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Everything posted by arkhan

  1. Version 1.0.1


    Hi, this is a very small plugin to debug melee class. 1) if char is too close of target it gonna backward 2) if char is not facing the target -> face -> strafeLeft this is the 2 stucks(to the death) i encounter on 2 private server (cata and mop), happened multiple time on my warrior and Paladin. Running 2 hours and never see this bug again
  2. hi, You need to add isComplete condition. you need to looking for your mobs id. OR step 1) runcode : // interact with npc step 2) killandLoot
  3. Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to change the behavior for unstuck when flying? When it's saying Hang on trying something fun. replace this behavior by another is it possible ?
  4. Hello, Did'nt remember exactly but this is wat i've done few month ago on MoP on a private server. <EasyQuest> <Name>Just a Drop in the Bucket</Name> <QuestId> <int>27454</int> </QuestId> <QuestType>InteractWithNpc</QuestType> <QuestClass xsi:type="InteractWithNpcEasyQuestClass"> <HotSpots> <Vector3 X="1648.858" Y="-4802.978" Z="86.754" /> </HotSpots> <GossipOptionNpcInteractWith>2</GossipOptionNpcInteractWith> <Macro /> <IgnoreIfDead>false</IgnoreIfDead> <EntryIdTarget> <int>205485</int> </EntryIdTarget> <Range>4.5</Range> </QuestClass> <ObjectiveCount1>1</ObjectiveCount1> <ObjectiveCount2>0</ObjectiveCount2> <ObjectiveCount3>0</ObjectiveCount3> <ObjectiveCount4>0</ObjectiveCount4> <ObjectiveCount5>0</ObjectiveCount5> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount1>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount1> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount2>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount2> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount3>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount3> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount4>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount4> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount5>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount5> <CanCondition /> <IsCompleteCondition /> <RepeatableQuest>false</RepeatableQuest> <NotRequiredInQuestLog>false</NotRequiredInQuestLog> <PickUpQuestOnItem>false</PickUpQuestOnItem> <PickUpQuestOnItemID>0</PickUpQuestOnItemID> <Comment /> <GossipOptionRewardItem>1</GossipOptionRewardItem> <RequiredQuest>0</RequiredQuest> <MaxLevel>100</MaxLevel> <MinLevel>0</MinLevel> <WoWClass>None</WoWClass> </EasyQuest>
  5. Hello, I assume you check if the spell is usable before. So, I've looking on Russian Database (Wotlk) and it seems Take 80% of mana Player. If is true by checking this way out, that gonna be ok Edit: For the seconds part maybe because you're not Explicitly tell ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted .
  6. Version 1.3.0


