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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. As far as I know you can execute Lua code through warden in Vanilla. If this is possible they could do something like this: - they collected a few proxy IPs to put on a blacklist - everyone currently logged into those IPs is made to execute some Lua snippet - it makes you join a channel but hides all messages that would indicate this from the UI - sends a message to that channel (either from server or client itself) - message could contain a hash of some sort that the server expects (maybe wRobot blocks this entirely and they don't receive the hash at all => must be bot) - message could contain GetTime() (Lua function) which tells you EXACTLY how long your PC has been running in milliseconds (they assume no PCs connected to their server will ever return the same time) I'm not sure how @Droidz blocks Lua unlock detection. If he prevents the server from executing FrameScipt_Execute entirely through Warden, it would mean wRobot is detected and they would probably ban a lot of people. So this is unlikely. If the server is allowed to execute this, they can access your computer's uptime to have a very loose indicator that some clients might run on the same computer (but really out of 10000 players, what are the chances that 6 suspected botting accounts all have started their computer within 3-5 milliseconds of each other?). If they use GetTime() to tell computer identity (I'm laughing internally at the combined genius and stupidity of this), this following line put into the chat after you log into the game (you cannot relog after this or reload the UI) would fix detection: /run getTimeConstant = math.random(0, 10000000); _gt = GetTime; function GetTime() return _gt() + getTimeConstant end Keep in mind, that this can break many things, such as cooldown calculation for spells. Use with care.
  2. My proof: I know how warden works and what the limitations of it are. If there is a way to actually do this with vanilla warden, then it sure as hell isn't intended functionality and a genius like namreeb found a way to exploit the vanilla client, remotely, through warden to gain more access to your system than is intended. If they ACTUALLY had a way to tell which accounts are run on the same machine, they wouldn't only ban accounts that are online at the time and they wouldn't wait for you to get banned to flag your machine. They'd instantly see (because it's automated) that a single machine is currently running more than 1 client (which already breaks their rules) and investigate if not just auto ban.
  3. wRobot can't make a path to this NPC and the surrounding ones: https://classicdb.ch/?npc=9549
  4. People still thinking they can get the hardware ID or MAC address... no. Even if they could access the MAC address of your current network adapter used to connect to their server, you wouldn't need a VM to get past their detection.
  5. They are actually read from DBC, so they don't even have to be discovered afaik. wRobot then decides to add them to the "visible" database once you see them, where it keeps track of you deactivating them (potentially). I tried filling the DB from HMP's database in the beginning but it actually didn't help at all.
  6. There is no setting for how far to run. The 60 yards means that it will blacklist areas where it knows mobs are around a 60 yard radius. HMP stops running after 120 yards or whenever you drop combat. Once you drop combat, it pauses the client for a short amount of time. He could, after that, cast FD. At that point, it'd be fairly useless.
  7. Technically, for this particular feature you can. HMP sets Logging.Status to "Running away from combat", so if you check the status for that string, you can react to it. However, since Fight.InFight evaluates to false while running away (since you have to cancel all of wRobot's combat options), there isn't much you can do, honestly.
  8. Yes it isn't detected and neither is EWT. Pretty sure people have even modified the old PQR by now to work around Warmane's detection (which was mostly string detection, looking for PQR in chatframe)
  9. Guess it's time your guys start buying VPS or Amazong instances to host your own proxies
  10. In the demo, Ghost Wolf is automatically set as your mount (which is bugged). In the paid version, I removed Ghost Wolf as mount (because it's bugged). You could set this manually, if you wanted to. For Ghost Wolf, there's a great plugin called Ghosty that supports using it between fights.
  11. I realized why this works perfectly for TBC, btw. Warmane (only TBC server atm) calculates spell distance from center to center (like on Blizzard realms). Vanilla private servers calculate distance end to end (hitbox to hitbox). This is a bug that wRobot has to work around, unfortunately. After re-considering this, it's good if you add GetHitBoxtDistance but I don't think this needs to be fixed really.
  12. I want to prevent stuttering movement from my fightclass starting a cast when the bot is in range but for Frostbolt, but the fightclass thinks it's not in range, so it walks closer. How do you decide when to walk closer to the target? You take CustomClass.GetRange and do (pseudo code) - I think?: while (Me.GetDistance(ObjectManager.Target) > CustomClass.GetRange){ MovementManager.MoveTo(ObjectManager.Target.Position); } MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 500); So if I make my code: public Spell Frostbolt = new Spell("Frosbolt"); public float HitBox => ObjectManager.Target.CombatReach + Me.CombatReach; public float Range => .MaxRange + HitBox; public void Rotation() { if(Fight.InFight && GetGlobalCooldown() == 0 && ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance - HitBox <= Range) { Lua.LuaDoString($"CastSpellByName('{spell.Name}')"); } } it should work and never cast before it's close enough, right?
