wManager Namespace
wManager.Wow.Helpers Namespace

wManagerSetting Properties

The wManagerSetting type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AccountEmail
Account email (or account name on old Wow version) (you need to activate Relogger).
Public property AccountPassword
Account password (you need to activate Relogger).
Public property AddToNpcDb
Add NPCs of used profiles to your NpcDB.
Public property AquaticMountName
Gets or sets the name of the aquatic mount (like it appears in game).
Public property AssignTalents
Assign Talents (no used in all WRobot version, used in Talents)
Public property AttackBeforeBeingAttacked
Attack before being attacked (Start the fight when the character is close to the mob's aggro zone. It allows to be more reactive, but this option is not always reliable (it depends on the server and the version of the game)).
Public property AttackElite
Can start fight with elite mobs (in any case the bot will attack if it is attacked).
Public property AvoidBlacklistedZonesPathFinder
Avoid blacklisted zones with the paths generated by the PathFinder.
Public property AvoidWallWithRays
Try to avoid wall and small obstacle not in pathfinder with rays (TraceLine).
Public property BlackListHarvest
List of gameobjects entry id to not harvest.
Public property BlackListHarvestByName
List of gameobjects name to not harvest.
Public property BlackListIfNotCompletePath
Blacklist mobs, NPCs, nodes... if cannot found complete path (if PathFinder return partial or no success result)
Public property BlackListTrainingDummy
Blacklist training dummy.
Public property BlackListZoneWhereDead
Automatically blacklist the zone where the character is dead (with 30 y radius), some products like grinder, quester and automaton override this value with their values.
Public property BNetName
Account name (you need to activate Relogger).
Public property BuyList
List of items to buy.
Public property CalcuCombatRange
Calculate interact/combat distance by target size (CombatReach, on some servers this option is bugged).
Public property CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance can attack units already in combat.
Public property CloseAfterXBlockagesActive
Close after CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes blockages latest 10 minutes.
Public property CloseAfterXBlockagesLatest10Minutes
Close game after x blockages latest 10 minutes (you need to use option CloseAfterXBlockagesActive).
Public property CloseAfterXDeathsActive
Close after CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes deaths latest 10 minutes.
Public property CloseAfterXDeathsLatest10Minutes
Close after x deaths latest 10 minutes (you need to use option CloseAfterXDeathsActive).
Public property CloseAfterXLevel
Close the game after increasing your level by X levels.
Public property CloseAfterXMin
Close game after x minutes (you need to activate CloseAfterXMinActive).
Public property CloseAfterXMinActive
Close bot after CloseAfterXMin minutes.
Public property CloseIfFullBag
Close game when bag is full.
Public property CloseIfPlayerTeleported
Close game if character seems to have been teleported (GM can use this method, but there may be false detection, by example when character continent change, when using the hearthstone, ...).
Public property CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints
Close game if you have more than 4000 honor points
Public property CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt
Close the game If you have received more or egal at X whispers
Public property Static member CurrentSetting
Gets or sets the current character setting.
Public property DetectNodesStuck
Detect nodes stuck (test if can landing)
Public property DisableNearPlayerToTown
Don't pause bot is player nerby when character go to town (option for SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer)
Public property DoNotMailList
List of items names to not send by mail (this option override item quality filter options, you need to activate option UseMail).
Public property DoNotSellList
List of items names to not sell (this option override item quality filter options, you need to activate option Selling).
Public property DontStartFighting
Gets or sets a value indicating to don't start fight (defend oneself only).
Public property DrinkAmount
Number of DrinkName item to buy (0 to don't buy food, you need to have food vendor in your profile of NpcDB)
Public property DrinkIsSpell
DrinkName is spell name (not item)
Public property DrinkName
Gets or sets the name of the drink (like it appears in game).
Public property DrinkPercent
Start character regen if less than X % of mana.
Public property FlightMasterDiscoverRange
Flightmasters discover range (0 to don't discover unknown flightmasters (with green exclamation)).
