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[H] [Quest] 1-60 grinder 2.0.0

   (10 reviews)

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About This File

Eeny's Vanilla Levelling Pack Version 10

Tested, reliable and stable WRobot Levelling profile pack for Horde on private servers.

The Demo is a 1-6 quester - Valley of trials.  After which it will load the grinder.

The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Horde grinding packs, along with 1-25 Quester for Orc / Troll and start zones for Tauren + Undead.

The files are built Built on Elysium, lighthope and Northdale Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for levelling

1-60 Main Grinder file paths:

1-6 Valley of trials 

6-12 Durotar. 

12-26 Barrens, 

26-32 Ashenvale. 

32-41 Desolace. 

41- 46 Feralas 

46-51 Tanaris. 

51-55 Un-goro 

55-60 Silithus 

1-25 Quester file path

1-6 Valley of trials

6-12 Durotar / Tirisfal Glades

12-20 Barrens

20-25 Barrens / STM / Ashenvale

There is also the Alternate file section which contains over 100 files including support for Tauren + Undead start zones to make your bots levelling unique. Each level 1-60 has 3-5 different options for levelling

The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target.  A Second main line grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth.  You are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.

The new V10 file has runcode added.  Once your bot is finished with a zone the runcode will walk it to the next zone, talk to the flight master, set hearthstone and begin grinding in the new zone.  Will also purchase gear dependant on the class.


What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog


1.1- 2nd February 2017

Included up to 35.  added more steps in lower levels to smooth things out.

1.2 8th February 2017

Included up to 50.  some steep jumps that need to be ironed out- 39-42 needs a stepping stone.


Added in additional levelling paths off the main line

Version 6

new version uploaded to sellfy.  Click the download now link from the purchase email to get the latest files.

-Changed a few grind pulse points to remove loops on the main line.

-Added black-spots where people reported Multiple deaths.

-added alternate files for those who find the main line too busy.  There should be 3-4 profiles available for every level.

Version 7

Added followpath, Hearthstone set + FP gather upon moving into new zones

Added more alternate files

Version 8 - 8th march 2018

Additional alt files especially in the 45-60 area

added black-spots + more vendors for main line.

Version 9 - March 27th 2018

Added runcode to barrens section to attempt to get the bot to buy uncommon items between 15-20.  Should help those bots who 'gear as they go' upgrading some gear. Not guaranteed as the items are not always available for sale by the vendors "Best effort".

Added some more files into the alternate files section

Added Tauren 1-12 file which should connect to the 12-60_V9.

Version 10 August 26 2018

Added more Alt files

added 1-25 Horde Quester into the mix.


User Feedback

Recommended Comments

1 hour ago, bonsai said:

Will test out and review. Thanks for posting!

Thanks- its a work in progress.

If you can think of any good grind spots that are less crowded or can offer a smoother transition (less level gaps between spots) let me know and I'll try slot them in. Once 1-60 grind is sorted, il look at back-filling quests.

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Thousand Needles is underutilized in my opinion. It's a good gap filler between stone talon and desolace, the big problem I could forsee is pathing up to the pinnacle to sell correctly. I can't recall what level range the mobs in the south east crater portion are, but they could be solid. I assume that you've got the pirates in tanaris and WPL built into this or will sooner than later. I usually finished up grinding in Winterspring.

Do you plan to make an Alliance version as well?

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2 hours ago, bonsai said:

Thousand Needles is underutilized in my opinion. It's a good gap filler between stone talon and desolace, the big problem I could forsee is pathing up to the pinnacle to sell correctly. I can't recall what level range the mobs in the south east crater portion are, but they could be solid. I assume that you've got the pirates in tanaris and WPL built into this or will sooner than later. I usually finished up grinding in Winterspring.

Do you plan to make an Alliance version as well?

1KN is hard with the vendor aspect.  the bot cant do the lift, so it goes to camp T in the barrens to vendor.  To do that it needs to go through the lvl 35 RFD mobs and chain die.

Uploaded a new version- used Ashenvale for 25-28

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Yeah, I think the key with grinding profiles is that they tend to jump to the next level range too early and the bots are underpowered to deal with the mobs. I'd rather kill tons of greens for slightly less xp per mob than die a bunch to stuff that's 2 levels higher than me because i haven't trained skills yet.

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FYI, it seems to get stuck in desolace when trying to sell as a level 34 (I believe it's in the Koltkar section). It goes over to eastern desolace and paths directly into the mountains. I'm not sure if that's just this version of WoW or what, but making it sell in the town in desolace would work better I think.

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2 minutes ago, bonsai said:

FYI, it seems to get stuck in desolace when trying to sell as a level 34 (I believe it's in the Koltkar section). It goes over to eastern desolace and paths directly into the mountains. I'm not sure if that's just this version of WoW or what, but making it sell in the town in desolace would work better I think.

I'm yet to define vendors in this profile, its using the Base Wrobot vendors...  Dont get me started on defining vendors in quest profiles- a battle i have been fighting(losing) for some time.

