Well the Priest Pocket Healer was made for just 2 people. It was to be a follower only type of FightClass.
I can help you some, I made one that worked in both party and raid but i'm not willing to share it all. I used LUA. Here is a simple:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<FightClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<FightClassConditions />
PQR_CustomTarget = "player"
PQR_CustomTargetHP = 100 * UnitHealth("player") / UnitHealthMax("player")
local group = "party"
local members = GetNumPartyMembers()
lowhpmembers = 0
if GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 then
group = "raid"
members = GetNumRaidMembers()
for i = 1, members, 1 do
local member = group..tostring(i)
local memberhp = 100 * UnitHealth(member) / UnitHealthMax(member)
if UnitInRange(member)
and UnitIsFriend("player", member)
and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(member) == nil then
if UnitGroupRolesAssigned(member) == "TANK" then memberhp = memberhp - 1 end
if UnitThreatSituation(member) == 3 then memberhp = memberhp - 3 end
if memberhp < 85 then lowhpmembers = lowhpmembers +1 end
if memberhp < PQR_CustomTargetHP then
PQR_CustomTarget = member
PQR_CustomTargetHP = memberhp
if PQR_CustomTargetHP < 80
CastSpellByName("Geringe Welle der Heilung",PQR_CustomTarget)
I created it using PQR. So it has some PQR related stuff in it ^_^
I have my client in German (Best language imo).
This is about all the help i'm giving. This is a lot because it will look at the lowest HP target which is named PQR_CustomTarget and if they are below 80% it will cast Geringe Welle der Heilung (Lesser Healing Wave). Also the lowhpmembers count is made for AoE healing like Chain Heal.
I hope this helps. LUA healing is the best imo. But I never got into the C# code of this program, so I could be wrong.