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Everything posted by iMod

  1. You should not using the index because if there is no chest you will get a out of range exception. // Search for a chest List<WoWGameObject> chest = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(123456).FirstOrDefault(); // Found? if(chest != null) { // Open Interact.InteractGameObject(chest.GetBaseAddress); }
  2. XML is for ppl who have no clue about programming und C#(.cs) is for the advanced ppl. With XML you are forced to the functions droidz implemented and with C# you can create your own functions and stuff like that.
  3. WoWUnit unit = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().OrderBy(u => u.GetDistance2D).FirstOrDefault(u => u.Entry == 1234 && u.IsAlive); replace 1234 with your id you are looking for. "Not working" means nothing happens or do you get errors?
  4. Oh you are working with quester. The vanish thing should be a part of your fight class.
  5. If you want too loop through something "While(condition)" could be used.
  6. public class Ninja { private Spell _vanish = new Spell("Vanish"); int chestId = 42; void LookingForTheChest() { if (ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("IsShiftKeyDown()")) { //use vanish. How can send to game some bind like "shift + V"? //sleep 2000 Thread.Sleep(2000); // Cast vanish this._vanish.Launch(); } if (ObjectManager.Me.InCombat == false && _vanish.IsSpellUsable && IsAnyoneNearMe() == false && ObjectManager.Me.IsCast == false) { LootTheChest(); } } void LootTheChest() { //lets check chest, maybe it looted already //if no chest i need to go to the next step } bool IsAnyoneNearMe() { //get mobs around List<WoWUnit> mobsNearMe = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile(); //anyone near me? foreach (WoWUnit u in mobsNearMe) { if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(u.Position) < 30) { return true; } } // ok, fine, there are no mobs near me, lets check where is patrol foreach (WoWUnit u in mobsNearMe) { //how to check by id? im using DisplayID, dont know what is it, but i hope you will help if (u.DisplayId == 2017 && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(u.Position) < 100) { return true; } } //so cool, patrol are so far and no one near me, time to loot the chest return false; } }
  7. Ich habe da keinen Unterschied zu HB gemerkt.
  8. Never worked with ingame variables but give this a try: CVar.SetCVar("HuntersMarkDisabled", HuntersMark); instead of the Lua.DoString(); If you want to read out your variable try: bool test = CVar.GetCVar<bool>("HuntersMarkDisabled"); Hope that helps.
  9. Yeah the only limitation is the external IP. Just tunnel the wow traffic through the vpn and leave the bot as it is. there is really no need to connect wrobot though vpn.
  10. iMod

    Ein paar Fragen

    1. Unter Einstellungen kannst du festlegen ob der Bot die Puppen ignorieren soll oder nicht. 2. Ja du musst es in 32 Bit starten. 3. Ja z.B mit Lua "IsShiftKeyDown()" oder C# und der KeyboardHook Klasse von WRobot.
  11. Are you using vpn? You need to make sure that the WRobot executables have the same external IP.
  12. It simply reads the target object out of the memory and its last position, calculates the path and walks to the position.
  13. sure it was just a sample how it could be done not a copy paste solution :) And normaly it should be just used if you want to manipulate the known cooldown of each spell.
  14. The easier way public class WoWSpell : Spell { private Timer _timer; #region Constructor /// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="WoWSpell"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="spellNameEnglish">The spell name.</param> /// <param name="cooldownTimer">The cooldown time.</param> public WoWSpell(string spellNameEnglish, double cooldownTimer) : base(spellNameEnglish) { // Set timer this._timer = new Timer(cooldownTimer); } #endregion #region Public /// <summary> /// Gets the flag if the timer is ready or not. /// </summary> public bool IsReady { get { return this._timer.IsReady; } } /// <summary> /// Casts the spell if it is ready. /// </summary> public new void Launch() { // Is ready? if (!this.IsReady) { // Return return; } // Call launch base.Launch(); // Reset timer this._timer.Reset(); } #endregion } Just a sample how it could be done. Hope it helps some people.
  15. Ja, du musst es bei dem Entwickler kaufen, deshalb auch das [PAID] davor ;)
  16. Wenn du das Plugin(oben) nicht meinst dann gibt es ein Update, wenn nicht dann solltest du dich an den Ersteller wenden.
  17. Please use the search function next time. Happy botting.
  18. http://wowprogramming.com/docs/events/PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED There is no wow event that will tell you what you have to do. Those events have nothing todo with the bot it self, that a raw wow events. You can't reg if you are infight if i'm not wrong o.O just take a look at the event list at the site above and i bet you will find some that will match your needs. Edit: Make sure you use the website with archive.org together to get valid outputs for your game version.
  19. 1. Don't subscribe to events in a loop 2. Don't use delegates if you don't understand them until you did some research about them(just a recommendation) This looks like you just copied the code without to knowledge what it does you (need) to use it in the initialize method. Just put it infront of the "While" and you should be fine.
  20. Its just a small product that will follow your toon and executes the rotation if it will go under the health number you entered int the settings, nothing special. If you leave the fight class clean it will just follow your toon that you entered in the config, nothing else. Edit: it also checks if your "leader" is mounted or not and will use a mount aswell.
  21. Give iSupport a try. Its a old product i wrote for leveling my toons semi afk. Settings should be self explained. If you don't want that your char does anything, just don't choose a fight class. Its mainly made for healing and supporting a lowbie played by hand. iSupport.dll
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