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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Bonjour, ce problème vient probablement de votre profil, essayer de désactiver l'étape (step) dans l'onget "product settings"
  2. Hello, add offmesh connection: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/5283-offmesh-connections/ (I'll try to fix it server side)
  3. Hello, Disable all Wow addons, all WRobot plugins and share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  4. if you use windows 10 you can try to use virtual desktop windows
  5. ok thank I'll generate new meshes wait few hours
  6. it is only in continent name DeeprunTram ?
  7. Someone have tram gameobject entry id?
  8. Hello, You get this problem with all profiles or only quester profiles?
  9. Hello, I keep note I'll try again to improve this
  10. Hello, use SkillLine https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/10723-quest-profile-code-snippets-continued-updated/ (you can also use lua
  11. Check if you haven't option in your graphic card or run others games in window mode also
  12. Hello, yes use code like: wManager.Wow.Helpers.Quest.QuesterCurrentContext.QuestsClasses["MyQuestClassName"].Pulse() (replace MyQuestClassName by you quest name (name used in steps))
  13. hello, increment wait after launch legion is slow to start
  14. hello, try to increment relogger option launch time
  15. Hello, At the end of your subscription, we will send you an invoice with renewal link to remind you to renew your subscription. We will not automatically renew your subscription. (to cancel renew invoice (video): https://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/others/CancelRenewals.mp4 )
  16. Hello, you have second account with subscription active "tbaker4979"
  17. Hello, contact profile creator
  18. hello, do you use fightclass for Vanillma?
  19. Hello, what result give lua ? /run print(UnitName("player").." is a "..UnitRace("player"))
  20. Hello, you cannot do it easyly, for that you need to good knowledge on Lua and WRobot (but you can search on the web if macros do exist on the web)
  21. He don't dismount? can you share your log please
  22. Hello, look https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3802-fisherbot-quest/?do=findComment&comment=17769
  23. Hello, wait next update (I'll release it in less than 1 hour)
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