Version 35662
Auto rotation AOE and Single target, this fightclass will recognize when it is fighting a BOSS, and will start doing the single rotation.
Auto Wind Shear (Interrupt), click on the gear next to the fightclass profile and activate
Auto Capacitor Totem, Hostile unit near to target, click on the gear next to the fightclass profile and activate
Astral Shift -40% HP
Auto use PROC's
In your build stats use: 1º Critical - 2º Versatility - 3º Haste ( focus in Critical )
Rotation MDI for DMG and much more !
I didn't add "Tremor-Earthbind Totem, Fire elemental or BL / HERO", as they would do more harm than good in the rotations.
Suggestions for changes are welcome, I will add future updates if necessary
This fighting class was done with these talents in mind, so use the same talents, see the image.
Tell me what you think, did you find any fault ?