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Posts posted by Bambo

  1. 1 hour ago, rickyhenderson00 said:

    listen asshole i was just asking if i can still use it on the live server for classic or not. i already know it says 'private servers' but if i tried to use it on classic live servers would it work? yes or no question. no need to be a dick lmao.


    dude at this point in time I can only recommend to try yourself and make the experience

  2. 2 hours ago, Droidz said:

    I'm sorry, it's taking longer than I thought, the InvisionCommunity team is working on it, they are waiting for the patch to be validated to release it, they did not tell me when it will be resolved.
    I will add time to your subscriptions when the problem will be solved.


    6 minutes ago, cachado08 said:


    it's a general error right? But will we be compensated for the time we're not using?


  3. 12 hours ago, Ordush said:

    It depends a lot on what plugins/profiles/fc's etc. you use.
    Those that auto updates themselves, depending on how the creators have made them pings a server somewhere and compares version.

    just one time for each profile start, at least for the usual wRobot auto update code. I doubt it is the reason ?


    3 minutes ago, Findeh said:

    it's obviously not my buisness. But if you make a multiclass route trugh mobs that are able to disarm, then just exclude those mobs from attack list will not help mele classes at all. Once again, i have not tested the said profile, but if that's the case, it's a bad disign atleast. But then again, it's a developer right to what he things is the fastest way to level, atleast if he can pruve his statement that this is the right way to go. For example i do get like 5 levels at the grey-green areas because it safer and i loose less bots leveling like this, but if my profile was public, i bet every second customer would sayd that this is wrong.

    Also i completely agree with @CocoChanel statement, that description of a file that someone selling should realistic, don't understand why anyone will arguing with that.

    Well i never had anyone mentioning problems in desolace since those mobs have been removed. He literally is the only one demanding them back. Everyone else is happy with desolace at it's current state and so am I.

    Also i had to defend my grinders alot why they farm so many green mobs. Looks like you understand why.

  5. 9 hours ago, CocoChanel said:

    Your grinders aren 99% afkable. It took you like 2 months to fix an area where mobs would drop little to no loot in Aszhara and your character would end up loosing money because of repairs. Your grinders are still the best that there are out there though, however I cannot say the same about your questers.

    I still don't count that as a bug. It is a leveler and not a money maker. And the xp/h was insane. Still thanks for supporting my grinders. If you have any ideas for my questers except that Horde needs launcher go ahead and let me know via pm or in discord.

    I am done with this thread. All you guys achieve is that some of us get too upset and then you are looking at FNV 2.0 and then you guys will be really upset all of a sudden.

    Whenever (if) @Droidz kicks in I will be back and have a hopefully healthy discussion with you guys. He is also responsible for things and shouldn't remain silent for longer.

  6. 5 hours ago, Zer0 said:

    Yes I'm using fighting back. It doesn't  fix anything. You know very well that "attack before being attacked" only works when you're like 8 yards away from the mob, rendering it useless, especially if you're a weak ranged class, like a mage. It's so bad that we both tried to fix this issue with our respective plugins.

    Look, just give his profile a try and let me know how it goes, if you don't believe me. Wait till you reach the lower barrens, thousand needles, feralas, desolace etc. you'll know exactly what I mean.

    You can't be serious. When I spoke up and gave you facts, you straight up told me I was wrong. Here's proof from your bug-report discord channel:


    Mob names, level portion, location. It's all there. How more factual can I be, exactly? So please, don't act annoyed, telling me I don't give you facts. Let's take this example from 2 months ago, I'm telling you that two mobs are missing from the profile, and although I don't use your profile anymore, I remember very well that this specific grind loop is infested with those 2 mobs, it's not an occasional issue, it's constant and I remember dying more than 10 times an hour there because of countless disadvantageous/multiple body pulls. I've leveled 3 characters with your profile and every time it was a pain, with always the same issues, this one just being one of them. It's so bad that I remember switching to the automaton at specific portions because it straight up worked better.

