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Skemez reacted to Droidz in Wrong wow language?
Download Main.cs and put this file in the folder "WRobot\Plugins\" (you can rename it). Launch WRobot (or restart it) then go to the tab "Plugins" and enable it.
Skemez reacted to nfeiof22222 in Seeking help on the conditional statement of fight-class
When the target that can be attacked is a humanoid creature, how should this judgment statement be written in C code? Thanks for your help!
Skemez got a reaction from corkshow in Matenia's HumanMasterPlugin, all Fightclasses and experimental projects for later expansions, including a Quester
Considering i paid for and own an actual copy of it, it aint very friendly of you to say i dont deserve something just because someone never coded before. we dont need that kind of attitude in this community when we should be helping eachother out. Well Heres the Humanmasterplugin without Auth for all of those who " dont deserve it "
Skemez reacted to Thayson in Licence no work.
Negative, I didn't ask for a refund, the amount is even stated on my credit card, would you be able to confirm this for me? I need the key I bought..thanks
Skemez reacted to Droidz in Licence no work.
But the refund should appear in your bank account now. (5 to 10 days https://docs.stripe.com/refunds )
Skemez reacted to thegodsilverwing in Looks like Turtlewow's new launcher/patch disabled Wrobot.
Never mind folks I found the fix. Instead of the spell name in the fight class editor put an LUA code like this : and it will work. Cheers folks!
CastSpellByName("Sinister Strike"); -
Skemez reacted to Matenia in help
Please get help from someone who speaks both Chinese and English and have them explain the responses in this thread and help you respond.
I feel like you haven't understood anything anyone told you in this thread. I certainly don't understand anything what you're trying to say now.
Skemez got a reaction from tsung in Bot doesnt like doing quests lower than outlined
Under Product settings you can find the "Profile Settings" tab and all you have to do is uncheck the code that tells the bot to look at your level and do certain quests, other then that you can just write your own profile quester to do those low lvl zones and adjust the level requirement yourself
Skemez reacted to Droidz in monk heals
I have test with pala. In "Party" product settings don't forget to activate option "Healer". In fight class by spell - Activate option "For friends". - Desactivate option "Combat only". - Add condition "Target distance" (for spell range) and "Target health percent". ps: sample in attached file heal pala test.xml
Skemez reacted to Matenia in How does the Rotation Bot work?
There might be a "need" for it, but none of us have any interest in helping people cheat at endgame if they aren't good enough at the game to press a few buttons. Especially for TBC, where scripting was thankfully never rampant, I have no interest in introducing any of that. I'm an avid PvP myself, I founded AT back in 2009. I take the competitive part of the game seriously.
Getting past a few levels of a shittily designed part of the game (that makes up for maybe 10% of the game actually played and has no real effect on any relevant part of game) on a private server that forces you to start at level 1 for a game that for most people started 59 levels higher is not quite comparable to trying to best other players in direct competition - especially if you feel like you need scripts because you couldn't possibly do it manually.
Skemez reacted to Matenia in How does the Rotation Bot work?
Make your own. All wRotation does is put you in fight with whatever target you select and then the fightclass does the rotation. When wRobot runs normally, it picks targets, walks towards them and puts you in fight, then the rotation handles the rest.
The general consensus amongst the people selling fightclasses is that they're meant to keep your bot running while you're afk. If you're not good enough to press 3 buttons for your PvE rotation or want to script in PvP because you've failed to git gud, you won't find much help here.
Skemez reacted to happyp in Disc Priest Fight Class
I paid for WROBOT and sadly, no fight class for Disc Priest.
Can somebody recommend 1?
For level up botting using Disc Preist.
Basic self heals and buffs together with offensive spells.
Is this possible? Because there was an answer in the forums from years ago that it doesn't exist.
Please help me, I paid so I can level my preist, thanks.
Skemez reacted to g i N in Matenia's HumanMasterPlugin, all Fightclasses and experimental projects for later expansions, including a Quester
here please, I hope this helps you. There are problems with Riposte but try it yourself
Skemez got a reaction from piff813 in Matenia's HumanMasterPlugin, all Fightclasses and experimental projects for later expansions, including a Quester
Considering i paid for and own an actual copy of it, it aint very friendly of you to say i dont deserve something just because someone never coded before. we dont need that kind of attitude in this community when we should be helping eachother out. Well Heres the Humanmasterplugin without Auth for all of those who " dont deserve it "
Skemez reacted to cipicips in Would like to learn.
Hello there,
After you instal Visual studio C# and downloaded (extracted) Metania files and lets say you wanna compile FrostmageVanila fight class you do the following:
- Open Metania folder and find folder FrostMageVanila
- inside you will see FrostMageVanilla.sln (double click and open this with visual studio)
- When the file is oppened in Visual Studio on the right side you will see Solution Explorer Where C# FrostMageVanilla is represented (if it is collapsed click the small arrow next to it so it expands and show more files)
- In expanded tree you will see a REFERENCES which you must also expand to show you which references you are missing (it will have small yellow triangle next to it)
- ALl the missing references you have to add manualy for example if you missing reference wManager first you right click on that reference and click REMOVE (remove all the references with yell triangle, also remember which one you remove so you can add them)
- Next right click on REFERENCES (which you expanded) and you will have option to Add References, click on that and on the new window bottom right corner you have BROWSE, click on browse and now you have to find the missing references
- All the missing references you will find in the BIN folder of the WROBOT folder, so browse to the BIN folder and with click on references you wanna add i.e. wManager .dll
- After you added all the references, you have to set output path for compailing. To do that, also on the right side where is the Solution and first FrostMageVanilla (which you expanded) you right click on that FrostMageVanilla and select properties
- New window will appear and on the left side you have option BUILD, click on build and at the bottom you have OUTPUT path. You select place where you wanna yours compiled files to be.
