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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. You can take a look at the vanilla version I've posted, it's updated slightly but still throwing some exceptions. I just made it by decompiling your plugin and changing it around a bit.
  2. Ignore them or get an addon to ignore them. It's a problem with vanilla if you have a mage mana gem in your bags and auto-equip activated. What other odd behaviors are there? If you get pathing problems, you can disable "avoid enemies" in the settings.
  3. There is no simple guide. It's a C# project you can fire up in Rider or VS. There's a main class that contains the rotation, as any other fightclass would, and a few helpers classes to run the rotation and validate spells/range/etc. If you add the wRobot dlls in your Bin folder as dependencies and compile it successfully, the resulting DLL works as a fightclass in wRobot.
  4. Not really sure why pulling would slow down without smart pull (all it does is pull the closest mob, if your bot targets a mob further down the field of view, to avoid pulling 2 at the same time). If you use my free WhatsGoingOn plugin, it will show you what state wRobot is using. This can help you understand what is going on. The behavior you described sounds a bit like "Attack before being attacked" where the IsAttacked state will trigger if a mob gets close to you, but you haven't actually bodypulled it yet. Also, as long as "automatically choose vendors" is disabled, the plugin will only choose the vendor for you, if it has to purchase food and drink. If you wish to not do that either, you can disable both options. There's also a free version of food/drink choosing that you can find on the forums and use with your profile, if required. I will PM you about the skinner, but you can redownload now, as I just fixed the option to enable/disable looting in the plugin, as well as skinning.
  5. Hey, I don't modify pathfinding in any way with the plugin. The plugin does not provide its own pathfinding. I'm not really sure what could be causes your issues. You can disable the options for smart pull and avoiding enemies, as these 2 options will blacklist areas with mob groups and high-level mobs (I basically issue a warning to wRobot's pathfinder, that these areas are dangerous), so that it will try to walk around them. I do not add any new waypoints, and even for the aforementioned options rely entirely on wRobot's pathfinding. Are you sure this isn't caused by another plugin (or even wRobot itself), and just gets resolved when you start/stop the bot? wRobot's water detection also doesn't work, and the pathfinder doesn't care for water either way, so you will inevidbly ALWAYS run through water (if it's the mathematically shortest way) whether you use this plugin or not. I will attempt to fix looting. For now I'll just add an option so you can disable both looting and skinning as you please. Try redownloading in a few hours, I should have the options added by then.
  6. Unfortunately, the paid version also tries to ES casts. There's no solid way of checking in TBC, whether a cast can be interrupted. As such, it will also try to interrupt during Divine Shield on a pally. The paid version just an overall better rotation and more options and is slightly more healer centric. However, due to wRobot limitations in battlegrounds, I haven't found a solid way to run as a real healer. The bot always runs as DPS and tries to pick fights, I just make it heal friends if they are around and prioritize that.
  7. I have the same problem. I thought it's because it was showing me notification from a private conversation. I left the private conversation -> it's still there and I can't open the notifications.
  8. Yep. So you start near the graveyard or the entrance to the BG. Both paths would have to include the graveyard. You then make the rest of your loop so giant, that you are unlikely to return to the graveyard (this more or less needs to be done anyway, because wRobot always tries to find a straight, retarded path back to the first spot you record at the end, when it reaches the last spot). You can just run in circles 5 or 6 times, if you have to. Just make sure you definitely die BEFORE it tries to run back to the GY.
  9. Yep, unfortunately WSG requires you do a giant loop, including the enemy base, so taht no amtter where you start, you'll never end up on your starting position again. This has worked for me in the past.
  10. All you have to do is record your own profile and deactivate free mode. Then the bot won't use its own pathfinding except when picking fights. For EoTs, you need to start recording your profile near the center, pretty much the same for AB. Don't record yourself dying, or it will record the next waypoint between the position you died and the spirit healer.
  11. All getting caught by player reports, assuming you aren't using similar emails/account names and the IPs weren't the same for account creation either. So unless you created a link in the beginning, there isn't one other than that some of your bots got caught in a ban wave. If Warmane changed their policy on bots. they might just have banned everyone with the IP they caught in their history. Otherwise they also use machine learning to recognize botting patterns, like garbage gear with 20+ days /played time.
  12. No you don't need both files. The dll is enough, the Main.cs is just the source for people who want to look at it.
  13. Rocketr sends you an email with the download link. Check your spam, if you haven't received it. If it's not in there either, PM me your transaction ID on Discord.
  14. You can disable blink in the fightclass settings, if you are grinding in generally overcrowded spots.
  15. It's possible, but a lot of the methods I use are specific to TBC and it is missing all the WotLK specific spells and talents. If it did work, it wouldn't do a good job. Edit: It does work on WotLK now
  16. Droidz is French and the only developer. There is no large team behind this. All incentives to create proper documentation have failed. Guide sections in the forums are usually good enough and everything else is done by decompiling and discussing stuff on Discord. It's not ideal, but that's what we have.
  17. I would've sent droidz my solution, the problem is it only works based on version-specific Lua events and isn't all that solid. If someone found the offsets for the "mirror" bar from vanilla to legion, it could be abstracted better and be built into the bot base.
  18. It's possible that this is a recently introduced bug, but I've never experienced it with my fightclasses. You can try starting wRobot with the "No Frame Lock" shortcut and see if that resolves it (for now).
  19. You probably need to increment your latency settings. I presume it doesn't use bandages because your bot never stops moving to cast them.
  20. It does work. I fixed the compile errors (obviously) by recompiling it with up to date wRobot 1.12.1 libs. Runtime errors will till occur occasionally, because from what I can tell, either wRobot or AvoidIt modify a list while iterating it. That's always been the case with this plugin and doesn't affect functionality. It still reports mob groups to the pathfinder and then uses it to circumnavigate them.
  21. If you are using Lbniese's rogue fightclass, that's causing it fyi. The Error Injection statement happens when the bot can't communicate with the game because it's frozen.
  22. There are plugins that handle running to trainer every 2 levels (free, on the forums here). There are also fightclasses that don't freeze. Maybe Droidz just has to put in a delay into training.
  23. Frame lock will is for when your computer can handle a lot. If you run 15+ bots or something, it's not advisable, because it will drop your FPS significantly if your CPU can't handle the average rotation under 100ms. Without frame lock, the fightclass will just wait until the global cooldown is over before casting anything else. I'm not sure how you can arrive at a situation at which the bot will wait to cast another frostbolt. I have over 50 people using this fightclass. This is the first time I'm hearing of someone having these issues. Again, if you check your fight log, you can tell me exactly what might be wrong. I presume you already know that you NEED to run vanilla with CTM, vsync enabled and your monitor/game forced to 60hz/60fps or wRobot won't do well.
  24. If you think it is a problem with polymorph, you can turn it off in the fightclass settings (that is the ONLY time I switch targets, but they are switched back instantly). You can enable Fight logging and see if your rotation constantly takes longer than 100ms. If that's the case, disable Frame lock in the fightclass options. Other than that, I recommend reading your logs. It's entirely possible that it is related to this bug in wRobot: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/8129-extend-combat-timer/#comment-37233 That is is why it's generally recommend to check your log to see what is going on.
  25. Maybe you are using a plugin or something that switches targets? This fightclass does not. If you are using my HMP plugin, it currently has a bug with the Smart Pull feature when pulling groups of 3 or 4. You can turn that off in the options for now until I figure out what causes it.
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