    So what will it be now? My FC sucks? I can't setup my wRobot properly? I'm undergeared? Explain how when I switched to Eeny's profile,  things suddenly worked much smoother, to the point that I can finally let the bot run without me babysitting it. If at first I hoped that you would fix things thanks to feedback from your bug report channel, I quickly understood that the channel is just a facade ,and you just counter argue or straight up ignore reports instead of seriously looking into potential issues. You're still doing that right now. Go ahead. Take a normal geared lvl37 mage to desolace and run your 37-40 portion, let me know how it goes.

    And if you resort to bring up your "numbers that speak for themselves", I think I've made my point. I'm very glad you're making "hundreds" of people happy. Have your next Bier in Kreutzberg on my dime, bro. Cheers! ?

    I dont Drink any beer and neither do i add skorpashi lashers that have an insane debuff stack for melees or the dread Flyers who disarm warriors easily. Oh guess what he is a mage.!! Now it makes sense.. how about I perfect the profile for Mages and I dump other classes completely? I have used my grinders alot and especially Horde works so well. I suggest everyone to try themselves. This guy is just toddling because he is not getting his 10 Euro public product tailored to his needs.

    Both mobs are bad for my profile that is not being used by mages only. the route in desolace is so good XP/h it doesnt make sense to go away from there. I am sure people would cry out loud at least. 

    Also I have updated and cleared my bugtrackers many times and have mentioned that i am currently struggling to do so because of rl stuff. I don't plan to dump my projects just because I haven't updated them for a few weeks. And neither is my bugtracker a facade. What kind of shit are you on?

    You clearly are not helpful. You are annoying and sticking to points that will never make it to the profile. Your 2 mobs will never be added since they might work for your mage but will make other classes unhappy.

    Again, Nothing helpful from your side. Just moaning. I will ignore you now.

    Edit: honestly i even used mages in desolace with my profile. I can't remember anything comparable that would explain an outrageous demanding of adding these dangerous mobs. The mage might not be the best class for this route but it works and will eventually leave. Other classes work fine. If I adjust it to your needs we have it vice versa. Warriors and rogues will be very unhappy. No thank you. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Zer0 said:

    But... you realize removing them from the profile doesn't remove them from the game, right? If the grinding loop stays the same, you will still run into their face and it's gonna be even worse cause you're probably gonna aggro them while pulling another mob. I'm not talking out of my ass here, I'm talking out of experience. It happens constantly with your profile. It looks very botish, and it makes you die a ton. It's incredibly frustrating. If mobs on a loop are too problematic, change the loop!

    The fact that you still defend your point on this very subject blows my mind. It's cool that you intend to fix the rest, but to me, as long as this problem remains in your profile, it makes it unusable.

    Does it happen on any mobs that would give a value or are you still mad about me not adding the bears which are straight up too strong or the skorpids who are op against meele (both have been in the profiles and people begged me to remove them) If so speak up and let me know facts and mob names

    Edit: i rather have a few unsatisfied people and know what i am doing instead of making hundreds of people mad. You can not please everyone and my numbers speak for themselves. I am down to discuss facts but there is no facts coming from you other than what I already admitted 

  8. 44 minutes ago, Zer0 said:

    I didn't want to come to this, but seeing you bragging in this thread about the quality of your "polished and dedicated" products... I have to react. As you know, I bought your 10€ TBC grinder and here's my experience with it:

    • The amount of mobs you blindly removed from the grinding loops is so high that the bot keeps running face first into multiple enemies. I can't even count the amount of time I died because of this. We argued about that. You camped your position saying it's "better like that". No, it's not. It's objectively really bad.
    • The bot gets stuck in Feralas running back and forth on a path (the state NOT being ToTown). It's happened to me and other, it's been reported 2 months ago, nothing has been done about it, despite it being a critical issue.
    • Once lvl 60, the bot is supposed to go to Outlands. It's bugged and just stops moving until you manually take over and run to Outlands yourself
    • It's supposed to have features like "Automated Buying of low level weapons & armor", never seen that happened, although I don't mind it too much. Same with Hearthstone.

