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Brian reacted to iMod in How to target in fight class
// Get target you want to WoWUnit target = any target you want // Target the target Interact.InteractGameObject(target.GetBaseAddress, !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove); This would be one way how you target something.
Brian got a reaction from dida1990 in Global Cooldown
theres your issue. Don't do once per target, check if it has buff and if not, apply it. Never use once per target.
Brian got a reaction from BetterSister in Global Cooldown
theres your issue. Don't do once per target, check if it has buff and if not, apply it. Never use once per target.
Brian got a reaction from dida1990 in new conditional suggestion
The bot can run LUA secure scripts without an unlocker
Brian got a reaction from saleh in how to create a player object from player name
Thanks it does. Does
p.IsValid check if online? Also, CastSpellByID is protected, you are able to call protected LUA functions through wrobot?
Brian reacted to iMod in how to create a player object from player name
Get player object by name:
WoWPlayer player = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().Where(p => p.IsValid && p.Name == "PlayerName").FirstOrDefault();
Target player:
Interact.InteractGameObject(player.GetBaseAddress, true); Cast spell at the specified target:
string targetName = "blubb"; int spellID = 999; Lua.LuaDoString($"CastSpellByID({spellID}, \"{targetName}\")");
Hope it helps.
Brian reacted to Droidz in TargetBuffCastedByMe 3.3.5 Servers (Anyone who uses this please look at)
If in next update, you can tell me if "TargetBuffCastedByMe" is fixed.
Brian reacted to Droidz in TargetBuffCastedByMe 3.3.5 Servers (Anyone who uses this please look at)
In xml fightclass, you can use "C Sharp Code" condtion, in value put:
If you want check if buff casted by your character is in target:
wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.GetAllBuff().Any(b => b.IsValid() && b.Owner == wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Guid && b.SpellId == 123456) (replace 123456 by your spell id).
Brian reacted to Droidz in C# Lua to Multiple Variables
Hello, like this:
var r = Lua.LuaDoString<List<string>>( string.Format(@"local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, canStealOrPurge, shouldConsolidate, spellId, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, isCastByPlayer = UnitAura('player', 'BUFF_NAME'); return name .. '{0}' .. rank .. '{0}' .. icon;", Lua.ListSeparator)); if (r != null && r.Count == 3) { var name = r[0]; var rank = r[1]; var icon = r[2]; }
Brian reacted to eeny in Adding Delay
if you are using a quest profile to do the dungeon there is a wait step you can add. just add the step with actiontype:wait and i think the value is in milliseconds? so just add the step after you finish the dungeon and put a value of '60000'.
Always helps if you post the profile tho
Brian reacted to BetterSister in Does default license always reset to trial
there is alot to fix today
Brian reacted to Droidz in Does default license always reset to trial
Hello, Thank you. I'll fix it today.
Brian reacted to Droidz in 'Relogger' application is available
'Relogger' application is now available.
Update WRobot, the file 'Relogger.exe' will appear in your WRobot folder.
PS: If you cannot run WRobot today (crash instantly), launch file "Update.exe" (you can found this in WRobot folder) and update WRobot to resolve problem.
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Brian got a reaction from trusislv1 in How to create an Fight Class (developer only)
already in wrobot bin folder
Brian got a reaction from BetterSister in Taking developer API requests
I actually requested a bot functionality change that would solve your problem, (changing blacklist from static on load to dynamic). I could make my own blacklist class, however I am hoping droidz will update the bot to allow for blacklists to be dynamic. I'll look into more when I get home, if wRobot allows for mob skipping based on memory location, and has a move on function(I may write this myself, since it will be very useful in general) I could easily write a temp blacklist class that would solve your problem. May be more work than it's worth since droidz will hopefully update the current blacklist class to allow for dynamic additions. However, I will look into it and get back to you.
Brian got a reaction from BetterSister in Taking developer API requests
Taking requests from developers who want certain API functions that aren't currently implemented. Trying to make a public API library that adds onto the wrobot base API.
Don't request wrappers for other profiles
Brian reacted to Droidz in Work in progress
I post a small new for say that currently I work principly on "Relogger" application (you can look screenshot in this post).
I took a little delay on the support (on the forum) and for fix the bugs on WRobot for private server, I'll catch up when "Relogger" is realesed (soon :)). After it, I'll start to work on Legion.
Regards, Droidz.
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Brian got a reaction from da8ball in WoW crashes every 3-4 hours while botting
Confirmed crashed as well today. first one in 3 days of non stop botting
Brian reacted to BetterSister in virus detected in robotmanager.dll by bitdefender 2016
Must be false positive. I just scanned every file with Avast and didn't find anything so add the folder to exemptions
in green it says "no infections detected" in finnish
Brian got a reaction from BetterSister in When adding NPC to blacklist
When adding a NPC to blacklist, it requires a restart of wRobot to take effect. Is there anyway to change this? I am assume it's impossible from my end (requires update to wRobot), because there are many bugged mobs around warmane so I plan on making an addon add a target to blacklist if it evades x times, or if a timer gets to large when trying to interact with a unit, but without npc blacklist refreshing without a wRobot restart, I wouldn't bother because it would be useless. Also, I think npc blacklisting is a bit bugged, I added a npc that is below the ground to the blacklist, restart wrobot/wow, and the bot still tried to attack it. (I confirmed the mob was in the blacklist database)
Same issues applies to zone blacklist, I would like to be able to dynamically change zone blacklists without restarting wRobot.
Also, would like
fixed, this is a major bug and effects my profiles many times an hour and causes deaths which shouldn't happen.