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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. In the UI last page you can set the range try and change it to 35 then back to 25 It's basically because melee abilities seems to force the bot in melee range.
  2. You put it in the fightclass folder in wrobot, then you load it in wrobot. If you can't get it to work, read the FAQ If this does not work, then try here: I am on vacation, so I might not answer right away ?
  3. Sø what? Does that make the hundreds of hours spent less valuable?
  4. Sounds like you are using a wrong WRobot version. ?
  5. It MAY be the fightclass * Not all fightclasses has movement control. ?
  6. "expansive fight class" What is expansive to you? 6.99 euro for a some of the work that has been put into these fightclasses does not seem expansive to me?
  7. The meshes are not loaded from the folder, it's loaded from the pathing server. I just checked, it's up right now. It's been some 4 days since it was last down, try reinstalling wrobot to a new folder. ?
  8. Because usually when you tell people to reinstall wrobot, they don't completely remove the previous folders, leaving traces of an old install. So it's generally just easier to tell people to install to a new folder. ?
  9. Sounds like you probably want to reinstall wrobot into a new folder. Also, complaining doesn't get you anywhere, no one is forcing you to use WRobot. Just be happy that there is anything out there, you could obviously feel free to make something yourself. ?
  10. I will think about the Mark thing, read the FAQ, you have hawk on, can't have both monkey and hawk.
  11. The problem is that the search range is circular, and if it gets close enough to the target that it only reaches that, it will body pull a lot of shit. ?
  12. Using the quester, is there any way i can tell the bot to attack a specific target. Since ID's are based on any mob of that kind, I'd like to tell it to attack certain mobs instead. Perhaps based on the vector of that mob?
  13. Hey Droidz Could you make it so you can select more than one step at a time? Perhaps holding shift? It's quite anoying when you do new profiles and want to disable a lot of steps to test. That you have to disable 1 step at a time. Cheers! -Ordush
  14. There is no fix. In vanilla you can't tell what kind of bag you have, so there is no way to tell it what to do in case you have ammo bag/quiver
  15. Yeah, not sure why, but for some users wrobot just doesn't like memory reading. ? I will add it as an auto feature next update. ?
  16. Try adding auto shoot to your action bar. sometimes the code that reads from memory can be slow, there is also a "backup" that checks actionbar ?
  17. pet switching target? The way pet tank works is that the pet TANKS the mobs, so if you get aggro on a mob, the pet will attack that mob until it has aggro, then it will move to the next mob. If the pet has aggro on everything, it will target the mob with the lowest hp. This is fully intended. I'm not sure i understand? So it's spamming Wing Clip, but not when the mob doesn't have it? Edit: I just looked at my code, must have been drunk when i wrote that code ... lol.. Yes it does spam wing clip if it's on. even if the target has wing clip already. I will fix this in the next update.
  18. As I replied to you in your mail You have something fucking up your set-up please read the FAQ. I even added a link for the FAQ. If reinstalling wow/wrobot and ONLY adding my fightclass, does not solve your issues. Then you can come back here! ?
  19. Not yet, i have been swamped with work the last couple of months, so i haven't had time to add features. It will be added though. HOWEVER You can turn off feed pet, and use the plugin for auto pet feed. ?
  20. You need to turn OFF pet tank when you are in a dungeon. ? That is the ONLY target control that the fightclass, if it changes target besides that, then it's not the fightclass doing it. ?
  21. In the in-game interface. on the third tab. ?
  22. Try changing the range on the last page. set it to 30 then back to 25. It's an issue that happens to some people, i'm yet to figure out why. ?
  23. It will just work. However, you want to undo all the things you did yourself to try and fix it. ?
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