    The only plugin I'm using is HMP, which you actually recommend. On top of all this, and despite my will to take some time to report those bugs, you instantly assumed I, or my FC, was incompetent, and nothing has been ever fixed.

    You seem to reflect all your product's issues on incompetence or misusage from the user, or external factors. The problems I've listed are your product's fault. Cause if you had tested it, you'd have encountered them as well. I resorted to buying Eeny's 1-70 grinder (which disappeared from the store?), and well, it sadly performs much better.

    What do we want you to do, you ask? Take responsibility. Fix your products. Maintain it. QA it. Test it thoroughly with an undergeared character. Remake faulty routes. And give users a little credit. I'm very much aware of how hard it is to make profiles, but you, and only you, chose to make a business out of it. Quit the defensive outrage.

    Hey Zer0, now that you mention these things I remember our conversation back then.

    If we are talking about adding valuable mobs to the lists I am all for that. But (can't remember too detailed) you either wanted me to add the very strong bears or the skorpids with the debuff stack. In both cases I still defend my point: Better without them!

    I would be more than happy to hear more mob IDs that would get a value to everyone using my profiles and not giving a disadvantage to some classes. 

    I did find a fix for Feralas but have not implemented any live updates and I stated elsewhere I had to deal with more important reallife stuff. Or still have to actually. But again you are wrong. It is not my profiles fault. Whats happening is that it is targeting a Wolf (i could remove id but that mob is crucial for feralas leveling) it tries to path down and interrupts soon. Back and forth. How is that a thing with my profile buddy? It is the pathfinder not realizing it is trying the same thing over and over again. I neither have access or the knowledge to fix pathfinder stuff.

    Outland not being travelled to automatically finally is something I am definitely supposed to fix if it is really broken. And I also hear your words on old eenys grinders working better but I have heard different opinions also. If you have any idea how I could improve it give me details pls. The buying armor is only in alliance. If it is still in one of my Horde threads it was copied over falsely.

    The bot should bind HS sometimes to varying locations depending on profile. Although different Gossip Orders due to different private Servers probably cause issues with that.

  9. 1 minute ago, youthemannowdog said:

    I'm happy to send you logs and tell you more in detail - this isn't a bug compilation thread.
    That's not the point.

    The point is for how much is required to pay the quality isn't comparable to cheaper products of past.

    I did initially come off strong thinking that there was no way that WRobot itself was this bad however after speaking with Matenia more and looking deeper into it it's obviously not the private content developers faults at all in MOST cases (Truly can go fuck himself with the fully afk shit wasting peoples money to this day)


    I have always been open for productive chats and always will be.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Matenia said:


    - Looting is (minus the combat loot HMP offers) handled by wRobot
    - Pathing, including flightmasters is handled by wRobot (if a profile chooses to go to a certain vector, wRobot decides how to)
    - Tram I can't say, it's not HMP if it's turned off - if it gets stuck it might be wRobot's pathfinding having fucked up meshes
    - Quest turn in is wRobot. It should cycle through all quests - possibly addons interfering or latency settings too low

    pretty sure this is on me, but this whole thread is nowhere near a productive environment to isolate bugs, i still dont know which profile he is using anyways.

    And honestly if someone is interested in working things out, we have a big discord for my products.


  11. 1 minute ago, youthemannowdog said:

    Yeah read my second addition to my paragraph that I edited in.

    I'm not asking you to fix anything, or Matenia, or whoever. I'm saying the Wrobot is factually inferior by a good margin to HB and glider for obvious reasons. You could sell me a $100 profile that you spent 2,000 hours on and that doesn't fix it for me. I could have $500 in plugins which took centuries to code and it likely wouldnt fix everything for me.

