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  1. Been running 4 bots on the same ip, it really depends on how u do it.
  2. Im working on 1-40 atm, and im also having issues. Did you get it to work jensen?
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Sharing these profiles for easy pickup/turnin quests for dungeons Will pickup all quests Will turnin all quests completed Deadmines ( Not ready) Stockade (Not tested ) Gnomeregan (Not tested)
  4. "You are trying to use an order id for a different product...." Keep getting this error, only changed my wrobot key (since it was expired)
  5. Amazing! Sprint optional on no-stealth?
  6. Just bought it(was on discount?) No sprint? Should instant pop evasion on 2 enemies(instead of only low hp?) (or at least give us the option to set it on/off What about Gouge/Backstab? Ambush settings? Rapture?
  7. Going to test it, can u please put version on the download file?
  8. Cant get it to work with resting
  9. Trying to use stealth after eating. Buff food not a condition? Does fight class still work during eating?
  10. I get a error when i try this? someothing like attempt to call global runmacro ? Tried disable addons
  11. Stealth while resting?
  12. New version is wasting some time before attacking? "you are too far away" but im not? Not sure what its trying to do. is there anyway to make this work in fight class editor? Or can u show me where the movement code is? and how i can add it to my own fight class?
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