Death Knight - Legion
19 files
Drwolf DK Frost
By Drwolftech
All my Profiles i try to make the bot looks like human, and use every single skill available.
This profiles is not diferent. He will do elites, packs of mobs, pvp, everything optimal and dont waisting big cooldowns in a single mob.
Keep in mind that my profiles is in constant update as i play the character and make adjustments.
I will never charge for my profiles, if you like it please donate.
Paypal Donate
death kinght Death Knight Blood 7.3.5 Legion V. 12.61
By Bear T.O.E.
I haven't released anything here in a long time. But I want all to try out my Fight class. This is my Blood Death Knight.
I based my Death Knight Build on Maximum Healing and Damage Done. This is to make it much more Raid Worthy Fight Class.
I have only tested this in the Raid Finder so if you think there are some changes I should make please let know. All suggestions will be looked at and tried before making it into my Fight Class. Also any easy code you would like to add please comment it and I will add it.
Thanks and Have Fun. :)
death knight Death Knight Frost 7.3.5 Legion V. 22.50
By Bear T.O.E.
I haven't released anything here in a long time. But I want all to try out my Fight class. This is my Frost Death Knight.
I based my Death Knight Build on Maximum Damage Done. I am using the Breath of Sindragosa Talent. This is to make it much more Raid Worthy Fight Class.
I have only tested this in the Raid Finder so if you think there are some changes I should make please let know. All suggestions will be looked at and tested before making it into my Fight Class. Also any easy code you would like to add please comment it and I will add it.
Thanks and Have Fun. :)
Death Knight Unholy
By camelot10
You can set any talents. Tryed to use all spells / talents / artifact ability
Based on
My profiles
- death knight
- unholy
- (and 1 more)
Unholy & Blood DK WOTK
Here is some cool stuff for DK.
DK blood - full rotation + CD - Axed lvling + farm. Talent build below
DK unholy - full rotation + CD, axed PVE to enhance damage. Talent build below
Can be used for high level PVE .
PVP not tested but should work.
Improvement coming soon.
Tips : How to run it a good way :
-Start no Frame limit exec.
- advanced option in general : unlock fps limit
Thanks to leave some commentary if need updates , have some tips, or enjoy use my work.
Cya IG
Death Knight Blood
By camelot10
You can set any talents. Tryed to use all spells / talents / artifact ability.
Based on
My profiles
- death knight
- blood
- (and 1 more)
Unholy 101 - Twink Grinding
By fakkura
Fight Class for Unholy DK 101 twinks.
Will not waste cooldowns ( for grinding, not dungeon running )
Will use Death and Decay on 3 or more targets
Option to enable Path of Frost
3/2/3/1/3/3/3 talents.
Frost DK Legion 7.2
By Archangel89
Welcome to my Frost Death Knight fight class for World of Warcraft Legion 7.2.
Currently, the only competitive talent build uses Breath of Sindragosa as your tier 7 talent. This build is fairly strict, as summarized below.
Level 56: Murderous Efficiency
Level 57: Horn of Winter / Freezing Fog
Level 58: Hungering Rune Weapon
Level 60: irrelevant
Level 75: irrelevant
Level 90: Gathering Storm
Level 100: Breath of Sindragosa
This fight class is optimized for the Breath Of Sindragosa build, and follows the talents and spell priorities as suggested by Icy Veins.
The spell priority is as follows:
Single and Multiple Target Rotation
This rotation assumes you are using Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa as your Tier 7 talent, as well as Murderous Efficiency Icon Murderous Efficiency, Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter, Hungering Rune Weapon Icon Hungering Rune Weapon, and Gathering Storm Icon Gathering Storm.
The rotation is essentially a cycle of preparing to cast Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa, and then what you do while it is active.
When Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa is not active, you should do the following.
Use Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter.
Use Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast to apply Frost Fever Icon Frost Fever and then begin building Runic Power.
The goal here is to get at least 70 Runic Power with two Runes, with two more Runes coming off cooldown soon, before casting Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa.
Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike if you have 80+ Runic Power (or 70+ if you have 3/3 in Icon Over-Powered).
Use Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast if you have a Rime Icon Rime proc.
Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate.
Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike if Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa has 15+ seconds left on its cooldown.
Use Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter if Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa has 10+ seconds left on its cooldown.
When the above conditions for casting Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa are met (70+ Runic Power an 2 charged Runes), do the following:
Use Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter.
Cast Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost + Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa.
Use Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast if you have a Rime Icon Rime proc AND Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa will not drop as a result (you must be at around 30 Runic Power) AND Hungering Rune Weapon Icon Hungering Rune Weapon is not active.
Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate if you will not cap Runic Power.
