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Everything posted by valetine

  1. Is not a bug? but the bot keep Cannot found good position tanaris.
  2. You can see from the following GIF image, when I dismount, bot canceled the shadow form. This GIF image is that i used [PAID] Shadowpriest 1-60 1.0.0 Fight class.
  3. I think you didn’t catch the point.The problem is that when I dismount, although I already have a shadow form, he cancels it and then casts it again. Maybe dismount has a bug.I dont know why the bot cancle shadowForm when i dismount. If you can test it in the grind mode with a mount , you will find this problem.
  4. The bot couldn't detect that I already had a shadow form, so he cancelled it and released it again. The problem is not the use of the code to cancel the shadow form. If I don't use a mount, this problem does not occur.
  5. How to use this code? static Main() { wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop += (unit, cancelable) => { if ((ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff("Frost Nova") || ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff("Frostbite")) && ObjectManager.Target.HealthPercent >= 10 && ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance <= 8) { MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(ObjectManager.Me.Position, new Vector3(ObjectManager.Me.Position.X, ObjectManager.Me.Position.Y + 15, ObjectManager.Me.Position.Z))); } }; } Use like this has not work.
  6. valetine

    shadowform bug

    This problem has been around for a year now, and it is not only that I have encountered this problem. My friends also have this problem. It seems that other users also have this problem. Hopefully you can fix this bug.
  7. You can see from the screenshot that my character is using a fishing rod attack.
  8. I had tried with weapon without ' in the name,the bot will not equip any weapon.
  9. I had setted the weapons like this"Quel'Serrar;Draconian Deflector"
  10. If I was attacked while fishing, I could not switch offhand weapons. In the game there was an error message "cannot equip that with a tow-handed weapon", so I could only use the fishing rod to attack and could not use the spell set by the fightclass. This looks just too funny, other players will also find you are a bot.
  11. I hope you can check it out. I will continue to feedback on the problems encountered during use. At the same time, I would like to consult when the 35-60 file can be downloaded?
  12. Play on lightshope server,maybe you can try to do the quest again. Also you can see player comments on https://classicdb.ch/?quest=89
  13. Must turn in The Lost Tools quest, then you can pick up The Everstill Bridge ,but the quest profile is missing The Lost Tools , so the bot will stuck.
  14. Thank you very much for your reply. I just ues this for grind to level ,and i dont want to grind in a area for a long time, in order to avoid the account being banned.
  15. I created a grind file with “Easy Quests Editor”. Now I want to grind in area A for 30 minutes and then switch to area B. Can this be achieved? which “is complete condition” i need?
  16. @Droidz Six months have passed and this problem still remains unresolved.
  17. The same problem, probably because you did not find the flight point of Ironforge. TaxiButton4 means the flight point of Ironforge.
  18. Although I am a human mage, but a lot of quest let me die and die.... such as Bounty on Murlocs ,Discover Rolf's Fate, The Forgotten Heirloom...... Maybe you can consider deleting some very difficult quests.
  19. In vanilla server is working fine.Thanks you! Hope you can increase the custom alert sound settings.
  20. There are some error message [E] 11:54:57 - Error in AvoidIt: System.InvalidOperationException: 集合已修改;可能无法执行枚举操作。 在 System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource) 在 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Enumerator.MoveNext() 在 System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() 在 Main.Pulse() 在 Main.Initialize()
  21. I dont wanna use cat form to travel when i have learned riding skill,so i ues under code in my fight class. if ((wManager.Wow.Helpers.Skill.GetValue(wManager.Wow.Enums.SkillLine.Riding)) <150 && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Cat Form") && ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent >= 81 && Cat.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.Target < 1 && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 70 && !(ObjectManager.Me.InCombatFlagOnly) && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Thorns") && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Mark of the Wild")) { Cat.Launch(); Thread.Sleep(400); } But it seems not work.
  22. How to Check Riding is a know spell? (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Skill.GetMaxValue(wManager.Wow.Enums.SkillLine.Riding)) >= 150 This code useful? Can i use this code in my fight class?
  23. Has anyone tested it? It`s not work for me in vanilla server. Suggestions: Maybe you can add the features to check whether player has the buff, if not, try use. !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Buff Name")
  24. If use in vanilla server,need remove ChatTypeId.BN_WHISPER
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