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    saleh reacted to Droidz in official server Classic   
    No, WRobot works and will work only on private servers. Current supported versions can be found here https://wrobot.eu/supported-wow-versions/
  2. Thanks
    saleh reacted to Droidz in Put an item in the list not to sell   
    List<String> ItemNames = new List<string> { "First Item", "second Item", //etc }; foreach (string ItemName in ItemNames) { if(!wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Contains(ItemName)) wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Add(ItemName); }  
  3. Thanks
    saleh reacted to Droidz in Put an item in the list not to sell   
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Add("item name"); But to avoid duplicate:
    var itemName = "item name"; if (!wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Contains(itemName)) wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Add(itemName);  
  4. Thanks
    saleh reacted to Droidz in Train skill riding   
    Hello, use this c# code: 
    if (wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new robotManager.Helpful.Vector3(1, 2, 3), 12345)) // replace 1, 2, 3 by position, and 12345 by npc entry id { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(wManager.Wow.Enums.GossipOptionsType.trainer); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Trainer.TrainingSpell(); }  
  5. Thanks
    saleh reacted to Droidz in Reloger and Multipe EXE's   
    Hello, use task type "ChangeWowPath"
  6. Thanks
    saleh reacted to Ordush in WROBOT - Code in Easy Quest Editor   
    Just search for whatever you need, then you can see the variable, you define that as true/false (If it's bool)
    example: wManager.wManagerSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = false
  7. Thanks
    saleh reacted to Ordush in WROBOT - Code in Easy Quest Editor   
    It's in here. ?

    Here to be more precise
  8. Thanks
    saleh reacted to TheSmokie in WROBOT - Code in Easy Quest Editor   
    In profile , chick on save settings from profile.
  9. Sad
    saleh reacted to Ordush in How Using Wand ( Shoot ) in fightclass?   
    Looked at the extended edit i just made.
    If "shoot" only works as hunter, then the above code that MikeMail posted won't work either, Because that is EXACTLY what it does. ?
  10. Thanks
    saleh reacted to TheSmokie in How Using Wand ( Shoot ) in fightclass?   
    Tbh i havent really ever messed with editor, if you can message me the profile, i can put it into a dll file for you and add the shooting but i am clueless when it comes to FC editor
  11. Thanks
    saleh reacted to TheSmokie in How Using Wand ( Shoot ) in fightclass?   
    public Spell wand = new Spell("Shoot"); if (wand.KnownSpell && wand.IsSpellUsable && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage <= 5 && ObjectManager.Me.GetEquipedItemBySlot(wManager.Wow.Enums.InventorySlot.INVSLOT_RANGED) != 0) { wand.Launch(); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); return; } This is what i use in my fightclass. if you want anymore help join my discord : https://discord.gg/ppm8Ufc
    im not always on here and i love helping people learn.
  12. Like
    saleh reacted to lau99116 in wait for a few minutes to resurrect   
    This is a map that can fly to collect minerals and herbs. After being killed by the opposing faction, the soul doctor is revived. I need to wait 30 seconds to revive after being killed, not run to the corpse.
  13. Thanks
    saleh reacted to Droidz in wait for a few minutes to resurrect   
    hello, try plugin like:
    using System.Threading; using wManager.Wow.Bot.States; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { public void Initialize() { robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnRunState += (engine, state, cancelable) => { if (state is Resurrect || state is ResurrectBG) { Thread.Sleep(1000 * 30); } }; } public void Dispose() { } public void Settings() { } }  
    Wait Resurrect.cs
  14. Like
    saleh reacted to TheSmokie in wait for a few minutes to resurrect   
    Thread.Sleep(1000 * 30); // 1000 = 1 sec / * means X aka times and 30 means the number you're times the 1000 by  
  15. Thanks
    saleh reacted to TheSmokie in Auto Accept Trade   
    If wrobot has a Trade state , or you know how to make you're own state on C# you can write a plugin to auto use that script
  16. Like
    saleh reacted to TheSmokie in Auto Accept Trade   
    there is no way to auto accept trade but there is a macro to take the trade
    /script AcceptTrade();
  17. Thanks
    saleh reacted to Droidz in Auction Get Error   
    It is connection problem with auth server, if this don't close WRobot you can ignore it.
  18. Like
    saleh reacted to Serrec in Mage food/drink   
    conjure stuff in the fighting profile and set the food/drink in the settings/in butler if you are using it
  19. Like
    saleh reacted to TheSmokie in Party Leader Eat And Drink Order   
  20. Like
    saleh reacted to TheSmokie in Party Leader Eat And Drink Order   
    or you could give this a try
  21. Like
    saleh reacted to TheSmokie in Party Leader Eat And Drink Order   
    i know but if you ever want to use them you can,
  22. Like
    saleh reacted to thxgod1 in warrior FightClass   
    I would recommend @Enraged Warrior free fightclasses, it really does the job decently. (In case it still works, didnt bot on vanilla for quite sometime)
  23. Thanks
    saleh reacted to Dreamful in Can't get Hunter to use Ranged Attack   
    Hey NiteKat,

    On the Left site in Fightclass Editor you see General Settings change the point 'Range' to 25 or 30. That should work.

    Have fun,
  24. Thanks
    saleh reacted to NiteKat in Can't get Hunter to use Ranged Attack   
    Thank you, this sort of solved my problem. I had tried it before, but only to 8. Now if I set it to 28, the Hunter will stop at a decent distance... but if won't shot. Just stands there waiting for the mob. If I try using Auto Shoot as a spell, it *keeps* casting it, interrupting the attack, so a shot never gets off. I'm assuming I need to check if it's being used already, but I'm not sure what Auto Shoot is considered as (I'm guessing it isn't a buff?).
  25. Thanks
    saleh reacted to Droidz in reloger Crash   
    Do you have try to install last version of Framework https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48130 ?
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