  13. Matenia

    SellItem error

    [E] 10:51:51 - SellItems(List<String> itemSell, List<string> itemNoSell, List<Enums.WoWItemQuality> itemQuality): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at wManager.Wow.Helpers.Vendor..(String , String ) at System.Linq.Enumerable.Aggregate[TSource,TAccumulate](IEnumerable`1 source, TAccumulate seed, Func`3 func) at wManager.Wow.Helpers.Vendor.SellItems(List`1 itemSell, List`1 itemNoSell, List`1 itemQuality, Boolean quickSell) Bag items: Tel'Abim Banana (ID= 4537 ) Razormane Backstabber (ID= 5093 ) Fractured Canine (ID= 3299 ) Steel Arrowhead (ID= 5123 ) Broken Bloodstained Bow (ID= 4878 ) Spider's Silk (ID= 3182 ) Crisp Spider Meat (ID= 1081 ) Gooey Spider Leg (ID= 2251 ) Bloody Bear Paw (ID= 2940 ) Big Bear Meat (ID= 3730 ) Bear Meat (ID= 3173 ) Bear Gall Bladder (ID= 3702 ) Lion Meat (ID= 3731 ) Broken Scorpid Leg (ID= 4867 ) Melon Juice (ID= 1205 ) Spellbinder Pants (ID= 2970 ) Forked Tongue (ID= 6444 ) Brackwater Vest (ID= 3306 ) Seeping Gizzard (ID= 5133 ) Soft Patch of Fur (ID= 3402 ) Thunder Lizard Tail (ID= 5470 ) Chunk of Boar Meat (ID= 769 ) Plans: Copper Chain Vest (ID= 3609 ) Slimy Murloc Scale (ID= 5784 ) Small Barnacled Clam (ID= 5523 ) Murloc Eye (ID= 730 ) Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper (ID= 6289 ) Stringy Wolf Meat (ID= 2672 ) Discolored Worg Heart (ID= 3164 ) Hearthstone (ID= 6948 ) Earth Totem (ID= 5175 ) Fire Totem (ID= 5176 ) Large Flat Tooth (ID= 5118 ) Filled Red Waterskin (ID= 7771 ) Shed Lizard Skin (ID= 5128 ) Long Tail Hair (ID= 5120 )
  14. Just nocited it has the steps for RunMacroLua but it should be RunLuaCode with CastSpellByName('Astral Recall') or it bugs out (in the water profile). Also, you only get Astral Recall at level 30, oops
  15. I did help him. He doesn't have to purchase my FC.
  16. I'll add it. I still think it's a waste of time and mana at low level but I guess I'll add it to be used when the Good Wand setting is activated.
  17. All the settings are self-explanatory. The installation guide is in the above post.
  18. In Combat for wRobot means flagged for combat or even just starting a fight. Use C# => ObjectManager.Me.InCombatFlagOnly Which is just combat flag, or ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Any(u => u.IsTargetingMe)
  19. Just fyi, I've personally seen proof that Ordush is botting 10 at a time, so he is not making this up. I understand his reasons for now wanting to show off what he does. So you'll have to take our word for it - and like he said, focus on finding out what you have in common. Do you start all bots at the same time? Do all of them run the same profile (or large overlap), do you create them all around the same time? Any pattern(s) in your email address names? Use a browser in a VM in incognito mode with a VPN to create accounts. Proxies have headers that will sometimes leak your real IP. Probably not true for socks5, definitely true for HTTP proxies.
  20. Add trainers to the trainer database. It goes for all professions except First Aid
  21. Stutter stepping when approaching should be fixed
  22. I don't know of such a case, actually. I only know about warden bans for adding strings to your chat frame. Then again, I also don't think any private server administration cares enough to scan for the addon messages I use here. If they start doing it, I'll set up a different route of communication or start hashing and randomizing prefixes.
  23. Then it's TBC and what BetterSister linked. In TBC, the ObjectManager gets largers (though a full relog should also help) clear the ObjectManager (go to login screen).
  24. No, I am not sure, that's why I'm saying you can't test that theory if you run a VM. If you want to know how they actually catch botters, you have to eliminiate the possibilities one by one. Someone already linked how to bind WoW to a specific Network Adapter using software. Here, I actually googled for you: https://superuser.com/questions/339465/creating-a-virtual-nic-on-windows-7
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