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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Version 1.1.1


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. The attached file is a simplified demo (no Cat Form) version. Feral druids aren't an easy class to create a solid rotation for, stances (forms) make it quite complicated. I’m here to help ease your frustration and to optimise the class for mana efficiency and reduced downtime. Installation instructions I highly recommend getting level 10 and Bear Form before using this. Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level Uses Bear Form, until you get Cat Form Uses Mangle and Fairie Fire (Feral) as soon as you get it Situational Spell Usage Uses all your spells, including Fairie Fire, Mangle, Barkskin, War Stomp and your heals Bear form against multiple enemies (3 by default) Allows you to set how many enemies you must be fighting, before it will choose Bear Form over Cat Form Highly Mana Efficient Tries to keep time between heals as far spread out as possible for little downtime Automatic Skill Detection Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - limited to 2 IPs on 1 wRobot Key I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Assigns talents automatically Uses all your spells including AoE Buffs and heals itself Interrupts casts
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Uses Voidwalker and keeps it alive Uses drain to stay alive Assigns talents automatically Works well with Multipull Plugin
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Uses all your spells Can AoE if necessary Uses Recuperate on yourself Assigns talents automatically Uses defensive cooldowns if multiple enemies attack you [MoP]_Leveling_Rogue_Combat.xml
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Uses AoE if necessary Tries to keep mana high at all times Uses all your spells Buffs and heals itself
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Keeps pet alive Keeps focus up Has small burst phases Tries to keep at a distance Very simple, rudimentary kiting mechanism [MoP]_Leveling_Hunter_BM.xml
  7. Oh yeah, you'd need to disable bot movement during your own, I suppose. Can't do that without C#.
  8. The bot just runs through a loop of your rotation at certain intervals. That takes a while, usually not more than 100 milliseconds. But if, for example, your global cooldown ends between it checking whether to cast Mangle (higher priority than Fairie Fire) and Fairie Fire, you end up casting what's lower in the list.
  9. This plugin reads profession level through Lua. You can check out the source code. Here is the relevant C# code: private void SetMiningSkill() { CurrentMining = Lua.LuaDoString<int>(@" miningSkill = 1; for i = 1, GetNumSkillLines() do local skillName, isHeader, isExpanded, skillRank, numTempPoints, skillModifier = GetSkillLineInfo(i) if isHeader and not isExpanded then ExpandSkillHeader(i); end end for i = 1, GetNumSkillLines() do local skillName, isHeader, isExpanded, skillRank, numTempPoints, skillModifier = GetSkillLineInfo(i) if not isHeader and skillName == ""Mining"" then miningSkill = skillRank end end ", "miningSkill"); }
  10. You can try a higher latency, but at this point, only a C# fightclass can really achieve what you need. 500-850 latency might fix it
  11. Spells with () in the name can't be executed by the TBC client unless you add Rank(x). Can confirm what @lonellywolf said, I debugged this last week.
  12. I have 1-60 and 60-70 alliance questing on MoP, but it's still unfinished and a bit buggy. Tested it on Tauri bakc when it came out. You can join my Discord, if interested, but I won't be giving any support if you end up buying it (for a low price).
  13. That's most likely a wRobot problem (if your Bot State does show it's stuck at PickUp or TurnIn). You can get an addon like TurnIn to automatically accept and turn in quests.
  14. Didn't know Linq hatd Count() - for some reason I had gotten compile errors before. iMod recently told me I could use .NET later than 4.0 too, maybe that's why I hadn't noticed it so far.
  15. Yeah, the error message is very clear. Count is a property, you cannot call it like a method (such as "Count(args...)"). if (ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer().Where(u => u.GetDistance <= 6).ToList().Count > 2) Should do the trick
  16. This cleans your blacklist and blacklists nodes you are too high level for by default. It should solve your problem.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR. For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. The attached file is a simplified demo version. Rogues are not an easy class to automate, let alone look human as. Therefore this took a little longer to come out, but I am satisfied with the results. I have used this Fightclass to farm around 150k honor and several different BG marks without ever being reported. You need to have Wound Poison V and Crippling Poison II in yours bags! Dynamic Rotation Based on Players Around You Can sap targets close by Blinds healers and can sap after they drop out of combat during blind Can Vanish several spells, such as Blind, Hammer of Justice, Death Coil, etc (BETA) Several gap closer mechanics, so you won't get kited a lot Situational Spell Usage Uses all your spells, including PvP Trinket, Will of the Forsaken, Cloak of Shadows, Shadowstep, Vanish, etc Humanized Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  18. My comment as to it being broken on Warmane is incorrect as of today. I have used it several times successfully. If you still have issues, repair the bot as Droidz advised (or better yet do a full reinstall). If you have problems with the bot reloading your UI, you most likely have faulty addons fucking with your addon memory. Disable all addons. If this is not the case, the fightclass you chose might be overloading your addon memory. I highly recommend using a fightclass that's been proven to work. In @eniac86's log I can clearly see he is trying to use a retail hunter fightclass for 1.12. Things like that can easily mess with the bot.
  19. Here are 2 events, both showing arg[0] to args[8]. You can see, that destFlags are missing on the first event (because it's an empty string, when you check pure Lua event), and therefore you get one more event (spellSchool as arg[8]). While it's possible to work around this, it messes with consistency. Would be great if it could be fixed. timestamp event sourceGUID sourceName sourceFlags destGUID destName destFlags spellID spellName spellSchool 1500657459.841 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS 0x00000000000066FE Secrets 1304 0x0000000000000000 -2147483648 32223 Crusader Aura 2 1500657477.524 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS 0x00000000000168CD Chrys 1304 0x00000000000168CD Chrys 1304 6346 Fear Ward
  20. You can also do something like return Quest.IsObjectiveComplete(1, 1); to check for objectives (and their count) If you haven't turned the Quest in yet
  21. Works for me, with my normal license key (btw, this is the Alliance Quester you are commenting on, but I've only sold the Horde quester). @Droidz added the encryptor recently. Is there any reason why it wouldn't work for someone? When I tried it with the TRIAL key, I get the same error as @yadig1. For now, I will just update the files on Rocketr with the unencrypted version. I hope Droidz can resolve this soon, as I really don't want my product to be easily sharable. EDIT: After having more users test them, they work correctly. Currently, with the TRIAL key it seems to not work. Therefore I will re-upload the encrypted versions and ask @Droidz for clarification. here is proof that these profiles work, in the encrypted version.
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