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Everything posted by AudreyH

  1. In CastSpellByNameOn you need to put lua unit id (not unit name) I understand this, i forgot about "partyMember.Guid128", i will search on this Interact.InteractGameObject(partyMember.GetBaseAddress, false, true); It's ok, i didn't realize there was more option lol Thxs Droidz
  2. It's too complicated for me :) Let's assume i want to SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(spell.Name, ObjectManager.Me.Name); this is not functionning this way How do i achieve this? Why do i ask this question, because Interact.InteractGameObject(partyMember.GetBaseAddress, true); do a interrupt movement, and i cant cast instant spell without a little stop when i run, its very frustating :) when there is a lot of aoe under my feet and i want to heal instant cast
  3. It's to create a profle quest to do the world quests We need rewards, location, and the quest line to try to kill, or click on objects etc If it's possible :) PS Some quest world will not be possible as the dungeon quest ;)
  4. And remember the position and wich window was opened, or make a preference tool, will be great
  5. Nice it works like a charm Only the first connection need autheticator key but its not a mess Thxs Droidz
  6. KILL AND LOOT "is complete condition" for killing a boss (instance, raid) with no quest return ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(16151).Count == 0; with the id of the boss dont forget to select "true" in "not required in quest log"
  7. Hi, same problem here, if i choose WoW1 no problem if i choose WoW3, he log in WoW1 and do nothing because wrong caracter i suppose "BattleNet account" you battlenet email : Ok because it runs in WoW1 "Account name" "WoW1(/2/3/4)"? Yes indeed No error in logs: 21:39:21 - Start profile test. 21:39:21 - Profile test, Run task[1]: Run [D] 21:39:21 - Profile test, running task for 30 minutes. [D] 21:39:21 - Profile test: Launch WRobot. [D] 21:41:28 - Profile test: Launch WRobot. [D] 21:41:34 - Stopping profile test, please wait. 21:41:36 - Profile test stopped. 21:42:41 - Start profile test. 21:42:41 - Profile test, Run task[1]: Run [D] 21:42:41 - Profile test, running task for 30 minutes. [D] 21:42:42 - Profile test: Launch WRobot.
  8. It's the beginning of the dungeon, and sometimes it works
  9. It is the Vortex Pinacle Map name MPQ: SkywallDungeon
  10. [D] 21:21:10 - [Info] Continent change, Kalimdor to SkywallDungeon [D] 21:21:11 - [Quester] Wait[3]: 5000 ms [D] 21:21:11 - [Blacklist] Added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True). [D] 21:21:16 - [Quester] RunCode[4]: // PathFinder avoid obstacles: // wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.ReportBigDangerArea(new Vector3(3920.21167f, -3547.52246f, 134.244781f), 20f); // Blacklist: wManager.wManagerSetting.AddBlackListNpcEntry(53488); // http://www.wowhead.com/npc=53488 [D] 21:21:16 - [Quester] New step (5): GotoErtan>Pulse 21:21:16 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Talbuk de guerre cobalt [N] 21:21:18 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it [N] 21:21:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\SkywallDungeon\SkywallDungeon_31_32.mesh.gz [N] 21:21:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\SkywallDungeon\SkywallDungeon_32_32.mesh.gz [N] 21:21:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\SkywallDungeon\SkywallDungeon_31_33.mesh.gz [N] 21:21:18 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\SkywallDungeon\SkywallDungeon_32_33.mesh.gz [N] 21:21:18 - [Path-Finding] Cannot find path: SkywallDungeon - -15,3073;626,979;337,627 - -1,407206;635,6712;717,354 [N] 21:21:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1 21:21:24 - [Auto Accept] Disposed. 21:21:24 - [ReadyCheck] Stopped. 21:21:24 - [Quester] Stopped 21:21:25 - Session statistics: There is no such path, can it be a mesh error?
  11. Doesnt work anymore, for me Sry was not in the right place, starting in Abyssal Depths is ok
  12. Thxs, i forgot this plugin sadly :) It works fine
  13. Hi, i didn't find the option in advanced loot and farming. Is it elsewhare? Cheers Audrey
  14. If i see this example from Droidz (http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2493-luascript-in-is-complete-condition/), it's not possible int shipmentCapacity = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<int>("local name, texture, shipmentCapacity, shipmentsTotal, creationTime, duration, timeLeftString, itemName, itemIcon, itemQuality, itemID = C_Garrison.GetLandingPageShipmentInfo(); return shipmentCapacity;"); int shipmentsTotal = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<int>("local name, texture, shipmentCapacity, shipmentsTotal, creationTime, duration, timeLeftString, itemName, itemIcon, itemQuality, itemID = C_Garrison.GetLandingPageShipmentInfo(); return shipmentsTotal;"); return shipmentsTotal >= shipmentCapacity; I tried to return in a structure or in a Tuple, but that is not possible too
  15. One month ago i create a Rogue, a fabulous one , and try to use the different rogue fight profile from the site Several problem occurs and i was not very satisfied by the dps. Something i noticed, i was not able to refresh Revealing Strike correctly, it was fine on dummy but not in raid. So i decided to create my on c# profile and use the [_Pasterke_] dk to begin (thxs to him). And again i was not able to refresh Revealing Strike correctly, it was fine on dummy but not in raid again. I try many solutions, thxs to this site there is plenty of example here. !CurrentTarget.HaveBuff(84617) revealingStrike.TargetBuffTimeLeft==0 and Lua.LuaDoString("print(\"Revealing Strike :" + CurrentTarget.HaveBuff(84617)+ ": :" + revealingStrike.TargetBuffTimeLeft + "\")"); track the debuff. What was my surprize to see on target no "Revealing Strike" but the print tell me "true : : 20150" for example Sometimes the print was right but sometimes not, dont find anything that can explain it. But today i find what happen: if i am the only rogue in raid no problemo, if there is another combat rogue, the CurrentTarget.HaveBuff(84617) returns the buff even its not mine, and so i cannnot refresh it until the other rogue forget to cast, And now, how can i track my "revealingStrike", that's the question Its not a WRobot problem because /run nam = GetSpellInfo(84617) ; name = UnitDebuff("target", nam) ; if name then print(name) else print ("false") end in the game return also the name even i cant see revealingStrike on target
  16. int notReady = Lua.LuaDoString<int>("local start, duration, enable = GetItemCooldown(124224); return start;"); return 0 if item is ready; > 1 if not
  17. work fine with adding the name of the egg in Advanced General settings-Looting and Farming options-Harvest objects
  18. yes tested right now
  19. Thxs for the answer ;) And for a trinket like http://fr.wowhead.com/item=124224/miroir-du-maitre-lame&bonus=0, how can i get the CooldownTimeLeft var timeLeftMs = wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.GetSpellCooldownTimeLeft(124224); Perhaps? Or how can i test it's ready to use?
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