Public property FlightMasterTaxiDistance
Flightmaster search distance (to take only is nearby taxi use FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear, you need to use option FlightMasterTaxiUse).
Public property FlightMasterTaxiUse
Take taxi (from FlightMaster) if can.
Public property FlightMasterTaxiUseOnlyIfNear
Take taxi only if flightmaster is nearby (else the bot searchs by distance with FlightMasterTaxiDistance, you need to use option FlightMasterTaxiUse).
Public property FlyAboveGroundHeight
When the bot uses the flying mount on a normal (ground) path how high to fly?
Public property FlyingMountName
Gets or sets the name of the flying mount (like it appears in game).
Public property FoodAmount
Number of FoodName item to buy (0 to don't buy food, you need to have food vendor in your profile of NpcDB)
Public property FoodIsSpell
FoodName is spell name (not item)
Public property FoodName
Gets or sets the name of the food (like it appears in game).
Public property FoodPercent
Start character regen if less than X % of health.
Public property ForceMailList
List of items names to send by mail (this option override item quality filter options, you need to activate option UseMail).
Public property ForceSellList
List of items names to sell (this option override item quality filter options, you need to activate option Selling).
Public property GoToTownHerbBags
Go to town when herb bags are fulls.
Public property GoToTownMiningBags
Go to town when mining bags are fulls.
Public property GroundMountName
The name of the ground mount (like it appears in game).
Public property HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius
Cancel farm if another player is within X yards (0 to don't avoid players).
Public property HarvestDuringLongMove
Harvest (farming) during long move.
Public property HarvestHerbs
Harvest herbs.
Public property HarvestMinerals
Harvest minerals.
Public property HarvestTimber
Harvest timber.
Public property HelpingGroupMembers
Helping party members (if one of the members is attacked you will help him) (the bot will consider that your character is attacked if a member of your group is attacked).
Public property IgnoreCombatWithPet
Ignore combat with pet.
Public property IgnoredNerbyPlayer
List if accepted players when you activate option SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer
Public property IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm
Ignore fight during farm when in druid form (bot skip node if he is attacked and don't harvest the gameboject).
Public property IgnoreFightGoundMount
Ignore fight when in mount
Public property LatencyMax
Use this value if real latency is bigger than this value (look also LatencyMin, bot use latency time to wait after action (https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_GetNetStats realLatency = latencyHome + latencyWorld), but sometime result is bad).
Public property LatencyMin
Use this value if real latency is smaller than this value (look also LatencyMax, bot use latency time to wait after action (https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_GetNetStats realLatency = latencyHome + latencyWorld), but sometime result is bad).
Public property ListHarvest
List of gameobjects entry id to harvest.
Public property ListHarvestByName
List of gameobjects name to harvest.
Public property LootChests
Loot chests
Public property LootMobs
Loot mobs corpses (Looting and LootingRange)
Public property MailBlue
Send blue items (you need to activate option UseMail).
Public property MailGray
Send gray items (you need to activate option UseMail).
Public property MailGreen
Send green items (you need to activate option UseMail).
Public property MailPurple
Send purple items (you need to activate option UseMail).
Public property MailRecipient
Mail recipient name (you need to activate option UseMail).
Public property MailSubject
Mail subject (you need to activate option UseMail).
Public property MailWhite
Send white items (you need to activate option UseMail).
Public property MaxUnitsNear Obsolete.
Public property Milling
Milling (MillingState, don't forget to complete MillingList).
Public property MillingInTown
Milling when go to town.
Public property MillingList
Milling items list (like the name appears in game, you need to enable Milling).
Public property MillingTime
Milling every X minutes (you need to enable Milling).
Public property MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown
Minimum free bag slots to go to town.
