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⎝͠҉̭̫͖̗͇ͅTraWin ̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍

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⎝͠҉̭̫͖̗͇ͅTraWin ̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍'s Achievements

  1. Utilizo o Wrobot a muito tempo, realmente é um ótimo bot, completo, comprem pois não vão se arrepender. Caso tenham dúvidas o fórum lhe acolhe, é bem amigável e atenciosos... Lembro vocês que é possível testar o wrobot primariamente e depois então comprar, se gostou né.
  2. Version 35662


    Auto rotation AOE and Single target, this fightclass will recognize when it is fighting a BOSS, and will start doing the single rotation. Auto Wind Shear (Interrupt), click on the gear next to the fightclass profile and activate Auto Capacitor Totem, Hostile unit near to target, click on the gear next to the fightclass profile and activate Astral Shift -40% HP Auto use PROC's In your build stats use: 1º Critical - 2º Versatility - 3º Haste ( focus in Critical ) Rotation MDI for DMG and much more ! I didn't add "Tremor-Earthbind Totem, Fire elemental or BL / HERO", as they would do more harm than good in the rotations. Suggestions for changes are welcome, I will add future updates if necessary This fighting class was done with these talents in mind, so use the same talents, see the image. Tell me what you think, did you find any fault ?
  3. Version 35662


    Auto rotation AOE and Single target, this fightclass will recognize when it is fighting a BOSS, and will start doing the single rotation. Auto Wind Shear (Interrupt), click on the gear next to the fightclass profile and activate Auto Capacitor Totem, Hostile unit near to target, click on the gear next to the fightclass profile and activate Astral Shift -40% HP Auto Lightning Shield Auto Earth Elemental -45% HP, click on the gear next to the fightclass profile and activate In your build stats use: 1º Haste - 2º Critical - 3º Versatility ( focus in Haste ) Rotation MDI for DMG and much more ! I didn't add "Tremor-Earthbind Totem or BL / HERO", as they would do more harm than good in the rotations. Suggestions for changes are welcome, I will add future updates if necessary This fighting class was done with these talents in mind, so use the same talents, see the image. Tell me what you think, did you find any fault ?
  4. Version 31478


    Auto spell reflection if pummel is not available for use Auto Pummel (Interrupt), click on the gear next to the wrobot profile and activate Victory Rush -75% HP Victory Rush auto use if buff time left -5s. [2ª secondary Victory] Auto Shield Block 80% HP [Optional]Auto Taunt if the target is not focusing on you, click on the gear next to the wrobot profile and activate In your build stats use: 1º Haste - 2º Versatility - 3º Critical/Mastery ( focus in Haste ) Rotation MDI for DMG and much more ! I didn't add "charge / intercept / heroic leap / berserker rage", as they would do more harm than good Suggestions for changes are welcome, I will add future updates if necessary This fighting class was done with these talents in mind, so use the same talents, see the image. Tell me what you think, did you find any fault ?
  5. It really looks like it was fixed, I tested it in several different dg's and different situations and the error didn't happen. ?
  6. I am currently testing this update. It seems to be working normally, it's been 2 hours and the error doesn't occur.
  7. I have the same error but in dg's and sometimes in the open world, but the error only happens when I inject the wrobot. Detail: It is the same server (firestorm) If you find a solution, tell us how you fixed it.
  8. He is already working on it, note that you can request a certain version for bfa here:
  9. Use this version: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/oldversion/WRobot_7.3.5_26365_final.zip
  10. Good afternoon I tested on the freakz and it worked, try to delete the wow-64 and leave only the 32, do not delete the launchers from the freakz, NEVER inject 2 wrobot in the same session quickly, otherwise you will be banned in the freakz.
  11. Good afternoon, I'm not sure but I think it is not allowed. - It's a personal subscription, you do not have the right to share your key (if you share your key, she will be deleted and your account banned).
  12. You don't have to buy grinder profiles, you can make your own ... Remember to configure your profile correctly before running it, uncheck the options you will not use.
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