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[PAID] [PVE] [RAID] Restoration - Druid - TBC(2.4.3) by Ordush 1.2.2a

   (3 reviews)

About This File



This is my paid version of the TBC Druid Restoration Wrobot Rotation
It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation.

For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/86-druid-fightclass-tbc/

It's party and raid friendly. (tested in kara)

You can set up in-game via the interface if it should heal yourself, the group or even focus. This is smart for situations like if you end up having to only heal tank (focus) or you can even set it up to innervate focus (Another healer?)

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The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more.

Optimized rotation for best healing
Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface
Druid Combat Abilities
- Regrowth <- Smart healing
- Rejuvenation <- Smart healing
- Lifebloom <- Smart healing
- Swiftmend <- Smart healing
- Instant Healing Touch <- Will use Nature's Swiftness and will re-apply treeform after cast
Druid Misc Abilities
- Tree of Life
- Innervate <- Smart inervation
- Abolish Poison
- Remove Curse <- Will re-apply treeform after cast
- Auto Buffing (1.1.0) <- Smart auto buffing Will check party and do MotW or GotW based on what is smartest. It iwll only do GotW if you have 5 more mats for it in bag. (It will not auto buff group in raids, i can make it do that too if requested).

Druid Healing Spell Settings
- Heal Yourself <- Decide if it heals self (smart if you are assigned only to tank)
- Heal Group <- Decide if it heals group (smart if you are assigned only to tank)
- Heal Focus <- Decide if it heals focus (smart if you are assigned only to tank)
Druid Misc Spell Settings
- Innervate Yourself <- Decide if it innervates self
- Innervate Group <- Decide if it innervates group
- Innervate Focus <- Decide if it innervates focus
Druid Dispel Settings
- Abolish Poison Yourself <- Decide if it Abolish Poison on self
- Abolish Poison Group <- Decide if it Abolish Poison on group
- Abolish Poison Focus <- Decide if it Abolish Poison on focus
- Remove Curse Yourself <- Decide if it Remove Curse on self
- Remove Curse Group <- Decide if it Remove Curse on group
- Remove Curse Focus <- Decide if it Remove Curse on focus
- Buff Yourself <- Decide if it buffs yourself
- Buff Group <- Decide if it buffs party
- Buff Fcous <- Decide if it buffs focus
Focus Only Settings
- Thorns <- Focus (tank) will keep Thorns on
- Lifebloom Mode <- Focus (tank) lifebloom mode, can be changed from MIssing HP to Always. If it's on Always, then the healer will try to keep lifebloom on 3 stacks all the time on focus.

/statusframe <- shows/Hides the in-game interface
/rotatoggle <- Toggles rota pause on/off.

These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar.

Coming Soon
- Optional wow addon, which will save your settings, so if you changed your pet food or tuned off some spells. You will not have to set it every time you log on.


- Release
Added Smart Auto Buffing (It now auto buffs if you enable it)
Removed "Coming Soon" from Auto Buffing.
- Bug fixes (Rejuvenation spam)
- No longer tries to cast when in Bear Form, Cat Form or Travel Form
- Casts Barkskin if hp is lower then 20% (This is not yet optional)
- Fixed bug that would cast Lifebloom on target instead of focus.
- No longer tries to cast spells with casttime while moving.
- No longer casts tree form when you are casting something else (mount).
1.2.1 (Big update)
- Barkskin is now optional
- Thorns on focus added
- Lifebloom mode for focus added (can now keep lifebloom on tank at all times)
- Code cleaned up for more smooth experiance.
- Changed so foucs (Tank) is prioritized first now.
- Fixed buffing so it doesn't buff focus/group when auto buffing is off
- Fixed Abolish Poison so it works properly now.
- Fixed Lifebloom, you ca now move and cast at the same time
- Increased the general speed of the fightclass.
- Hotfix for Lifebloom, people have had issues. So rewrote the code.

In-game Interface

Always feel free to send me suggestions or bug reports via PM on WRobot Forum

What's New in Version 1.2.2a   See changelog


- Hotfix for Lifebloom, people have had issues. So rewrote the code.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

On 4/19/2018 at 8:40 AM, Omon said:

some times i need to heal 2 tanks. i can put one in focus, but cant have other tank focused. would be nice if can type in in  game user interface thingy  player name (or names) i want to bot focus to heal

is it possible to do?

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44 minutes ago, Omon said:

is it possible to do?

As i said, i will look into it.
I have a lot on my plate atm. But i will get around to it when i can.

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3 hours ago, Ordush said:

As i said, i will look into it.
I have a lot on my plate atm. But i will get around to it when i can.

doing new profiles? if yes what class? if its not a secret ?

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13 hours ago, Omon said:

doing new profiles? if yes what class? if its not a secret ?

Hehe, nono i already have 5 fightclasses.
This is not my fulltime job, far from. I have a normal work besides making fightclasses. ?

