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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. Should not be happening on that server. I would understand if it was K3, because it's really badly scripted. I have leveled more than 10 chars 1-60 on NH (which is also Elysium), without any of the issues you are writing about. So something is wrong with your setup. Please make sure you have no addons on, and perhaps try a fresh WRobot install. ?
  2. Ordush

    WRobot 2.0 released

    I am only running 2 sessions. ?
  3. Okay, so there is something wrong with your setup, or perhaps you are on a badly scripted server? Because, these issues are no present for others, nor me. The issue with turning around after a backtrack is because of the "sleep" time, i'm working on how to fix it. What server are you on?
  4. Which one of the bugs has always existed? If you say the pet bug, then it's your install that is something wrong with. Because it has never been reported before, and i have never had that issue. ?
  5. Sounds very weird. I have not changed the pet behavior at all, so this must be a bug that came with the new WRobot update. I will look into it. Also must be a bug that came with the new update. Will diff look into this as well! Thanks for the updates
  6. Ordush

    WRobot 2.0 released

    Hey @Droidz A little feedback: Can you make it so CHARNAME on top of the window anchors to the right, and aligns towards left? So it doesn't say Ordu.... as charname, when there lots of space for the full name. Also, can you add CHARNAME as text to the window name on the taskbar again? It's hard to differentiate between my few chars, when they are not labeled. ?
  7. I'd wish you people would use my support channel, linked at the top. It's because you are not pressing "Enter". The error you see there is unrelated. It's a false positive. It's basically saying that the code i wrote to check cooldown on spells is not working. However if it did not work, no spells would be cast. When you write the food name, you need to press "Enter" not escape or close the menu. ? If this does NOT work for you, please don't hesitate to write in the forums at:
  8. @thxgod1 Please check my club: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/84-hunter-fightclass-vanilla/ My guess, is that you are not running English wow client. Try changing your Combat Range to 30 then back to 25 or something else, maybe your settings file got corrupted. ?
  9. You have done something wrong. It diffinitely works on k3. I am using it right now as we are speaking without any issues. :)
  10. Not even k3 I am on a mango server called nighthaven
  11. Hey @eeny I think the new wrobot update broke your profile, i have leveled a few chars without having any issues at all, now after the update. my char keeps getting stuck on mountains etc.
  12. I am not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but i got a report on my hunter fightclass (Vanilla) that the bot kept running to the target, while running away from it. I did not update, and tested it out. No issues at all. Then i updated to the new version 2.0 and now i get the same issue. If i turn on Raptor Strike or Wing Clip, the bot keeps trying to go melee range, when running from the mob (to get out in range). Since it did not happen before the update, i'm guessing some code, Besides the new interface was changed?
  13. There seems to be some issues with the backtracking, if you have melee abilities like Raptor Strike or Wing Clip enabled. I tested this before updating today, i tested it a lot (today, i even had the update prompt). Because someone told me they had issues. I then updated to the newest WRobot version (The one with the new interface). And i got the bug too. So the newest WRobot is diff having issues with Melee abilities. (Perhaps Droidz made it so you go in melee if trying to use melee ability now?)
  14. If you need help with anything with the Mage Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post. I will edit the top post with current posted issues, so it's always up to date. Current Reported Issues:
  15. If you have any suggestions for the Mage Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post. I will edit the top post with current posted suggestions, so it's always up to date. Current Reported Issues:
  16. If you need help with anything with the Druid Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post. I will edit the top post with current posted issues, so it's always up to date. Current Reported Issues:
  17. If you have any suggestions for the Druid Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post. I will edit the top post with current posted suggestions, so it's always up to date. Current Reported Issues:
  18. If you need help with anything with the Hunter Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post. I will edit the top post with current posted issues, so it's always up to date. Current Reported Issues:
  19. If you have any suggestions for the Hunter Fightclass for TBC, please post it as a reply to this post. I will edit the top post with current posted suggestions, so it's always up to date. Current Reported Issues: -
  20. If you have any suggestions for the Hunter Fightclass for Vanilla, please post it as a reply to this post. I will edit the top post with current posted suggestions, so it's always up to date. Current suggestions: - Better Pet Food Control (I am currently making this) - Nightelf Racial - Add elementals to serpent sting ignore - Additional backtracking options
  21. If you need help with anything with the Hunter Fightclass for Vanilla, please post it as a reply to this post. I will edit the top post with current posted issues, so it's always up to date. Current Reported Issues: - Melee abilities can cause bugs when you have a pet tanking. - Issues with LoS on mountains. (After newest WRobot update) - Issues with pet control. (After newest WRobot update)
  22. Hey all! Welcome to my side of WRobot. Please if you have anything you want to talk about, add it as a reply to this post , instead of making new topics. This way we can keep all the general talk to this here. :)
  23. Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Beast Mastery & Marksmanship 1.3.0 (Big update) - New times update! - Redesigned the in-game interface - Redid the backtracking (it now checks every 15 degrees in a 360 degree circle around target for a spot to stand on). - Rewrote the call pet/revive pet so it now works on Kronos 3
  24. Fightclass: Vanilla - Hunter - Beast Mastery & Marksmanship 1.2.2 - Fix for CombatRange if not changed - Added option to change Feign Death wait time. To change it write /run FDDelay = x where you replace x with seconds you want the delay to be. It's currently 4 (was 2 before update) MUST BE WHOLE NUMBER!
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