Use Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter if you will not cap Runic Power and if Hungering Rune Weapon Icon Hungering Rune Weapon is not active.
Use Hungering Rune Weapon Icon Hungering Rune Weapon if you have less than or 30 Runic Power.
2. Cooldown Usage
As a Frost Death Knight, you have 2 DPS cooldowns. In addition to this, you gain another cooldown from your Artifact weapon. Below, we explain how they are best used.
Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost should be used on cooldown, stacking it with potions or any on-use trinkets you have. Alternatively, you can save it for moments when you need increased damage.
Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon should be used as many times as possible throughout the encounter, making sure not to waste any of the resources it provides you with.
Icon Sindragosa's Fury should be used as many times as possible throughout an encounter. Ideally, it should be used against multiple targets (and it is worth saving for this purpose), but it can also be used against a single target.
BoB's Blood DeathKnight Custom Build Free!
By FisherBoB
Hi everyone! Here is a fight class I would like to share with you all, I have worked on optimizing settings for a while and I believe this works very good for my needs. Try it out and let me know! Uses Artifact spell among other cool combos to be very efficient.
For a solid up-to-date build please reference:
- deathknight
- free
- (and 3 more)
Drwolf Unholy DK
By Drwolftech
Use the optimized Talents on the Picture
Optimized for leveling and pvp with defensive and survival actions! Can be used on dungeon too! Max dps Output!
I will never charge for my profiles, if you like it please donate.
Paypal Donate
Drwolf Blood DK
By Drwolftech
Use the optimized talents on picture
I will never charge for my profiles, if you like it please donate.
Paypal Donate
Waldo Blood DK
By waldodamon
For use with almost any talents, but I am running with Heartbreaker, Rapid Decomposition, Ossuary, Mark of Blood, Tightening Grasp, Foul Bulwark and Blood Mirror. Only thing I forgot to do is add in Mark of Blood as an ability, haven't even needed to... I liked Dr. Wolf's fight class, but I wanted something that utilized more runes when they were fully charged, so my DK wasn't sitting with full runes and very little Runic Power. I made more use of not only Marrowrend to keep Bone Shield nice and high, but also Heart Strike to really build up the Runic Power. I also tailored Death and Decay a little more so that you're 99% of the time standing in it, therefore building more Runic Power. This keeps a constant 6+ stacks of Bone Shield and as soon as Death Strike is available, bam, you've got Blood Shield and a heal too. Hopefully you like this. I will add Mark of Blood tomorrow as it is late here, and re-upload as V2.
[Ohren] Blood Death Knight
By Ohren
This is a simple rotation I put together. I use it for dungeons while I am controlling my characters movements and in a couple basic grinder profiles. The survivability is great, but it doesn't include any defensive cool downs.
I plan on adding all defensive cool downs and possibly making the rotation a little bit smarter, but since I am just now getting back into creating profiles, it may be a bit.
Update log
1.0.0 - Added basic rotation.
Jupken13's Simple Unholy
By Jupken13
A simple profile that places more emphasis on the use of Defile.
- death knight
- unholy
- (and 1 more)
Kopesetic's Frost Death Knight
By Kopesetic
Hello Fellow Death Knights,
Here is my first attempt at Fight Class development with WRobot. I intend to continue development and work in more situational specific logic (IE: Preemptive Damage Mitigation, Defensive Cooldown Chaining, CC Coordination Based on Recent Cooldowns Used by Party Members, Etc..) These profiles will be largely PvP tuned, however will most likely be a major contender with PvE DPS.
Anyway, Here is a simple, yet high-output test release of my Frost Death Knight Fight Class. I haven't fully worked in defensive cooldowns, however I have added AMS and IF with limited conditions. Please be advised that these will be reworked with more sound logic at a later date. This Fight Class is merely meant to give an Idea of the damage out-put and seek advise from the community on what to improve/add/remove/what have you.
Talent Build Used In Development: 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1
That's all for now. Let me know what you guys think in the comments below and together we can build this into an exceptional Fight Class
Xanthos Blood DK v1.0
By xanthos84
This is my Blood DK fight class I currently use for farming solo.
It's not intended to tank in any way!
If you have any wishes or enhancements - post them and I will try to integrate.
Detailed frost dk rotation
By LunaAlfie
This is using a specific set of Talents (1,2,3,3,2,1,3) which will allow you to do aoe damage while primarily focusing on single target damage - Very good for PVE (untested in PvP). It is using all procs, but does not support automated battle rezz yet.
Death Grip needs to be activated in the Rotation Settings before available.
- Please report any Issues / Bugs :)
Frost DK DPS by BetterSister
By BetterSister
My first version of Legion frost DK dps. More optimizations to come but you can get started with this
From talents take 90lvl talent Frostscythe. Others take however you like