Public property MountDistance
Required minimum path distance to use mount (if it is path loop, bot use mount without distance check)
Public property NpcMailboxSearchRadius
NPC (Npc vendor, repair, ...) and Mailbox search radius
Public property PathFinderPostionOffset
Pathfinder is too precise, sometimes you have to be exactly at position A to be able to reach position B without any obstacle. The problem is that the bot cannot go exactly to position A (CTM not always precise and this cause sudden movement because it stops move when it gets to the position). This option allows you to shift away the position of the position A (1.0 by default) which allows the bot to go to point B when distance to position A is PathFinderPostionOffset (the character is actually at the original position of point A).
Public property Prospecting
Prospecting, you need to complete ProspectingList and ProspectingTime or ProspectingInTown.
Public property ProspectingInTown
Prospecting when go to town (you need to enable Prospecting).
Public property ProspectingList
Prospecting items list (like the name appears in game, you need to enable Prospecting).
Public property ProspectingTime
Prospecting every X minutes (you need to enable Prospecting).
Public property Relogger
Relogge player when disconnected (you need to complete AccountEmail, AccountPassword, BNetName)
Public property Repair
Repair when go to town.
Public property RestingMana
Regen character mana
Public property SearchRadius Obsolete.
Public property SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer
Public property SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius
Nearby player search radius (option for SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer)
Public property SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime
Nearby player since X seconds before to pause bot (option for SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer)
Public property SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile Obsolete.
Obsolete, RecordChatInLog
Public property SecurityShutdownComputer
After to close the game, shutdown computer.
Public property SecuritySongIfNewWhisper
Play song if new whisper (if you want use custom song, you can put song file at "WRobot\Data\newWhisper.wav").
Public property SellBlue
Sell all blue items (you need to activate option Selling).
Public property SellGray
Sell all gray items (you need to activate option Selling).
Public property SellGreen
Sell all green items (you need to activate option Selling).
Public property Selling
Sell the bag items when go to town (look options SellGray, SellWhite, SellGreen, SellBlue, SellPurple, DoNotSellList, ForceSellList).
Public property SellPurple
Sell all purple items (you need to activate option Selling).
Public property SellWhite
Sell all white items (you need to activate option Selling).
Public property SkinMobs
Skin mobs killed by character (enable SkinNinja to skin all corpse available).
Public property SkinNinja
Skin all corpse available (you need to active option SkinMobs).
Public property Smelting
Smelting (SmeltingState, you need to add in NpcDB fake NPC type NpcType.Smelting nearest smelting zone).
Public property SpellRotationSpeed
Try improve spells rotation speed, don't wait that cast finished before to cast new spell (we lose reliability)
Public property ToTownTimer
Force to go to town every X minutes (you need to activate ToTownTimerActivated)
Public property ToTownTimerActivated
Activate go to town every ToTownTimer minutes
Public property TrainNewSkills
Train New Skills (used in Trainers)
Public property UnlockMaxFps
Most versions of bot works better with high FPS in-game (but this use more CPU and RAM. This option unlock the "Maximum FPS" option in game (https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/CVar_maxFPS and https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/CVar_maxFPSBk)
Public property UseFlyingMount
Use flying mount (need FlyingMountName)
Public property UseGroundMount
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use ground mount].
Public property UseLuaToMove
Use lua api to move (otherwise the bot simulate keyboard keys).
Public property UseMail
Send items by email when the bot goes to town (look options MailRecipient, MailSubject, UseMollE, MailGray, MailWhite, MailGreen, MailBlue, MailPurple, DoNotMailList, ForceMailList).
Public property UseMammoth
Use "Traveler's Tundra Mammoth" to repair and sell instead of go to town
Public property UseMollE
Use MOLL-E item instead of to go to Mailbox (you need to activate option UseMail).
Public property UseMount
Use ground mount (need GroundMountName)
Public property UsePathsFinder
Use PathFinder (if this option is disabled it goes from position A to position B without avoiding obstacles).
Public property UseSpiritHealer
Use spirit healer to revive
Public property WaitResurrectionSickness
Wait when character has debuff "Resurrection Sickness" (after resurrect at the "Spirit Healer")
Public property WallDistancePathFinder
Wall distance of generated path by PathFinder (sometime this option can return a funny path).