    I'll try that. I've just outleved the hinterlands by so fucking much im manually going to level into WPL until I level out of Bambos 1-70 where it updates me to a higher level zone (at 52).

    you can disable profile steps and force the bot/my profile to start higher level zones

  12. 5 minutes ago, youthemannowdog said:

    then why is my character trying to run through the deeprum tram getting stuck (like run from IF to SW in the fucking tram) while HMP has use tram to false.
    Why is it when I have two quests and in the turn in screen the top one isn't finished so I can't turn in the second one. It just opens and closes the quest screen over and over.
    Why is it if there is a quest starter item to loot my character spam clicks it over and over even though it's already in my inventory.
    Why do i catch my character with your stuff and matenia's running and flying between zones for hours trying to figure out how to enter the hinterlands
    You'd be blind to not realize the list of issues this client gives to get people banned or waste time is reasonably large.

    It just comes off as lazy seeing developers willing to sell products that regardless of your effort are half baked and not feel inclined to do anything about it.

    I am simply not capable of fixing many of these mentioned things and I don't need to and will never feel obligated to. As I don't sell a botting program at all. I sell .xml files that are being used by that program. When there is things I can fix within my profile, I always did it and will always do so. 

    But you can't expect a profile developer to fix pathfinding issues. Or if you expect it, you don't know what you are asking for.

  13. 4 minutes ago, youthemannowdog said:

    PM Droidz and ask him to onboard another coder.
    You guys are all selling less now with classic launch imminent. I know that. If maybe WRobot had a decent update to API that really fixed a lot of the patently dumb shit this client does to your content then maybe people will stand paying the $70+ price tags to start botting here.

    well the upcoming classic launch indeed hits our sales, but that wouldn't change with a new Updated API. The API is just fine.

    We need fixes on the core of wRobot and they are happening, but they are happening too slow. I agree.

    Am I in the position to tell Droidz to hire people? No! Do I want to be in this position? No! Is it my job to fix wRobot and make sure things OUTSIDE my products work? No!

    EDIT: the bug you mentioned is within my profile state and therefore kind of falls into my reliability. I would love to note it down but I need the info which profile it is and what mob drops the beacon.


  14. 2 minutes ago, youthemannowdog said:


    ok on your grinder I am level 51 killing level 44 mobs. I have to intervene at least once an hour right now to stop my character from trying to spam loot a questin beacon

    I know that you cant make a good product because Wrobot sucks. I just wish you developers would stop being so defensive and claiming we who think this product is inferior is directly your fault. It's WRobots fault and it's a shame you guys are willing to just put a bandaid on it and sell it like it's a full fix.

    HB and Glider were better products and often significantly cheaper and easier to use. I dont care whether I lacked Glider or HB knowledge the fucking point is they worked better for less $.

    I also had some restaurants here in Berlin that were much cheaper with better food, they are gone now though. What do i do about it?

    EDIT: Just went into one of the new restaurants and told them the old ones were much better and cheaper. I was laughed at and got kicked out.

  15. all the crying and hate and nothing is gonna change, what do you guys want us to do?

    my grinders are 99% afkable, if wrobot is in control though and there is a complete different state going on like ToTown or Resurect, I feel like I am not responsible anymore. Whenever my grinder profiles are active, they indeed are close to 100% afkable. Ofc sometimes you get stuck in a mesh or end up in a different region with high level mobs (guess what dude, it was ToTown)... I can agree that questers are just much more prone to being buggy and a 99% afkable statement for a quester is probably a bit over the top but also on these ones most bugs are actually happening OUTSIDE the profile state (if it is a polished and dedicated profile, which I would call my products).

    I see no point in this thread, it is getting nowhere. I am not calling anyone a peasant but there is clearly people lacking wrobot knowledge here and that is no shame. But then don't speak up that loudly and shoot bullets towards people that are in no way responsible for the problems you are mentioning.

