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Everything posted by eeny

  1. Whelp... someone at blizz certainly changed the vectors of this instance... New version PM'd and uploaded to sellfy.com -- let me know if you hit any issues
  2. This is an old profile, give me a sec and il take a look. EDIT: using re logger?
  3. 1- wait while cast = TRUE (in fight class editor) 2- Spells need to be on your action bar for rotation to call them.
  4. Prob need a bit of context here. this could be achieved by setting your fight-class to cast on self/party only for regrowth.
  5. Closest i could get with Obliteration
  6. I personally have never used it. I do remember one of the 3.3.5 guys saying they had been using it OK. Its your profile, give it a go and see what works / doesnt.
  7. not perfect but a good demo. Its SM GY- you will need to be 60 / geared to solo (lol)<< my 55 sham had troubles... a Rogue would clean up in here. You will see its just a bunch of followpath's / pulse points with iscomplete conditions. Im banking on the bot aggro'ing bosses as the follow walks then over where the boss should be. SM_GY.xml
  8. The difference with vanilla will be boss objectives i talk about there- that panel doesnt exist.. I'm looking into some SM profiles later today, will update what i find works / doesnt.
  9. Version 1.2.0


    C# fight class for Vanilla priests. Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles The idea behind this was to make a Shadow priest FC that will go 1-60 where you dont need to populate the action bars with spells after training. Levels 1-10 will be a SWP / smite rotation. Im 100% assuming you have a wand equipped by lvl 10. 10-60 is just a simple SWP / mind blast / wand rotation with vamp embrace. The focus here was efficiency, ideally the bot should not need to drink using this profile after lvl 10. Until the bot knows shadowform it will use holy spells to heal it self. once it knows shadowform it will use PW: sheild and Vamp Embrace never seen issues at higher lvls with healing on my priests. Will always keep buffs like Fort and Inner fire up. massive should to @reapler who sorted out wanding and generally cleaned up my code. If you have any suggestions / bugs / recommendations drop me a PM and i can look into it.
  10. Testing is good- providing solutions to the problems found is far better... IMO if you haven't got a green Lvl 5/7 weapon for the bot to use your going to be in trouble. Vanilla is rough when you are fighting mobs your own level and being able to knock mobs down quickly will reduce your deaths greatly.
  11. I'm yet to define vendors in this profile, its using the Base Wrobot vendors... Dont get me started on defining vendors in quest profiles- a battle i have been fighting(losing) for some time.
  12. Using the memory clean addon? Edit- need logs too
  13. 1KN is hard with the vendor aspect. the bot cant do the lift, so it goes to camp T in the barrens to vendor. To do that it needs to go through the lvl 35 RFD mobs and chain die. Uploaded a new version- used Ashenvale for 25-28
  14. yeah... if you look at the code: if (!Quest.HasQuest(questId)) break; if (ObjectManager.Target.IsValid && ObjectManager.Target.IsAlive) { ItemsManager.UseItem(itemId); That means between the time that code is run, and you hand in the quest... it will attempt to use the item. This looks suspect. In this scenario all you can really do is do your other 2 quests first, then run the code and to the 'item quest' and hand in. Alternatively, run code, pulse quest, hand in, pulse other 2 quests hand in. in the end if your running that kind of code, you want to pulse the quest then turn in asap.
  15. Thanks- its a work in progress. If you can think of any good grind spots that are less crowded or can offer a smoother transition (less level gaps between spots) let me know and I'll try slot them in. Once 1-60 grind is sorted, il look at back-filling quests.
  16. In Quester- its obvious that the 'shoot' command comes through from the fighclass.. however the bot continually attempts to melee 'attack' the mob which breaks shoot. When you set a timer of 1 second on shoot you can see the bot swap weapons every 1 second and its tried to both 'shoot' and 'attack' at the same time. In melee its effective ( at low levels) im seeing 1 wand attack / one melee attack. however at range the weapon swapping looks terrible and the bot shoots at half speed, Its almost like we need to be able to turn off "auto attack" in the fight class so the bot stops attempting to melee the mobs and just let the wanding commence. @Droidz - when you load a bot without a fight class, it defaults to just running up and auto-attacking the NPC's. is there a way to turn that auto-attack off? As i think that may be the issue here,, Thanks Eeny
  17. check the vanilla Wrobot install directory... you will find relogger
  18. Hi all, Dont know if anyone has run into this and has any tips. I am currently running 3 Elysium wow windows and im noticing my CPU is often hitting 100%. I have turned down all the graphics settings etc. Google confirms the maxfps setting was introduced after 1.12 so i cant throttle the client... Im noticing WoW.exe will get to 30% CPU for a while, then drop back down to 7-8%. When running 3 WoW instances i see 1 will always be at 30%, sometimes two and after a few minutes its back to normal. has anyone seen this and got a workaround / fix? thanks Eeny
  19. This is how i have done it- its not perfect but when i check the bot i have weapon bufs 99% of the time look at windfury settings Shaman.xml
  20. Version 2.0.0