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ordush! great to see you writing professionally. I didnt know ?

anyway, I hope you make some profiles for 3.3.5. specially melee class  rogue warrior rpala  would be awesome.


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10 minutes ago, 435 said:

ordush! great to see you writing professionally. I didnt know ?

anyway, I hope you make some profiles for 3.3.5. specially melee class  rogue warrior rpala  would be awesome.


Hey mate.
Yeah, i have some stuff released. ?
I am not writing any code atm. I'm fighting stress, so until i have vacation and have to take care of my fulltime job, coding is on a break.

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On 5/6/2018 at 4:12 PM, Omon said:


hi. have problem with your FC [resto druid tbc] . im using wrotation. when i start fight looks everything ok, but when i hit macro (rotatoggle or something) i hear sound like fc or bot what to use some skill but nothing happens. When random addon error pops up and when i see system message unauthorized software or modification to your game client has been detected and ill disconnected shortly. and after couple times i got temp banned

24 Dec 2018 21H12.log.html


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9 minutes ago, Omon said:

hi. have problem with your FC [resto druid tbc] . im using wrotation. when i start fight looks everything ok, but when i hit macro (rotatoggle or something) i hear sound like fc or bot what to use some skill but nothing happens. When random addon error pops up and when i see system message unauthorized software or modification to your game client has been detected and ill disconnected shortly. and after couple times i got temp banned

24 Dec 2018 21H12.log.html


Are you using a custom wow client? Sure looks like it?
Don't ever download the client, that's provided from the server hosts. Always get a clean wow client.
Also, i see that you are using a LOT of addons, don't ever use addons with wrobot. That alone might be what is causing issues.

Edit: Rotatoggle is to turn OFF the fightclass

Edited by Ordush
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i turn of conflict addons, was elvui , loadit, cartographer. now its working good. i play on warmane server. downloaded (i hope) clean client.

i use your FC almost a year. never had problem. but now something change.  when i use bot with those addon i mention, its works good till i use macro rotatoggle. if i press in ingame interface with mouse, rotation run or pause fc works good. problem starts only if i use macro and only in combat

i just letting u to know. im not complaining. btw your fc works great on excalibur server

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8 minutes ago, Omon said:

i turn of conflict addons, was elvui , loadit, cartographer. now its working good. i play on warmane server. downloaded (i hope) clean client.

i use your FC almost a year. never had problem. but now something change.  when i use bot with those addon i mention, its works good till i use macro rotatoggle. if i press in ingame interface with mouse, rotation run or pause fc works good. problem starts only if i use macro and only in combat

i just letting u to know. im not complaining. btw your fc works great on excalibur server

Sounds weird.
I am going to rewrite it soon. ?

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For some reason, this fight class always turns on click to move. Can you fix? Very irritating.


Edit: Found a plugin which fixes this, no problem ?

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2 minutes ago, Nybakken said:

For some reason, this fight class always turns on click to move. Can you fix? Very irritating

I've heard others have issues with this. But i can't fix this issue, because it's not my fightclass that does it. It's the combination of my fightclass and something else, i don't even know the code to set click to move. I could find out what it is, but there is no reason at all for me to force click to move on.
In short, there is nowhere in my code i enable click to move.

IF you read the above comment, you could see that i am going to rewrite it soon.
Hopefully it will fix the incompatibility with whatever is causing this issue,.

Edited by Ordush
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On 1/6/2019 at 9:05 PM, Ordush said:

I've heard others have issues with this. But i can't fix this issue, because it's not my fightclass that does it. It's the combination of my fightclass and something else, i don't even know the code to set click to move. I could find out what it is, but there is no reason at all for me to force click to move on.
In short, there is nowhere in my code i enable click to move.

IF you read the above comment, you could see that i am going to rewrite it soon.
Hopefully it will fix the incompatibility with whatever is causing this issue,.

Any Updates for the rewrite progress ? Still waiting for it then gonna buy it

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18 hours ago, catrix555 said:

Any Updates for the rewrite progress ? Still waiting for it then gonna buy it

Hopefully gonna start rewriting this week.

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16 hours ago, GJ31 said:

Hey fella! Is there any chance this FC can be used for a Druid pocket healer for leveling and instances?

I do not understand the term "Druid pocket healer" if you are asking if the fightclass can be used for healing instances, then yes. ?

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3 hours ago, Ordush said:

I do not understand the term "Druid pocket healer" if you are asking if the fightclass can be used for healing instances, then yes. ?

My apologies. Basically, I'm looking for a FC that can follow me around, throwing heals and buffs as needed, whilst I level my warrior through quests and dungeons. 

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2 hours ago, GJ31 said:

My apologies. Basically, I'm looking for a FC that can follow me around, throwing heals and buffs as needed, whilst I level my warrior through quests and dungeons. 

It can do just that. ?
Just use the party product ?

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5 hours ago, wufta said:

no matter which tbc server i use this just errors out and crashes wrobot


Did you load it as a fightclass?

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well i only copied a small portion of it and it just keeps spamming those over and over till the bot lags out


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