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Everything posted by Avvi

  1. List<string> partyMembers = new List<string>(); var numOfMembers = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetPartyNumberPlayers(); for (int i = 1; i < numOfMembers; i++) { var member = Lua.LuaDoString<List<string>>("return UnitName('party'.." + i + ")"); Logging.Write(member[0]); partyMembers.Add(member[0]); } I wasn't able to get GetParty() to work, so above will get list of player names in the group.
  2. List<string> partyMembers = new List<string>(); var numOfMembers = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetPartyNumberPlayers(); for (int i = 1; i < numOfMembers; i++) { var member = Lua.LuaDoString<List<string>>("return UnitName('party'.." + i + ")"); Logging.Write(member[0]); partyMembers.Add(member[0]); } I wasn't able to get it working, but for anyone interested in a workaround for getting player names in group, the above function should work.
  3. Just to clarify, the try / catch will prevent the bot from crashing, and then return the issue to WRobot logs. I use this technique when testing/trying to fix issues in my code all the time :)
  4. No addons are enabled when running the above code. I was able to reproduce this in BC,WoTLK. I have not tried Legion. Can you try Burning Crusade and WoTLK?
  5. Hey Apexx, I believe I had a typo in the code snippet. Please try again. with this var isConnected = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return UnitIsConnected('" + "member.Name" + "')");
  6. @Droidz are we using the GetParty() function incorrectly?
  7. I posted same thing in bug tracker: I'm pretty sure that there is an issue with the wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid That the .GetParty() function uses.
  8. Correction - The WoTLK version does not work completely. It seems like sometimes it only returns leaders name, and sometimes it doesn't return anything.
  9. Below always returns 0 from wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid. I think real issue is with wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid var numofMembers = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetPartyNumberPlayers(); if (numofMembers >= 2) { WoWObject objectByGuid = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetMember1GUID()); WoWObject objectByGuid2 = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetMember2GUID()); WoWObject objectByGuid3 = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetMember3GUID()); WoWObject objectByGuid4 = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetMember4GUID()); Logging.Write(" "+objectByGuid.GetBaseAddress); Logging.Write(" " + objectByGuid2.GetBaseAddress); Logging.Write(" " + objectByGuid3.GetBaseAddress); Logging.Write(" " + objectByGuid4.GetBaseAddress); }
  10. I think GetParty() is broken for Burning Crusade and possibly Legion? It is not broken in WoTLK, as below snippet works. Running code below always returns 0 members in the group in BC. var party = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetParty(); Logging.Write("Total members in group: " + party.Count); foreach (var members in party) { Logging.Write("Player name: " + members.name); }
  11. I do not think the correct event is in the LUA Event IDs for Roster Update. I was reading through some of the WoW api, and was expecting to see: 'GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE', but only see 'RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE' available in the Legion lua ids. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Events/G#GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE says RAID_ROSTER_UDPATE was deprecated in 5.01. I haven't tested, but just wanted to let you know.
  12. 5) Trees. They can fuck up the bot completely for hours. I had to use a separate hack and disable trees and object collisions because I can't put every single tree in a blacklist. Also more blacklist>less nodes to gather. Also doesn't matter if you recorded a path without trees, the bot will run into them quite often. Are you sure you were banned because of WRobot and not for using the hacks?
  13. There is a bug in WRobot that does not allow spells with parenthesis .
  14. Still working on this - The issue I'm having - I don't actually have an account/multiple accounts on the same server that has any of the dual person mounts. I have an idea on how I want to implement this (already have some code written up), but first am trying to find a private server that offers dual mounts. Do you know of any?
  15. Hi there. Check out this thread by Droidz it covers a lot of the basics , as well as some more complex things. Also, this thread has a video tutorial by @eeny
  16. Avvi


    It's not about the errors. It's about what leads up to the moments before the mounting/dismounting. Please help us help you by posting your logs.
  17. Avvi


    We can't help you if there aren't any logs provided.
  18. @HansDampf I have completed your feature request in my plugin:
  19. if (Party.IsInGroup()) { // in group var partyMembers = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.GetParty foreach (var member in partyMembers) { // UnitIsConnected("unit") var isConnected = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return UnitIsConnected('" + "member.Name" + "')"); if (isConnected) { Logging.Write("Player " + member.Name + " is online."); } } } else{ // not in group } The above will check if you are in a group and then tell you whether each party member is online/not online.
  20. Hey @Droidz I was thinking of implementing something like this for one of my plugins so that it can be triggered from a Gatherer Profile - e.g, a whisper command of 'DOSOMETHING'. Do you think this is easily detectable by blizzard?
  21. Version 1.0.6


    AutoIgnore can be configured to not AutoIgnore Characters on your Friends List or in your Guild. AutoIgnore will never ignore battle-net friends. If you want/need an extra feature added, let me know and I'll do my best to get it added. About This Plugin: Have you ever wanted to ignore any player that whispers your character? WELL, NOW YOU CAN! AutoIgnore can be configured to not AutoIgnore Characters on your Friends List or in your Guild. AutoIgnore will never ignore battle-net friends. If you want/need an extra feature added, let me know and I'll do my best to get it added. I expect that this plugin would work on all versions of the game. I have not tested everything, so if you are seeing an issue somewhere, please let me know. If you wish to expand your ignore list, you can use this addon for some versions of the game: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5186-IgnoreMore.html Thanks to @Mike-Mail for suggesting it! My Other Plugins:
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