wManager Namespace
wManager.Wow.Helpers Namespace

wManagerSetting Fields

The wManagerSetting type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public field AcceptOnlyProfileNpc
Accept only NPC (vendor, repair, ...) of the product profile (don't use NPC already in NpcDB, when you start product he adds NPCs to the NpcDB with CurrentProfileNpc at true, when you use AcceptOnlyProfileNpc option bot search only NPC with Npc.CurrentProfileNpc = true).
Public field BlacklistGameObjectDefaultTimeMs
GameObject blacklist default time (in millisecond) (herbs, mines, chest, ...)
Public field BlacklistTaxiDefaultTimeMs
Taxi blacklist default time (in millisecond)
Public field BlacklistUnitDefaultTimeMs
Unit blacklist default time (in millisecond) (mobs, npc)
Public field CustomClass
FightClass selected, file name like "MyFightclass.xml" (fightclasses are in folder "WRobot\FightClass\")
Public field DetectEvadingMob
Detect evading mob and leave combat
Public field DismountLandGroundDistance
Dismount flying mount ground distance (when Land(Single, Single) 0 to dismount when hit the ground)
Public field DismountWhenStuck
Dismount when character seems stuck
Public field DrinkMaxPercent
Stop character regen if more than X % of mana.
Public field EquipAvailableBagIfFreeContainerSlot
Equip available bag if free container slot
Public field EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime
Refresh time of EventsLuaWithArgs (read new in game events) (in milliseconds)
Public field FightInteractTargetMinDistance
Interact with target during fight if distance is lower than X even if not line of sight
Public field FoodMaxPercent
Stop character regen if more than X % of health.
Public field ForceAutoLoot
Force auto loot
Public field HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes
Use hearthstone after x blockages latest 10 minutes (0 to disable, see also HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes)
Public field HearthstoneNameOrIdAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes
Hearthstone item name or id (used with HearthstoneAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes)
Public field IgnoreFightWhenInMove
Ignore fight when traveling
Public field IgnoreFightWithPlayer
Ignore combat with other players
Public field IgnoreServerRoadsWater
If you don't want use roads and water of the PathFinder server (the bot take the shortest paths instead of the roads)
Public field KeyBindingMacro
Key used to run macro when you call RunMacroTextHW(String)
Public field KeyboardToTurn
Use keyboard to turn (instead of direct rotation)
Public field LastProductSelected
The last product used (used at startup to select last product)
Public field LootAndHarvestRangeQuickly
The loot and harvest quickly if in interact range (FarmingRange and LootingRange)
Public field LootInCombat
Loot in combat
Public field MaxCheckIfGoodMouseShortcutsWhenInteract
Some GM change your mouse buttons shortcut (to no longer be able to interact with unit/object), try to detect that (0 to disable this option)
Public field MaxTryPerNode
Number maximum of try per node (farming)
Public field MaxUnitsNearMobs
The maximum units near mobs MaxUnitNearest(WoWUnit, Int32)
Public field MaxUnitsNearObjects
The maximum units near objects MaxUnitNearest(WoWUnit, Int32)
Public field MaxZDistanceAttack
Maximum z distance to start attack
Public field MaxZDistanceFarm
Maximum z distance to go farming node
Public field MaxZDistanceIsAttacked
Maximum z distance to defend oneself when mobs attack character
Public field MyMacro1
My macro 1
Public field MyMacro2
My macro 2
Public field MyMacro3
My macro 3
Public field MyMacro4
My macro 4
Public field NewUserSettings
This value is true only if settings was created with new instance (false if was loaded from xml file) (assigned in Load(Boolean)).
Public field NpcScanAuctioneer
Automatically add nearest Npc auctioneer to NpcDB.
Public field NpcScanMailboxes
Automatically add nearest Mailbox to NpcDB.
Public field NpcScanRepair
Automatically add nearest Npc repair to NpcDB.
Public field NpcScanVendor
Automatically add nearest Npc vendor to NpcDB.
Public field OffMeshConnectionsSearchDistance
The off mesh connections search distance
Public field PathFinderFromServer
Use PathFinder server (else use local pathfinder but it is no longer available on recent versions of the bot)
Public field PathFinderRequestLog
Request pathfinder server log
Public field PathFinderRequestTimeoutMs
Pathfinder server request timeout (in milliseconds)
Public field PathFinderServerSeemDownPauseBotTimeSec
How many time pause bot (in seconds) when pathfinder server seems down
Public field PluginsSettings
Plugins list (when user removes a plugin from the folder ("WRobot/Plugins/") it remains in this list, but only plugins present in the folder are displayed tab "Plugins")
Public field RandomJumping
Jump randomly during travel.
Public field ReadObjectManagerFTS
Number of ObjectManager refreshes per second (a high value is better, but also uses a lot more CPU)
Public field RecordChatInLog
Write Wow chat messages in log file.
Public field RetrieveCorpseMaxDistance
Max distance of the character corpse to retrieve corpse
Public field SaveWindowPosition
Save bot window position
Public field SearchRadiusMobs
Mobs search distance (mainly grinding).
Public field SearchRadiusObjects
GameObject search distance (mainly farming).
Public field SizeHeight
Last bot window height
Public field SizeWidth
Last bot window width.
Public field SkipInOutDoors
Skip node inside if character is outside, and skip node outside if character is inside.
Public field SkipNodesInWater
Skip nodes in water
Public field SkipRegenIfFlaggedInCombat
Skip regen if flagged in combat
Public field SmoothPath
Smoothing paths generated by PathFinder (makes movement a little more human, in very rare cases can add blockages).
Public field SmoothPathDistance
Smoothing paths distance (1.0 by default, option for SmoothPathDistance).
Public field TryToAvoidEnemyGroupsRatio
Try to avoid group of mobs (Ratio), 0 to disable, recommended value is ~1.2 (Bot will add up all the level of the mobs and divide it by the level of your character, if the result gives a ratio higher than the given hi will try to avoid zone)
Public field TryToUseBestBagFoodDrink
Try to use best food and drink available in the bag.
Public field UseCTM
To use CTM (click to move in game option)
Public field UseSpiritHealerAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes
The use spirit healer after x deaths latest10 minutes
Public field WaitWhenBuffWaitingToResurrect
Wait when character has buff "Waiting to Resurrect"
Public field WindowPosX
Last bot window position x (need option SaveWindowPosition)
Public field WindowPosY
Last bot window position y (need option SaveWindowPosition)