    Eeny's Vanilla Levelling Pack Version 10 Tested, reliable and stable WRobot Levelling profile pack for Horde on private servers. The Demo is a 1-6 quester - Valley of trials. After which it will load the grinder. The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Horde grinding packs, along with 1-25 Quester for Orc / Troll and start zones for Tauren + Undead. The files are built Built on Elysium, lighthope and Northdale Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for levelling 1-60 Main Grinder file paths: 1-6 Valley of trials 6-12 Durotar. 12-26 Barrens, 26-32 Ashenvale. 32-41 Desolace. 41- 46 Feralas 46-51 Tanaris. 51-55 Un-goro 55-60 Silithus 1-25 Quester file path 1-6 Valley of trials 6-12 Durotar / Tirisfal Glades 12-20 Barrens 20-25 Barrens / STM / Ashenvale There is also the Alternate file section which contains over 100 files including support for Tauren + Undead start zones to make your bots levelling unique. Each level 1-60 has 3-5 different options for levelling The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target. A Second main line grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth. You are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths. The new V10 file has runcode added. Once your bot is finished with a zone the runcode will walk it to the next zone, talk to the flight master, set hearthstone and begin grinding in the new zone. Will also purchase gear dependant on the class.
  21. IIRC the trial works for private servers... did you try the trial? if you have and like it.... go for the 20 eu license imo.
  22. Ok, didn't have much time so i took the easy one first. Lorlathil grinder If you look at the XML the layout isnt too bad. Its a pretty simple profile, the only important thing i can see is the "hotspots" <Hotspot X="2338.24" Y="6528.67" Z="140.95" /> <Hotspot X="2367.066" Y="6532.46" Z="146.4146" /> <Hotspot X="2418.231" Y="6543.658" Z="149.7744" /> <Hotspot X="2445.596" Y="6543.863" Z="152.2986" /> <Hotspot X="2474.635" Y="6546.638" Z="151.9977" /> <Hotspot X="2504.943" Y="6523.815" Z="156.4359" /> <Hotspot X="2562.169" Y="6491.031" Z="169.0529" /> <Hotspot X="2591.067" Y="6485.735" Z="173.2177" /> <Hotspot X="2612.29" Y="6479.464" Z="173.6712" /> <Hotspot X="2607.982" Y="6399.977" Z="182.7195" /> <Hotspot X="2579.087" Y="6426.262" Z="178.0221" /> <Hotspot X="2568.908" Y="6439.497" Z="170.0796" /> <Hotspot X="2550.416" Y="6442.442" Z="169.0914" /> <Hotspot X="2505.228" Y="6476.29" Z="162.0123" /> <Hotspot X="2439.17" Y="6491.189" Z="157.1621" /> <Hotspot X="2449.913" Y="6428.704" Z="161.6144" /> if you notice- they look a lot like Wrobots "vector3's". so all that needed to be done here is insert these into a blank grinder profile and change "hotspot" or "vector3". That takes care of the movement- the thing i noticed was the HB profile doesnt identify any targets? My assumption here is the profile is set to kill anything within 40 yards... so i redirected one of my Val' sharah bots for a min to get some targets.. comes up with this: N-Grind--100-110 lorlathil_modified.xml Look a look at the other- just looking over the XML- see this <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition"><![CDATA[ PluginContainer StudioCompanion = Styx.Plugins.PluginManager.Plugins.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Studio Companion"); System.Type studioCompanionHelper = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Select(a => a.GetType("Studio60.StudioCompanionHelper", false, false)).FirstOrDefault(a => a != null); System.Type petBattleStudioHelper = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Select(a => a.GetType("Studio60.PetBattleStudioHelper", false, false)).FirstOrDefault(a => a != null); Noped outa that one...
  23. You are going to need to convert the profiles. With the WRobot conversion tool I think the outcome is dependant on the type of profile, grinder, gatherer or quester. If you look at the structure of the XML files grinder and gatherer are easy. Usually its just a bunch of co-ordinates(Vectors) to make the path and if its a grinder there will be a section of the XML file that has the NPC ID's for the mobs you want to attack... For gatherer / grinder i would expect the conversion tool to work fine. Quester is a different story. all the HB profiles i have seen that are worth a damn are shipped with custom "plugin packages". The profile actually calls that plugin to change the way the bot works for that quest pulse. Obviously without the plugin package you are in trouble. On top of this- it will require a load of 'code sanitation' as the HB profiles have a lot more steps that wrobot doesnt use. My experience with HB quest conversion was a 1-60 profile.. i had a function Wrobot 1-60 quester with ~1300 steps... the converted HB profile had just over 4000... it was probably easy to just remake the quest profile rather than try to get the converted file to work with all the debug it would take. post a link to the HB profiles you have- maybe we can get some of them working..
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