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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Are you sure? Some guy tried your vanilla hunter on TBC and it somehow messed up using items. Although that is probably a side effect of backport stuff that didn't exist in vanilla nd then overwriting its functionality (accidentally) when they use it on the wrong client.
  2. It's possible that @Ordush modifies a Lua function that Droidz uses to read whether you need to go to repair
  3. I just completely overhauled this fightclass as part of me rewriting my framework for TBC. It's currently probably the most advanced. Although you will have to request the beta on Discord after purchase because I'm not yet 100% comfortable with releasing it.
  4. [D] 00:48:53 - [AutoSelectFoodAndDrink] Select drink: Refreshing Spring Water[D] 00:48:53 - [AutoSelectFoodAndDrink] Food: 0[D] 00:48:53 - [AutoSelectFoodAndDrink] Out of food, force wRobot to town If you don't want it to buy food, you nede to modify the code. There's a reason this is a free alternative I provide for a paid plugin. You don't get the full experience of being babysat.
  5. He didn't say it, someone else talked about it. And the guy is an actual genius both in terms of reverse engineering the client and creating anti-cheat by reversing warden. I have yet to see anything from you that wasn't selling chars you mass-botted with someone elses software and the occasional highrating after PvP in this game had already been dead for years.
  6. Make sure to disable all addons. Also make sure if you are running catform, you understand that you can't range pull unless you already have Fairie Fire (Feral). Otherwise you'd waste way too much mana.
  7. I already check target health (you can decompile to check for yourself). The problem is, if I add more variables (such as health+mana combined by AND operator), it's becoming too complicated for people to use. They already currently have problems configuring the functionality.
  8. Unfortunately, I don't know. It's possible my client has somehow been corrupted or my memory might be broken. I guess I will have to do a mem-scan when I have the time. If anyone else mentions this issue, I will redirect them here.
  9. There was a very early version of this profile that went level 1-28. I worked on this and gave it to bambo, so that he wouldn't have to implement 300+ quests by himself. He added 30-50 completely from scratch, did all starting zones, added class quests AND made sure all the quests in it do work and aren't done at too low/high level etc. Compared to the last iteration of the Enraged (guy who took over Arcangelo) quest profile, there are no similarities. Enraged started it from scratch because Arcangelo scammed him promising him money for his help, then completely disappearing. The profile in this thread was always utter shit. He never tested much and if he did, only on Hunter. Alliance never worked to begin with and Horde was alright at best. Both the last iteration of Enraged and Bambo are in no way comparable to this shit show.
  10. Unless you're proficient in C# and willing to code this yourself, you won't be able to achieve that.
  11. Gotta delete the warlock settings for that character in your settings folder
  12. Same problem now (again in Strangelthorn Vale, but different spot), not in combat:
  13. I only know about me getting it and my fightclass uses it (only in combat) but the error happened out of combat (weird). I moved my char about 20 yards away from that position and the bot ran 100% fine after that. It was only at those coordinates for some reason.
  14. I was locking frames before, that's why it confused me, that sometimes iterations took 400ms+. Currently rewriting my rotation framework for TBC. Will try locking frames again and let you know. I think storing all units by reference is a good idea. I will look into that. If I still have any problems after next update, I will get back to you. Thanks!
  15. Hey Droidz, I noticed sometimes ObjectManager is updated while I iterate it in my rotation. If I use a lot of checks on units in the ObjectManager, it can slow down my rotations a lot. Sometimes iterations jump from 50ms to 500ms ("randomly") I noticed especially on TBC, this is because the ObjectManager in game gets huuuuge and wRobot takes a "long" time on every update. I noticed (I think) ObjectManager gets locked during these updates and the lock makes my thread wait. Sometimes, this lock can happen two or three times during one iteration, if I get unlucky. One way to prevent this would be to deepcopy the entire ObjectManager (or use my own implementation, reading directly from memory with wRobot API). Both of this would be a loooot of work. Therefore I have a question, something that would be way easier: Can I stop ObjectManager from behind updated manually? Pseudo code here: ObjectManager.DisablesUpdates(); for(spell in spells) { if(spell.AllConditionsTrue()) { spell.Cast(); break; } } ObjectManager.EnableUpdates();
  16. 99.99% sure that's a bug with your server not firing the correct event, warmane has never been too thorough with that
  17. Not sure how exactly this is being caused, but it happens every time he quester profile (Andoido's Horde quester) reaches the step for The Defense of Grom'gol (PART 2).
  18. No, warden can't get wRobot in TBC. Just be careful with auto relogging, if software spams their login, they probably can detect that. I've been botting constantly and it's definitely not their warden. It's people getting caught by players/GMs/not doing ANY quests.
  19. This is more of a feature request to save time. Currently, when you are dead, wRobot still prioritizes roads when using pathfinding. It should just use the rgular path, ignoring roads. This would help save time a lot when running back to corpse.
  20. Meshes problem is only in Vanilla afaik, looked fine for TBC when I last used it (1 year ago).
  21. wRobot will always buy the drink you manually select in the drink tab, but unless you set up vendors and re-buying correctly in the settings, it won't go to vendors specifically. Instead, it will just happen to fill up to the amount you set in the Buy/Sell settings, if you have the vendor window open and the vendor sells that item.
  22. There's a setting which allows you to buy lower level drinks. You can't choose this yourself, the levels are hard coded. But generally speaking, it will not buy drinks that are absolute max level by default, these are the level ranges (levels are basically -5 if you choose highest level drinks in the settings). { 0, 159 }, // Refreshing Spring water { 5, 159 }, // Refreshing Spring water { 10, 1179 }, // Ice Cold Milk { 20, 1205 }, // Melon Juice { 30, 1708 }, // Sweet Nectar { 40, 1645 }, // Moonberry Juice { 50, 8766 }, // Morning Glory Dew
  23. Any fix? Would be good for rezzing players for healer fightclasses
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