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Per your comments in your patch note:

37-42 ExZippo E   Swamp of Sorrows
Swamp of Sorrows, the Misty Valley. The Swampwalkers/Elder ones/Terror things there hit soft, have medium HP, low armour, but do have a druid renew type thing they pop at about 400hp left, but you can easily out DPS their heal if you forget to kick them. They drop a fair amount of silver, a wide range of herbs (including swiftthistle, and fadeleaf) and a fair ammount of greens.
38-40 Zeeg K   Dustwallow Marsh
Dustwallow Swamp - Very North East Islands, Murlock Warriors/Oracles.
38-40 Zeeg K   Desolace
Undead Ravagers in the southeast
39-39 Haunted K   Dustwallow Marsh
The spider cave north of Brackenwall (Dustwallow Marsh)
39-39 Haunted E   Badlands
Rock Elementals (Badlands)
39-39 Haunted E   Badlands
Elder Crag Coyotes (Badlands)
39-41 Sugardaddy E   Badlands
Badlands, Mirage Flats. Rock Elementals (38-40) and Greater Rock Elementals. This spot of Elementals is farmed a lot less than the other one. It can be found in the mountains in the south of the Badlands. 21500 XP/hour at level 39. 28500-29500 XP/hour at level 40-41.
39-41 CapnBry E   Badlands
Dustbelcher Maulers and Shaman. In shadowform, PW:F up, pull with mind blast. Backing up, hit SW:P, Mind Flay once, then continue backing up until mind blast comes up again cast it and wand once. You're now at the ~10s mark, if the mob has >250 health wand it again. If not just start heading to the next mob and let the first one run in fear. You should be ready to cast Mind Blast again just as the timer comes around on it, about 20s into the first attack. Repeat. ~35000 XP/hr
39-42 Unknown K   Dustwallow Marsh
Duskwallow Swamp spider Cave NW of Horde Village. Spiders have dot, but good money
40-42 Haunted K   Desolace
Skeletons in Desolace. They're about the only squishies I could find to grind on. It's part of an Alliance quest, so the usual PvP warnings apply.
40-44 Kunst E   Badlands
Scalding Whelps east in Badlands. The north spot. The spot north of the elite dragons These guys are cool. They also have a infinitesimal shot at dropping a Dark Whelpling, which will help you in your quest to get laid.
40-44 Kunst K   Tanaris
Wastewander Thieves/Bandits/Buddies/.. in Tanaris. These guys drop also some pouches that you can give to some guy in Gadgetzan for a small experience bonus. This place has been crawling with players every time I've been there, though.
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Solved the pathing issue by adding the mailbox in shadowprey village and a repair NPC there to my NPC database. It no longer is trying to run through a mountain!

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After hitting the 37 zone, the bot seems to be ending up stuck outside TB every time it has to repair. Same result on two different druids now. Have a lock hitting 37 soon aswell, so I am looking forward to seeing the result there :)
In case you need it, I attached a log from one of the stuck druids.

28 mar 2017 18H35.log.html

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The bot wont start if i use your profile with this message


[E] 20:17:49 - Grinder > Bot > Bot  > Pulse(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Grinder.Bot.TeowopebeJiDapuqusib.BeniraufagAbouwim()

20:17:49 - [Grinder] Failed to start

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2 minutes ago, Pierrick584 said:

The bot wont start if i use your profile with this message


[E] 20:17:49 - Grinder > Bot > Bot  > Pulse(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Grinder.Bot.TeowopebeJiDapuqusib.BeniraufagAbouwim()

20:17:49 - [Grinder] Failed to start

I just don't know how i can state this any clearer in the profile information....


This. is. a. QUEST. profile. Load it as such.

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  1. On ‎15‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 1:22 AM, eeny said:

    I just don't know how i can state this any clearer in the profile information....


    This. is. a. QUEST. profile. Load it as such.


Your mistake was thinking people actually read anything haha.
Great job on this, pretty awesome for a free profile. My warrior is all the way to 45 now and only had to restart it a few times.

Thanks for sharing!

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At level 28/29, killing in The Charred Vale there is an elite Harpy who makes my life a living hell! It would be great if the profile went along the south side of the Charred Vale to avoid it. I'm not too sure how to fix this though :)

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Worked great until today after the update. My character is running in to the same tree in achenvale and just wont get out of there. Even if i move him he runs back to the same spot. Anyone els got this problem?

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I got some kind of error,

[E] 16:36:58 - RunState(State state): > State Security/Stop game - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference has not been specified to an instance of an object.
   vid Main.Start(Engine engine, State state, CancelEventArgs cancelable)
   vid robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.FSMEngineStateCancelableHandler.Invoke(Engine engine, State state, CancelEventArgs cancelable)
   vid robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.EtoixapigUceof(Engine esuegiwuma, State bewigurimesaka)
   vid robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Aloeleakaip(State bewigurimesaka)


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Hey guys, I bought the profile, but where do I find the update with the "up to 35" and 50. Where can I download it? (february update)

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1 hour ago, suvalol said:

Hey guys, I bought the profile, but where do I find the update with the "up to 35" and 50. Where can I download it? (february update)

The selly email from purchase will have a download link

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I got a problem by purchase.. 2 days in a row .. ewrytime i get errors when i buy it or  ''says we are sorry u cant buy now this product''

''Ihre Zahlung kann derzeit nicht verarbeitet werden. Versuchen Sie es später erneut. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.''

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17 hours ago, eeny said:

The selly email from purchase will have a download link

Hey Eeny, awesome profile btw, works perfectly. Really good job.

I still haven't found the update tho, my email doesnt have the selly link. I just bought it from paypal, I can tell you the email or send the receipt if needed. Is there any way you can send me the file or a link?

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