    This is a little plugin to help hunter for people who doesn't have a payed FC. As I do not have hunter, I've tested it only on Warmane (fun server) in the pet zone, I've not tested that much, just aggro pet and move. Is nothing fancy at all, I've just wrap up what I've found on the forum here and there. I've not tested the feed pet function (as the pet seems always happy on warmane) is just a copy/paste from a thread, so thank you to all for it. this plugin has 3 features Movement Manager smartMove (Random area, Check presence of hostiles units and LoS, again is not that smart). Pet Manager Feed Pet (feed your pet when not in combat and not casting, check if you have the food in the bag, not tested at all and thanks again for the snippet) Aggro Pet (only if they are more than 1 units attacking you) Ammo Manager Buy the desired ammo (Go To Town for buying Ammo, you can put a number to trigger this behavior) Buy the quantity you want ( it divide the number by 200 as the number of arrows/quivers by stack is by 200, so put a rounded number like 600 or 10.000) Put ammo in correct bag, if they are place, automatically put them when place is freed ( you need to put your bag in the last slot, at the left) Equip the named ammo if none is equipped Ammo Manager is in beta, so keep an eye on it, but I've tried on my priest (in barrens only) and he finds and buy the correct amount. Feel free to report bugs or feature but i cannot promise to fix it or add it.
  7. static Main() { wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop += (unit, cancelable) => { if (unit.IsValid && ObjectManager.Target.IsTargetingMyPet && ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance <= 5) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.Backward(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 1500); } }; } 1)not tested, but that doesn't check if they are an obstacle behind you. 2) you could do more properly by using MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(ObjectManager.Me.Position, new Vector3(ObjectManager.Me.Position.X, ObjectManager.Me.Position.Y + 15, ObjectManager.Me.Position.Z))); For example
  8. Hello, nerver tried but take a look here: it's talking about _hookKeybindingsSpells
  9. je dis juste cela parce que c'est marqué dans le log dans les premières lignes mais je n'ai pas regarder plus loin. [D] 08:51:04 - Attention: TeamViewer est lancé sur votre ordinateur, ce logiciel peut causer des problèmes avec WRobot, je vous recommande de fermer tous les processus TeamViewer lorsque vous utilisez WRobot.
  10. Hum.. Essaye un "/reload ui" ingame quand le bug arrive. Si ça réssouds le problème, juste enregitrer une macro avec l'onglet prévu à cet effet et ça devrait le faire.
  11. salut, je n'ai pas lu tout le log mais j'ai vu que teamviewer était actif, ce qui pose parfois des problèmes avec le bot. Supprime le fichier "Data/Meshe", parfois ça réssouds des problèmes. Désactive les plugins du bot pour voir si y'a une amélioration ou pas.
  12. Here the option is activated, so it use mount all time even if a node is close or at the same position.
  13. if i remember correctly, in setting option (product) gonna take a screenshot
  14. yes, you just need to desable 'use flying mount at all time' something like that.
  15. I use my own recorded profile to avoid stuck, seems working (take a look sometimes). I'm working on a plugin trying to enhance it, but I'm not gonna share this one or if I'll do it not until is working as intended. I've used a lot gathering, fishing and quester on Cataclysm and mop server. running sometime more than 5 days non-stop. Traded golds versus coins on many servers. Now on tbc and wotlk, i use more often automaton and grinder, as i don't gold need anymore on both of theses servers. With good profile you can run longtime and avoid majors problems and yes, even for bg is still exploit, I know the risk.
  16. my quote was not proper but was so tired, but i've read the all thread so was talking about your before sentence. to do it well My main purpose with the bot, is Battlegrounder product and yes i'm happy with it even if they are issues. At least when i realize that the pvp situation is broken, stuff that i can see only after be geared, happy to do not waste my time to farm manually.
  17. Honestly for used a bunch of bots on multiple games, i can clearly said that bot is great (not flawless of course) and cheap. I remember botting on rift and aion, theses bots was very terrible with a high price 10€ per month. (not LoS, collision detection and so on) but as it the only bot there people do deal with. I also remember how i was happy to see a working bot for private wow, which is keeping update and working on its lacking. Sure they are things who are annoying, need tries and times to understand how its work and other things you cannot fix. So far i've never got a ban on any server (lucky or not, time gonna say it). Sorry to say that but for me they are a difference between use a bot and hack (as you claim used it), bot do not really ruining the game, well not at the same point with Hack. Hack completely ruining game, seeing people who are flying in bg and insta win, or kill you without even touch them because they tp ( i'm not saying you're doing that.) AND is for that reason i bought the bot (mainly pvp player) . PQR also ruining an entire expansion, which is my favorite (MoP), seeing a bg filled with cockx's profiles, theses profiles are completly fucking up the pvp Each people can have is own point of view, i can understand yours but mine is different on some point. I wish you a nice journey through the game.
  18. Hum aucune xp bot sur vanilla, mais as tu essayez d'augmenter ton min-max Latency? cette option semble rssoudre beaucoups de problème sur vanilla.
  19. I've tried Wrobot on WowCircle during 2 hours and not get banned (yet). will keep trying out in next days.
  20. Yes on Wotlk, you was talking about tbc ? misunderstood. Yep personaly never got banned on warmane and i bot a lot on it. The only people i knew xas banned for this was my brother and his gf for using HB (on wotlk).
  21. it's mainly because a lot of people use Honrobuddy and lazybot on warmane.
  22. Never tried the bot on theses servers, but just for asking are you sure that you have never used a cheat on this server? What profile have you used on it ? (product + fightclass) if possible I've try to run WowCircle but i don't receive their confirmation mail, just have to waiting for. Edit: if you also can tell me, if you was banned direclty on it or not
  23. Version 1.4.0


    This Plugin do that is name is. It's gonna help your warrior FightClass to enhance it. can be used for both Wrotation and other product. it had two feature: WeaponManager change your weapon, depends on your active stance if you use a two handed weapon in Berserker stance, let the config empty for this stance StanceManager change your stance based on different way. pull is the stance you want when combat end, so it gonna use it for pulling. (useful on TBC for example you just have to add charge in your FC) usual stance is the stance you want in combat after pulling(ex: on TBC Berserker stance) Health percent Stance is a conditional stance which is gonna be used ONLY in battle and if your life drop under X% (see settings for more information) Conditional Stance is a conditional stance which is gonna be used ONLY in battle and if they are more than 2 enemies attacking you or if the target distance is superior than 7 yard (only one of these conditon can be used, see settings for more information) I've personally tested it on Cataclysm, and it works perfectly (not tested whit dual weapons because i don't have them). Gonna give a try on TBC Tonight. Edit: Working on TBC Not tested on WOD , but as it take ID of spell and not Name it should be work. if you encounter a bug or idea of feature let me know and i gonna see what do and if i can (Time, knowledge, etc ...) I'm Not a professional programmer, i do it by passion and pleasure to learn, so i cant do everything
  24. there are actually only one way to be sure. botting(carefully) on it and see what gonna happen.
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