Usefuls Methods
The Usefuls type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CopperToString |
Coppers to string (result like "0 G 00 S 00 C").
EjectVehicle |
Ejects from vehicle.
FrameTime_GetCurTimeMs |
Game time in milliseconds.
LaunchWow |
Launch World Of Warcraft (return process id).
LuaErrorsCount |
Lua errors count.
NeedToUseLuaToMove |
Needs to use lua to move (check if simulate keyboard update LastHardwareAction).
SelectGossipOption(Int32) |
Selects a gossip (conversation) option.
SelectGossipOption(GossipOptionsType) |
Selects the gossip option.
SimulateHardwardAction |
Simulates hardware action (anti-afk).
StringToCopper |
Strings to copper (value like "0 G 00 S 00 C").
TextBoxActivated |
Textbox activated (game textbox for send chat message or use macro).
WaitIsCasting |
Wait the is casting (max Latency + 350 + 1000 * 60).
WaitIsCastingAndLooting |
Wait is casting and looting (call WaitIsCasting()()()() and WaitIsLooting()()()()).
WaitIsLooting |
Wait is looting (max 2200 ms + Latency * 2).
WowAddon |
Gets Wow addons.
WowVersionBuild |
Gets game build (extract from WowVersionString(Memory), value like "12340").
WowVersionString |
Gets game version (string format like "Version 3.3.5 (12340) (Release)").