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    Droidz reacted to Superman_AZ in Pick Pocketing - Dingy Iron Coins (or purely for gold)   
    Hey all! Just successfully worked up a Pick Pocket bot to stand still in the Tomb of Lights, target Shadow NPCs, and pick their pockets. I am averaging 40 items per minute. Here are links to the two profiles needed for the task.
    Fight Class: Rogue Pick Pocket
    Quester Profile: Pick Pocket - Tomb of Lights in Talador for Dingy iron coins
    I hope you all enjoy and be sure to follow all of the instructions and examine the screen shots. It feels like a lot of work to set up, but I made a lot of gold yesterday.

  2. Like
    Droidz reacted to saleh in reloger Crash   
  3. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Drwolftech in Change Targets   
    You can launch it is xml fightclass,
    Add conditon "C Sharp code" like:
    ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile().OrderBy(u => u.HealthPercent).FirstOrDefault(u => u.GetDistance <= 10) != null And in instead of spell name, put 
    // Get unit in range and lowest health float distance = 10; WoWUnit unit = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile().OrderBy(u => u.HealthPercent).FirstOrDefault(u => u.GetDistance <= distance); // Any unit? if (unit != null && unit.IsValid) { // Interact Interact.InteractGameObject(unit.GetBaseAddress); } and activate spell setting 'No spell, is C# code'.
  4. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from BetterSister in Bought key but not working   
    Hello, try again, you can now use your license key with this version.
  5. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from saleh in Update Status - Patch 7.0.3 Build 22498   
    WRobot support now Wow 7.0.3 build 22498, you need to update WRobot.
  6. Like
    Droidz reacted to saleh in Wrobot Don`t detect when quest is finish    
    i restart every thing
    and rebuild the quest file
    it is work now
    i believe the problem was in NPC 
    not in item because the toon collect all items successfully 
  7. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from happiness7 in Fisherbot Quest   
    Hello, use quest type "OverridePulseCSharpCode" with code:
    Vector3 fishPosition = new Vector3(-9387.61, -120.2896, 58.53797, "Flying"); float fishRotation = 4; if (!FishingTask.IsLaunched) { if (GoToTask.ToPosition(fishPosition, 1.5f)) { ObjectManager.Me.Rotation = fishRotation; FishingTask.LoopFish(); } } return true; (replace "-9387.61, -120.2896, 58.53797" by fishing position and 4 by fishing rotation (you can get position and rotation in WRobot tab "Tools" > "Dev... tools" > "Me/Target Position"))
    Don't forget to stop fishing, for it, after pulse fishing quest, in quests order add step type "RunCode" with code:
    Sample profile: FishingTest.xml
  8. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from BetterSister in Click on the quest complete to complete quest   
    Or like this http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2173-click-to-accept-click-to-turn-in-quests-droidz-budday/?do=findComment&comment=10188 (if no button name change since)
  9. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Hellscream21 in Items   
    It is in c#.net, but it is similar to javascript syntax.
  10. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from BetterSister in the crash reports   
    Hello, you get same problem when you launch WRobot with shortcut "WRobot no dx", or "WRobot no lock frame"?
    If yes, I cannot help you, you can use relloger to relaunch WRobot when he crash. For some user, Wow crash sometime, but I have never found why.
  11. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Hellscream21 in LEGION Archaeology   
    Thank you. Wait next update for the fix, to wait you can http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3773-legion-archaeology/?do=findComment&comment=17635
  12. Like
    Droidz reacted to Hellscream21 in LEGION Archaeology   
    Here you go:
    Name Type Display ID Entry ID Position X Position Y Position Z Distance Rotation Faction GUID Summoned/Created By Demonic Archaeology Find - (on WowHead) WoWGameObject 34056 246812 2510,157 1630,592 3,414 3,514119 3,237005 - 00720400004D585E2C30989880F10700 00000000046A686D0839B00000000000
  13. Like
    Droidz reacted to Bugreporter in Snippets of LUA codes (for FightClass)   
    A better Buffcheck.
    The charm of this check is:
    you dont need to check all 40 possible buffs you can access the buff with his name (clearer code) and because you access with the name, you dont get trouble with change buff id's and you can check simple buff combinations without check twice  
    local Moonfire=GetSpellInfo(155625) local t=GetTime(); local buffexp,buff,buffcnt={},{},{}; local i,n,c,x,id,found=0; repeat i=i+1; n,_,_,c,_,_,x,_,_,_,id=UnitAura("target",i,"PLAYER HARMFUL"); if n then buffcnt[n]=c buffexp[n]=x-t buff[n]=id; found=true end until (not n) or (i==40); if found then if buff[Moonfire] then ... end end  
  14. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from saleh in party chat command to Guild bank   
    Hello, use this c# code:
    if (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Party.IsInGroup()) { var o = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByName("Guild Chest")); if (o.IsValid) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Interact.InteractGameObject(o.GetBaseAddress, true); } } (replace "Guild Chest" by game object name how is appear in game (you can get object name when you put mouse over)
  15. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from BetterSister in How to LUA program only to kill a specific number of mobs then possible log out / close game   
    Hello, you can get number of mob kills in "wManager.Statistics.Kills".
    The better way is to create plugin. But you can add this code in your custom profile:
    int maxKill = 10; if (wManager.Statistics.Kills >= maxKill && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore) { try { Memory.WowMemory.Memory.GetProcess().Kill(); // if you want close game } catch {} robotManager.Products.Products.ProductStop(); }  
  16. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from BetterSister in ToPositionAndInteractWithNpc without pathfinding   
    Hello, Not tested, but like this:
    int entryIdNpc = 123456; var path = new List<Vector3>(); // your path MovementManager.Go(path); while (MovementManager.InMovement && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore) { // Wait follow path Thread.Sleep(100); } MovementManager.StopMove(); if (path[path.Count - 1].DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) < 10) { // easy way: GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(path[path.Count - 1], entryIdNpc); // no easy: /*var u = ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(entryIdNpc)); if (u.IsValid) { // can need to go to but I'll not implement it Interact.InteractGameObject(u.GetBaseAddress); }*/ }  
  17. Like
    Droidz reacted to BetterSister in Click button to use a item/spell   
    It's alright i used distance and has quest check instead. It isn't fail proof but i didn't find any problems with this solution 
  18. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from jaladhjin in Spinning while descending   
    Hello, you get same problem when "lua to move" is not enabled? Without "lua to move" WRobot don't works in background (I have added option "lua to move" because some antivirus/softwares block keyboard access, but if you can don't use this option)?
  19. Like
    Droidz reacted to jaladhjin in Spinning while descending   
    Nope I turned it off & it doesn't happen anymore
  20. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Dreamful in cant enter address on purchase   
    I have disabled "Google Maps" option (I ignore cause, my api key seem active on my google account).
  21. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Dreamful in cant enter address on purchase   
    Hello, if you can try again
  22. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from sumodima in Profile editor to support CTRL + S   
    Hello, I'll add it in next updates.
  23. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Runaro in Profile editor to support CTRL + S   
    Hello, I'll add it in next updates.
  24. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from BetterSister in Use rebith on a dead player   
    Hello, no tested, but in fightclass editor you can use this code like this: 

  25. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Arcangelo in Use rebith on a dead player   
    Hello, no tested, but in fightclass editor you can use this code like this: 

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