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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. You used gathering, didn't you? wRobot itself is not detected.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Only tested with the English client. While most things should work flawlessly with other clients, I will not offer support. No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product. Dear wRobot community, today I want to introduce you to a new product that I have been working on for the past months. Yes, this is a product. Do NOT load it as a plugin. It expands on the simple Battlegrounder functionality you already know from wRobot and is called AdvancedBattlegrounder. For support, please ONLY contact me in Discord: https://discord.gg/BJ9HRyz This product is NOT a fightclass. You will need to acquire a fightclass separately, as if you were using a quester or a grinder. I do NOT take responsibility for anyone using bad fightclasses that get them banned in PvP. I supply my own fightclasses here - they aren't perfect but they work well enough to not make you too obvious. What does this product do differently than the functionality you are already used to? plays for objectives - attacks and defends bases, tries to protect and return the flag (it always prioritizes real players doing the work) prioritizes healers in combat uses mage table if available can use food in your wRobot settings, if activated in the product options calls incs in chat (randomized) during defense and where it makes sense supports WSG, AB, AV, EoTS and leaves unsupported BGs (waits for Deserter to requeue) For more info, hop on my Discord channel and ask questions. PURCHASE NOW - 10 concurrent IPs on 1 wRobot key - 20€
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Only tested with the English client. While most things should work flawlessly with other clients, I will not offer support. No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product. Dear wRobot community, today I want to introduce you to a new product that I have been working on for the past months. Yes, this is a product. Do NOT load it as a plugin. It expands on the simple Battlegrounder functionality you already know from wRobot and is called AdvancedBattlegrounder. For support, please ONLY contact me in Discord: https://discord.gg/BJ9HRyz This product is NOT a fightclass. You will need to acquire a fightclass separately, as if you were using a quester or a grinder. I do NOT take responsibility for anyone using bad fightclasses that get them banned in PvP. I supply my own fightclasses here - they aren't perfect but they work well enough to not make you too obvious. What does this product do differently than the functionality you are already used to? plays for objectives - attacks and defends bases, tries to protect and return the flag (it always prioritizes real players doing the work) prioritizes healers in combat uses mage table if available can use food in your wRobot settings, if activated in the product options calls incs in chat (randomized) during defense and where it makes sense supports WSG, AB, AV, EoTS and leaves unsupported BGs (waits for Deserter to requeue) For more info, hop on my Discord channel and ask questions. PURCHASE NOW - 10 concurrent IPs on 1 wRobot key - 20€
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Only tested with the English client. While most things should work flawlessly with other clients, I will not offer support. Dear wRobot community, today I want to introduce you to a new product that I have been working on for the past months. Yes, this is a product. Do NOT load it as a plugin. It expands on the simple Battlegrounder functionality you already know from wRobot and is called AdvancedBattlegrounder. This product is NOT a fightclass. You will need to acquire a fightclass separately, as if you were using a quester or a grinder. I do NOT take responsibility for anyone using bad fightclasses that get them banned in PvP. What does this product do differently than the functionality you are already used to? plays for objectives - attacks and defends bases, tries to protect and return the flag (it always prioritizes real players doing the work) prioritizes healers in combat uses mage table if available can use food in your wRobot settings, if activated in the product options calls incs in chat (randomized) during defense and where it makes sense supports WSG, AB, AV, EoTS and leaves unsupported BGs (waits for Deserter to requeue) For more info, hop on my Discord channel and ask questions. PURCHASE NOW - 10 concurrent IPs on 1 wRobot key - 20€
  5. Your router is likely blocking HTTP access to IPs directly. I've seen this before. If you're using a FritzBox (and you're German, so there's a 99.99% chance you are), enable direct access to IPs. Try in your browser just to see (it's Google).
  6. No, but there are reviews on both the vanilla and TBC version of it (in the respective sections) on the forums here and my rocketr account.
  7. Start fight, then cancel all movement, then start fight again. Maybe force fight by setting Fight.InFight = true; maybe add a MovementManager.MoveTo(closestUnit.Position) for good measure. I have no idea how any of the interals work together.
  8. He's trying to figure out what causes it, that's why he's said to use the no memory writing shortcut to start the bot. Plus if he publically says whenever he is looking into something, they can just turn off their anti-cheat for a while or decide to ban in waves to make it so much harder to protect against detection. Not only that, but CLEARLY Namreeb or Tauri has come up with another Warden module (btw, last time Warmane had a detection, they bought it from Tauri) that does something the previous modules could not. It's not about "being terrible", it's about knowledge that wasn't available previously. In fact, I've heard rumors about a vanilla client warden exploit that lets you execute any code you want on the system the WoW client is on. Both NW and LH implemented this around the same time. Hence why it's very likely someone (like Namreeb) came up with it and published it to server owners (as he usually does). The last Tauri detection took him a while to fix too, because they made it extra hard on him to find what they were doing different. So give it some time and don't spam or you're lowering your chances.
