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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Use the relogger application to start/stop your bot.
  2. Matenia


    Try using Interact.ClearTarget(); If that doesn't work, it might be warmane's weird protection or addons causing an issue.
  3. Just don't enter an object to use the item at, the bot will just use it at any position you enter into the hotspots.
  4. Why does it choose vendors so far away? With the latest patches for HMP, it should definitely select the correct stuff. This is the list for Northrend private static Dictionary<int, List<uint>> NorthrendFood = new Dictionary<int, List<uint>> { { 65, new List<uint>{ 33451, 33454, 33449, 33452, 33443, 35949 } }, // Clefthoof Ribs { 75, new List<uint>{ 35953, 35951, 35952, 35948, 35950 } }, // Mead Basted Caribouh { 85, new List<uint>{ 35953, 35951, 35952, 35948, 35950 } }, }; private static Dictionary<int, uint> NorthrendWater = new Dictionary<int, uint> { { 60, 28399 }, // Filtered Draenic Water { 65, 35954 }, // Goat's Milk { 70, 33444 }, // Pungen Seal Whey { 75, 33445 }, //Honeymint Tea { 85, 33445 }, //Honeymint Tea }; Am I missing something?
  5. Like I explained on Discord, you paste the id into the field and then close the window again. It works the same way all default wRobot plugin/fightclass settings works.
  6. I'm not doing it, you'll need to find someone else to do it. I don't see why Butler wouldn't work on Cata anway, the API it uses should be the same.
  7. It's possible. it's just using the API. But you can probably also just use Zygor's addon and have it work automatically
  8. Because of cracks, it was removed years ago. Like we're speaking 2016/2017 here.
  9. You can't download meshes. It's all server based. Why would you even need that if you don't have a wRobot subscription anyway?
  10. If you're not using the FSM, you need to write your combat behavior completely from scratch. Look into what the class "Fight" actually does. Just instantiating a state does nothing. Decompile and look at it. Take a look at the Grinder project that Droidz uploaded as an example for products.
  11. You only load CustomClass once when the product starts. The fightclass runs on its own thread. For starting an actual fight, look into the "Grinding" state .
  12. HaveBuff checks the aura name, no Lua required. It's read directly from memory too, which is a lot faster than Lua. If you want to LoS/flee, you'll need to migrate from the fightclass editor to C#, but I wouldn't even recommend it. It's a huge hassle and will never look human.
  13. You will need to decompile and read through the obfuscated code. Then you'll need to remove the state from the FSM and add your own state in its place.
  14. Reading the date wrong. It's third of February
  15. Your profile probably turns that stuff on/off
  16. It's in the Q&A for my fightclasses, but I suppose whatever hunter you're using has the same problem: Q11: My character tries to pull from out of range and/or wRobot thinks it can't fight the target, then switches to another A: Go into advanced wRobot settings and disable "calculate distance by target size".
  17. It won't magically buy drinks. Only if your drink/food name is also BY CHANCE available at the specific vendor that wRobot chooses. That's why plugins like HMP exist. Either that or you need to manually set up buying stuff in wRobot settings with a separate database of food/drink vendors.
  18. C'mon dude, get a therapist and grow up. No wonder you were whining about your marriage falling apart on here like a year ago if you're this immature and lack even the most basic self awareness. Seriously, you could benefit a lot from getting professional help. For now, if you have nothing to say that contributes to the discussion, spare us. Nobody needs your self-promoting input. And everybody can tell what you're doing. People aren't as obliviousto your bullshit as you think. Most just don't bother speaking up because it's like yelling at a deaf person.
  19. Dude you're not funny, you're just ridiculously annoying. And you're not helping Droidz by scaring away potential customers. To OP: There isn't a whole lot of Cata content. But everything in the Legion section (and a lot in the MoP and WoD section) should work (almost) flawlessly on Cata. For fightclasses, you can just use the built in fightclass editor. It's easy to use and you don't need more than that. You can have a look at all the MoP fightclasses I posted (all done with the editor).
  20. It only works on the player. Just look into any actual 1.12 addon that uses those timers. Enemyframes, LoseControl, you name it. https://github.com/0ldi/LoseControl/blob/master/LoseControl/LoseControl.lua
  21. HMP doesn't bring mailboxes. It's up to you to add them to the database.
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