they paid their community devs because they appealed to the masses) and if you compare wRobot to Glider or Pirox, it's doing damn well. For most people here botting is a business. Which makes it a competitive scene. It's actually (considering the community's small size) a miracle people are still this nice and are sharing that much stuff and code for free.
  18. only semi-safe rotation bots are pixel based Either way, with Blizzard's new anti-cheat you're not safe at all. Even if you make your own and keep it private.
  19. Might not wanna lean too far out that window.
  20. Has working pickpocket in vanilla. It saps enemy, targets enemy, prevents all fighting, actively pick pockets + loots and then moves on. You can check out all the code there
  21. By itself, it absolutely does not start the fight. It only sets the target. You can call Fight.StopFight() before and after. Why do you even need to target a unit?
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