  9. My best guess is that you're currently running between 2 waypoints. Try adding a MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 500) Check if MovementManager.CurrentMoveTo is being overwritten and potentially call MovementManager.CurrentPath.Clear()
  10. I've asked @Droidz in the past to add blacklist events, I don't think it has happened (or maybe I missed it). Precisely because I didn't want to go down the house that you did. Your solution likely is the best one though.
  11. That wouldn't work. The problem is GoToTask being aborted (and returning false) leads to the ToTown state being cancelled.
  12. Check for looting events and currently running the totown state and deactivate your radar for the time being.
  13. No, he means someone killed the vendor and wRobot tries to run back to it.
  14. Dear WRobot community, ever since 2017 I've been working on my own battlegrounder product on and off. I now have a product that, while not entirely finished, is on the the best way towards getting there. I've only tested it in TBC, but it probably should work for vanilla and wotlk as well. If you want to gain access, you need to apply via Discord to me personally (via PM) for a key or pay a 50€ entry fee directly to the product on my Rocketr profile. I will only accept people, who make a good case for why they should be allowed to test the product. I don't want to hand out freebies. If you have very little knowledge of classes in PvP (for your expansion), you can't or won't monitor your bots and their behavior or you aren't willing to work with me on finding and reporting bugs as well as providing me with all the necessary info to potentially fix them on the spot, you will need to pay and you cannot expect any support until the product is finished. Keep in mind, WSG and AV still require you to add a profile (waypoints) in their current state. I have not yet decided how to code the playstyle the bot will have in these 2 BGs. If you are a beta tester, your input is welcomed on these topics and we can brainstorm Just some features this product brings to the table: - fights for objectives (bases in AB/EoTS, eventually flag in WSG?) - focuses healers as dps (will receive healer mode to follow around other players and heal them eventually) - calls incs in chat in somewhat randomized fashion - (for now, for XML profiles [WSG/AV]) reverses the path instead of running into walls if you live all the way to the end (people who have used Battlegrounder before understand this behavior) - no weird mounting shenanigans - uses mage table, sets food and can regen - doesn't wait around in obvious "botting" spots during or before the BG (people who have used the bot on Warmane in early seasons will know what I'm talking about) - can join AV if the queue pops while you are currently in another BG Any applications for beta keys in this thread or via PM on the forums will be ignored entirely because reading comprehension is also a requirement.
  15. Pretty sure they have some sort of detection for wRobot. @Droidz needs to investigate. An account I hadn't botted on in a long time got caught as well. My best guess is implementation of a new warden module with help from Tauri.
  16. The profile doesn't control your movement, it's either your setup isn't done right or you're using broken plugins or similar
  17. Has nothing to do with the profile, you probably haven't set up wRobot correctly and you're trying to run a monitor > 60Hz in vanilla
  18. There are no free 1-60 questers. FNVs is the closest to it and takes you to ~50 but hasn't been supported in a long time so any issue you run into you're responsible for fixing yourself.
  19. Profile has been long dead. The paid version was released for free because the author left
  20. Fyi, you can use ObjectManager.Me.CastingSpell to check for a name in vanilla. https://github.com/Schaka/VanillaFightclassFramework already has everything you could need to determine casts, switching targets, etc.
  21. Hacks like you're implying don't exist. All damage deciding values are completely server side. Some crit luck (probably not exact same gear), maybe popped CDs, just slightly better gear, maybe just Enrage proc, who knows. You only take 13% less damage at 1250 resil iirc.
  22. As far as I know, Droidz added blacklist events a while ago. Otherwise you can just subscribe to OnFightEnd and spawn a new thread that unblacklists that specific GUID 20 seconds after killing the mob.
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.For questions and bugreports, please visit my Discord channel. The attached file is a low-level demo version. Remember to do your totem quests and get a decent two-hander to start with! Someone recently asked me to add all relevant spells for WotLK - so it supports that now as well. Shamans are an unusual class to level with a bot. However, they deserve some love too, and here is just what you need to accomplish that task: Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level Different rotations, depending on which new spells you've learned Uses different totems in different situations Uses Totemic Call when necessary to save mana Range pull to avoid multi pulls when possible Situational Spell Usage Uses all your spells when appropriate Stoneclaw to tank several mobs Spirit Wolfs on multi pull Ghost Wolf between fights, when not mounted (experimental) Uses Call of the Elements (you need to add the totems yourself) Highly Mana Efficient Totemic Call Always saves enough mana to heal yourself Automatic Skill Detection Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. PURCHASE NOW (Rocketr) - 6.50€ - 2 concurrent IPs per wRobot key I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  24. Smokie, what you just posted literally does the exact opposite. Yes, there's a hidden blacklist. Just clear product session blacklist every 5 seconds and you should be fine @maukor
  25. Not going to happen until retail is past BfA.
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