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zatvorgt reacted to Matenia in Totown state?
ToTown.ToTownInProgress (although I've noticed that sometimes that boolean is set despite not actually going to town, so try Logging.Status.ToLower().Contains("town")).
zatvorgt reacted to TheSmokie in Manual selling
I know this is a old thread but i came across it when trying to find a method to bender item by name, i was able to make a method that vender ALL item by the name, i thought I'd share.
public static class Toolbox { public static void Sellitem(string ItemName) { Lua.LuaDoString(string.Format(@" local ItemToSell = '{0}' for bag = 0,4,1 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); if name and string.find(name, ItemToSell) then if (MerchantFrame:IsShown() ) then ShowMerchantSellCursor(1) UseContainerItem(bag, slot) end end end end", ItemName)); } } if (wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new Vector3(x, y, z), NpcID, 1)) { Toolbox.Sellitem("Name of item"); }
zatvorgt reacted to Droidz in Take off tha bag
Hello, try:
In "CONTAINER_BAG_OFFSET_X" replace X by 1, 2, 3 or 4 and replace "Small Black Pouch" by your bag name
zatvorgt got a reaction from TheSmokie in vanilla Manual Quest pick up and quest give
Thanks for all!!
zatvorgt got a reaction from Droidz in Timeout launch wrobot
Yeaaah! problem is resolved) Biiiig Thanks!
zatvorgt got a reaction from bio33 in Dungeon after die path
Hello .... have problem with meshes to enter dungeon after die....bot search bad path and stuck...... hellfired demon....Hellfire Ramparts....Hellfire Demon.....Mana-Tombs.....
How to add meshes or how to resolve this problem? i added offmeshes path bit this not resolve problem...... maybe need to adding - if player corpse in dungeon then go follow custom path .....exist condition to check if me corpse in dungeon?
If problem hard reolved i have custom path in sript .... but for he work perfectly need condition = me.corpse.indungeon ... but this condition dont exist...and check z-coord is not best idea..
zatvorgt got a reaction from Droidz in wow loses connection with wrobot
ok , i start more muches when window we a bugged and take this log, but log where i upload - is log when window is bugged
zatvorgt got a reaction from BetterSister in Something went totally wrong with wrobot
reinstall all dont resolve this problem, tested 1 min ago
zatvorgt reacted to Droidz in Profile positions and "Action" column
c#: new System.Threading.Thread(() => { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.PressKeybindings(wManager.Wow.Enums.Keybindings.JUMP, 250); for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Interact.InteractGameObject(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(45455)).GetBaseAddress, false, true); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(350); }}).Start();
AAA - Cime du Vortex EDITED.xml
zatvorgt reacted to eeny in does not attack mobs dungeon
Maybe enable "attack before being attacked"?
other option- edit this plugin and enter all the NPC ID's in the instance?