wManager.Wow.Helpers Namespace

Usefuls Members

The Usefuls type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member CopperToString
Coppers to string (result like "0 G 00 S 00 C").
Public method Static member EjectVehicle
Ejects from vehicle.
Public method Static member FrameTime_GetCurTimeMs
Game time in milliseconds.
Public method Static member LaunchWow
Launch World Of Warcraft (return process id).
Public method Static member LuaErrorsCount
Lua errors count.
Public method Static member NeedToUseLuaToMove
Needs to use lua to move (check if simulate keyboard update LastHardwareAction).
Public method Static member SelectGossipOption(Int32)
Selects a gossip (conversation) option.
Public method Static member SelectGossipOption(GossipOptionsType)
Selects the gossip option.
Public method Static member SimulateHardwardAction
Simulates hardware action (anti-afk).
Public method Static member StringToCopper
Strings to copper (value like "0 G 00 S 00 C").
Public method Static member TextBoxActivated
Textbox activated (game textbox for send chat message or use macro).
Public method Static member WaitIsCasting
Wait the is casting (max Latency + 350 + 1000 * 60).
Public method Static member WaitIsCastingAndLooting
Wait is casting and looting (call WaitIsCasting()()()() and WaitIsLooting()()()()).
Public method Static member WaitIsLooting
Wait is looting (max 2200 ms + Latency * 2).
Public method Static member WowAddon
Gets Wow addons.
Public method Static member WowVersionBuild
Gets game build (extract from WowVersionString(Memory), value like "12340").
Public method Static member WowVersionString
Gets game version (string format like "Version 3.3.5 (12340) (Release)").


  Name Description
Public field Static member ForceIsFlyableArea
Force IsFlyableArea to return true (bot use https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_IsFlyableArea , but sometime result is incorrect)


  Name Description
Public property Static member AreaId Obsolete.
Gets the area id.
Public property Static member ContinentId
Gets the continent id.
Public property Static member ContinentNameMpq
Gets the continent name (file name).
Public property Static member InGame
Gets a value indicating whether in game (to be safe you need to check if not IsLoadingOrConnecting).
Public property Static member IsFlyableArea
Gets a value indicating whether is flyable area (you can force value with ForceIsFlyableArea).
Public property Static member IsLoadingOrConnecting
Gets a value indicating whether game is loading or connecting.
Public property Static member LastHardwareAction
Gets the last hardware action.
Public property Static member Latency
Gets the latency (between LatencyMax and LatencyMin, to get real latency use LatencyReal).
Public property Static member LatencyReal
Gets the real latency (home+world)).
Public property Static member MapZoneName
Gets the name of the map zone.
Public property Static member RealmName
Gets the name of the realm.
Public property Static member SubMapZoneName
Gets the name of the sub map zone.
Public property Static member WowVersion
Gets game build (extract from WowVersionString(Memory), value like "12340").