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  1. Make it also for TBC, pls. ;)
  2. It's not work corectly. 2 chars choose at 4 qs first item :( Edit: With Mage ith works
  3. choosing quest reward works with pawn?
  4. How I must edit the code to move back if a enemy have a buff?
  5. nice fixed my settings problems :DDD
  6. since the last update skips the bot very often skinning.
  7. This profile works great. Every quest works without any problems. I only use quester profiles if i'm not AFK, so if I see the bot want turn in a quest I make a break and take the best reward. This is my solution for the quest reward Problem.
  8. Is it only one profile or different profiles for the best quest reward for your class/spec?
  9. Skinning works now great but there is a little bug. If the bot have 2 mobs and they kill one they want to skinn first the dead mob and doesn't want to kill the other mob first. sry for bad english
  10. Don't help. If the bot cast and the mob walks a little bit away, the toon try to cast again with every step and after 3 trys the bot cancel the target and go to next. I cant use this bot with caster classes . Two accounts got banned from me this looks really botish.
  11. Can I add this code to my fight class with the fight class editor?
  12. Hello I just want to know if anyone have some code for me for move back if a mob is freezed or rooted. How can I add such code in the fight class creator ? I'm a noob in coding like c#. I know the basics in c# but that's all. Thanks for answers .
  13. If the bot cast a spell to a mob and the mob walks back, the bot break the cast move a little bit forward try to cast again over and over. I think after 3 times or so the bot cancel the target and the Log says mob seems bugged. I got this problem with every caster class. I try it on my own profiles to make the combat range smaller or the target distance or not move during cast but nothing help. I have this problem with Paid profiles, free profiles and my own profiles. It's really anyoing some accounts with caster classes from me got banned. That looks very botish. Pls help and thanks for answers.
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