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Everything posted by Zan

  1. Bool - Boolean structure type that represents a Boolean value, which can be either true or false. Void - Is a reference type of data type and used to specify the return type of a method in C#. If you don't understand the above, start here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhQdlIFylQ8 I do not know what spell 49936 is as it says it has been removed on Wowhead. Remove the SpellManager..... line from the if condition since it's not a boolean (bool). instead of DnD.Launch(); use ClickOnTerrain.Spell(43265, ObjectManager.Target.Position, false, false); if you want to check if the Target is on your DnD, then do something like this in the if condition (bool): ObjectManager.Target.BuffCastedByAll(DnD.Name).Contains(ObjectManager.Me.Guid) if you want to cast it on the Target if it isn't on your DnD then add a "!" to it. The "!" is a negation. AKA the opposite (bool): !ObjectManager.Target.BuffCastedByAll(DnD.Name).Contains(ObjectManager.Me.Guid) I forget if the debuff is the same as the spell. If it is, the last few lines will work.
  2. I used the source file from this page: https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1547-smoothmove/
  3. Buy a sub and maybe he'll think about it..............
  4. Untested. Let me know if it works. SmoothMove.dll
  5. What expansion are you using?
  6. Nope https://wrobot.eu/search/?q=Paypal&quick=1
  7. It is not safe to bot on a private server while playing on retail server.
  8. If it is highlighted when it procs you can use: wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.IsSpellOverlayed(string) or wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.IsSpellOverlayed(uint)
  9. WRobot is a private server bot and does NOT support Retail versions of WoW. That includes Classic and Shadowlands. Go to: https://wrobot.eu/ Look down the page and find Supported Wow versions to see versions that are supported.
  10. Read the upper left again.
  11. Read top left again.
  12. This is a private server bot. It's not for retail.
  13. Go download VS Community Edition and add WRobot references while writing in C#
  14. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2097-condition-hostile-unit-near-target-never-true/?tab=comments#comment-9858
  15. I'm pretty sure after 2 he was already working on that one. Is this for the Firestorm server? Or is there a less buggy one out there?
  16. Why are you guys requesting a version already requested?
  17. Your WoW private server version must match the WRobot version. Open up the game and look at which WoW private server version you are using
  18. and mailbox is added to profile not just settings?
  19. Message Camelot10 then. No one here can help you but him.
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