- Next you have to remove Authenitcation, to do that on right side in the solution explorer you find FrostMageVanilla.cs (this is the main file), you open in and find this line:
Authentication authentication = new Authentication(FrostMageSetting.CurrentSetting.TransactionId, "b3f4712933be");
you can delete that line or just comment it using double sign / for example.
//Authentication authentication = new Authentication(FrostMageSetting.CurrentSetting.TransactionId, "b3f4712933be");
- Next, you are ready to build the file, on top of the VIsual Studio you have BUILD, click on it and select BUILD solution.
- AFter that at the bottom you should see no ERRORS and few warrnings. ALso message about compailing time will appear at the bottom.
- If everything went wll in your OUTPUT path folder where you selected the build you will now see FrostMageVanilla.dll which you use as fightclass.
Hope it helps
Skemez reacted to Droidz in Possible to renew a license that expired?
Hello, you can find the renewal invoice here: https://wrobot.eu/clients/orders/
Skemez reacted to gornov.12345 in Matenia's HumanMasterPlugin, all Fightclasses and experimental projects for later expansions, including a Quester
Bro, you're a legend. Thank you very much!!!
Skemez got a reaction from Syberis in Matenia's HumanMasterPlugin, all Fightclasses and experimental projects for later expansions, including a Quester
Considering i paid for and own an actual copy of it, it aint very friendly of you to say i dont deserve something just because someone never coded before. we dont need that kind of attitude in this community when we should be helping eachother out. Well Heres the Humanmasterplugin without Auth for all of those who " dont deserve it "
Skemez reacted to Matenia in Matenia's HumanMasterPlugin, all Fightclasses and experimental projects for later expansions, including a Quester
Edit: If you send me a PM about this asking for free support, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. I will NOT compile any of it for you. Do not PM me asking to buy or asking me to help you compile it. If you can't add the binaries to your build to compile it, it's not for you. Put in the effort to learn or ask someone else to do it for you.
The experimental project contains its own quester, own combat engine and own fightclasses using that combat engine. It was developed with 3.3.5a in mind and I tried to move it to Legion+ and 64 bit. None of it works in its current form. Git history may help. This also has a modified version of Reapler's WowDB.
The fightclasses zip contains everything ever posted on here. It has HMP, my fightclasses etc. This works 100%, you just need to put your own WRobot binaries into the projects.
I can't maintain the code anymore and at the moment it just costs me money. Everything has officially been abandoned. Servers will go down in June or July whenever my contract runs out.
Feel free to do with this code whatever you want and do as you please. This does NOT include turning it into paid products.
I had a good run here on WRobot and hope at least the Wholesome team can make use of some of this.
wrobot-experimental.zip wrobot-fightclasses.zip
Skemez reacted to Matenia in FNV's Flightmaster and quest profile source code
Dear community,
I just found, I still have access to some workspaces via bitbucket (where I barely ever log in).
Therefore, I'm sharing the original source as it was last commited by him here. I don't know if it's different from what was already uploaded or anything. That's why I'm sharing it in the developer forums and not plugins/quester.
Last commits are from early 2018.
mxsbt-vanillaflightmaster-dbcc4a5bd0e7.zip fnv316quester-quester-1-40-71d751b8482d.zip
Skemez reacted to Droidz in Gathering guest object too fast
yes if yo can try to be sure that is not the problem
Skemez reacted to Droidz in Gathering guest object too fast
WRobot does not base this on time, but it checks whether the character is picking up the object or not (casting bar). Try to increment your min latency.
Skemez reacted to Arcangelo in Getting started with WRobot video
"The wall of text"
Hope you mean the file, you don't have to open it to edit it :) just put it in the bot folder like this:
Profiles go into the profile folder like:
Inside there are several options like
WRobot\Profiles\Quester (for the quest bot)
WRobot\Profiles\Grinder (for the grinder)
and so on
Fightclasses go into the fightclass folder like:
WRobot\ <- open Fight Class Editor to create your fightclass (unless you are a programmer, but then i guess you don't need this guide ;) )
WRobot\FightClass (Put your fightclasses in this folder)
"But Arcangelo, i want to edit the file"
This is possible as well, unless the files are secured
To edit a quest profile
Main -> quester -> product settings -> Easy profile creator -> (new window) open -> choose the file -> tools -> (open these 3) Quest editor, quest tool editor and npc quest giver editor -> change the stuff you want :D
To edit a Fightclass (There are 2 ways to do this)
1. Open the Fight Class Editor from the Wrobot folder
2. open your ingame toon (as you will get all the spells this toon haves) -> open the bot -> tools -> Create fight class -> (Make a new) or load fightclass -> Pick the fightclass you want to edit
NOTE ! Dont work if the file is coded in c# and lua instead of the fightclass editor
Hope this give you an idea of how it works :) - I could be more specific about the other stuff like grinder and gathere and so on, but i guess you should be able to read "how to do that aswell" from this guide