  16. 1 hour ago, moerrts said:

    So im guessing scripters dont get a commission makes sense why there are barely any free profiles 

    We are not affiliated with techprog and/or Wrobot company. And personally i offer a few quester profiles so I can vouch for matenias Statement. It takes hundreds of hours and therefore I personally do not release big projects for free

  17. 2 hours ago, Smokie said:

    My only problem with paid stuff is that no creator of profiles put work into making it ? afk.  And people but it no matter what. Bambo once said to me “I’m only putting the  minimal  Amount of work need when I suggested  adding code to go level in outlander / dalaran. I feel like only person that did everything for a profile was FNV. Everyone is using his code. 

    pretty sure these are not my words, i can not even read your sentence well.

    to go level in outland / dalaran? I have seperate products for that (tbc and wotlk), most of them even before we exchanged our first words!? What are you up to here?

    You are part of the problem of this thread @Smokie not the solution. No answer from my side anymore. You can claim whatever you like.

  18. I agree with mars, I also think the thread is useful. But it turned it out in the wrong way I guess. 

    When I started with wRobot I faced all the problems everyone else who "is not a programmer" would face. That means I also spent money on profiles and fightclasses and felt not so happy about it. I actually wanted to use what I payed for but to be able to do that, I needed to invest more money. After a few months of learning wRobot, botting and selling a few accounts here and there I started looking into creating my own private grinders which I eventually released publicly (my very first iteration of vanilla grinders). I would've been able to charge 10 bucks each but felt bad about that since eeny's (the ones I bought myself btw) were much cheaper. So I went for 8 Euro on each. People bought without complaining, the reviews were great, the people got almost immediate support from my side on discord whenever things went wrong. A few weeks later I felt it was okay to raise the price to 10 Euro and again people kept buying without complaining.

    At this point in time wRobot became a business to me. I started to invest hundreds of hours of my freetime to create profile content across 3 expansions. I feel okay for charging money. And I also think my prices are fine.

    The only thing I need to admit is I was lacking effort with updating my products the past 2 months because of reallife stuff. I will get out all needed updates in the upcoming weeks.

    Regarding wRobot I think the only way of improving it is when both sides communicate with each other. This thread is 6 pages long but it is a one sided discussion.  @Droidz have you ever thought about a community manager or something like that?

    My 2 cents.

  19. I mean of course it is better to create stuff for yourself. No secret in that. But the reason people reach out for a bot is that they have no time. Which means they also have no time to create profiles and fightclasses. So it makes perfect sense for us to offer these products.

    And i am sorry @Smokie no drama but why do you keep on hating PAID content so hard if you tried to become a premium seller yourself? You were rejected by droidz because of your old account on this platform. You are simply not allowed to charge money but you intended to, pls just stop acting like a saint.

  20. 11 hours ago, Poper21 said:

    Hello there, kinda new user there, first thing to say i love Wrobot, already made a bit of my own fighting class, its realy awesome! ? I guess its awkward to ask, but the price is kinda high(eastern europe here), especialy for just a year ? so by any chance some discount is coming in near future please?


    Thank you alot and keep rocking such nice software!

    what makes you think the price is high? no hate, real interest.

    As I think the price is absolutely fine for the best public wow bot you can get.

  21. 10 hours ago, Mortis123 said:

    @Ordush - what do you mean by telling that " Most healing classes are not very well working " ? I am on trial now and testing only low lvl characters so I know rly nothing but seems rly ez to make (I've got some experience from other free bots but fighting profile maker in WRobot are way more better is what I see).

    I've checked Bambo's profiles. One is 1-60 and second is 60-70. Both for the sum of 32 EUR (136 PLN so it's really killing me :P). It mean's that it's nearly the same cost of 1 year subsription for 3 sessions ? I saw couple of free questing profiles on 3.3.5 version. Did anybody testet if that profiles are doing their jon on 2.4.3 ?

    @The Smokie. - what you mean is that I need to make my own 1-70 questing profile ? I think that would take too much time for me. I am looking for the afk profiles. More afk you can be - better for me.

    Also tell me one more thing. You said that " its easy for gms to see if you’re botting using a public profile." - why ? Same buggy places when bots are stuck of what ?


    if you are okay with grinding only (+ class quests) my tbc grinder does 1 to 70 reliably for 10 euro.


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