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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Frame lock will is for when your computer can handle a lot. If you run 15+ bots or something, it's not advisable, because it will drop your FPS significantly if your CPU can't handle the average rotation under 100ms. Without frame lock, the fightclass will just wait until the global cooldown is over before casting anything else. I'm not sure how you can arrive at a situation at which the bot will wait to cast another frostbolt. I have over 50 people using this fightclass. This is the first time I'm hearing of someone having these issues. Again, if you check your fight log, you can tell me exactly what might be wrong. I presume you already know that you NEED to run vanilla with CTM, vsync enabled and your monitor/game forced to 60hz/60fps or wRobot won't do well.
  2. If you think it is a problem with polymorph, you can turn it off in the fightclass settings (that is the ONLY time I switch targets, but they are switched back instantly). You can enable Fight logging and see if your rotation constantly takes longer than 100ms. If that's the case, disable Frame lock in the fightclass options. Other than that, I recommend reading your logs. It's entirely possible that it is related to this bug in wRobot: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/8129-extend-combat-timer/#comment-37233 That is is why it's generally recommend to check your log to see what is going on.
  3. Maybe you are using a plugin or something that switches targets? This fightclass does not. If you are using my HMP plugin, it currently has a bug with the Smart Pull feature when pulling groups of 3 or 4. You can turn that off in the options for now until I figure out what causes it.
  4. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/7329-avvis-c-tips-tricks-with-helpful-code-snippets/ You have to decompile to get access to the API. Nothing is documented.
  5. Below level 40: - casts mindblast if you have no shield AND you turned off the good wand setting - you have "always mind blast" activated Level 40 upwards: - same, but ignoring the Good Wand setting Wanding takes priority over these things under the following conditons: - you aren't currently casting AND you are below 15% mana OR enemy health is below 20% So to put it simply, that shouldn't happen. Now if you have frame lock activated in the fightclass options and your rotation time consistenly goes over 100ms (you can see this if you activate fight logging), I recommend turning it off or adjusting your game's settings in a way that will allow wRobot to use more CPU power (the rotation itself, just needs to be fast). Just to be safe - I reuploaded the latest version I have available to Rocketr, you can redownload through your purchase link. I'm convinced that I have uploaded the rotation in this state before, but just making sure here.
  6. That setting doesn't work, @Droidz. For some reason, in vanilla (I think TBC too), it only buys 50, even if you set the number to 200.
  7. Würde ihm nicht trauen. Nen Quester in wRobot zu schreiben für 1-110 dauert Monate, nicht zwei Tage. Vorallem kann man das nicht mal eben von einem anderen Bot konvertieren. Wenn man jetzt noch mit einbezieht, dass er behauptet noch haufenweise Worldquester Profile zu haben, die camelot bisher als EINZIGER mit viel Aufwand und Mühe pflegt - halte ich das mal für einen Scam - also nicht den Typen PM'n und irgendwas privates zahlen. Ihr werdet 100%ig gescamt. Als Seller muss man sich nicht eintragen, man kauft den Status ein. Dafür zahlt man 9€ für 3 Monate und muss dann nur einmal die Profile von Droidz absegnen lassen (er guckt kurz drüber - damit es sich nicht um offensichtliche Viren handelt o.Ä.).
  8. Hi @Droidz can you explain how PathFinder.ReportDangerArea and PathFinder.ReportBigDangerArea are different? From what I understand, ReportNormalArea reports it as safe again, so the pathfinder can once again use the path safely. But how are DangerArea and BigDangerArea different? You always enter a radius anyway. Both DangerAreas are considered when doing corpse runs (maybe unnecessary?).
  9. Edited the original code
  10. It can't be part of the rotation. You have to add this as C# code to the fightlass where you can add extra functions and stuff - there are code examples around the forums for that. Also CombatUtil.StopAutoAttack() is not valid code, thisis where you have to use Lua to stop attack. Lua.LuaDoString("StopAttack()");
  11. static Main { wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop += GougeHandler; } static void GougeHandler(WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { if(unit.HaveBuff("Gouge")) { Lua.LuaDoString("StopAttack();"); Thread.Sleep(500); } } I believe you can add C# code like that (probably public static void - not sure how wRobot works in that regard) to your fightclass.
  12. Hello @Droidz are there any blacklist events for when the bot does this? My problem: Bot blacklists this NPC (I think because it can't make a path? I don't understand it tbh, it should be able to make a path perfectly, at least within 5 yards, but there is a small counter around the npc). I don't know about this blacklist and select the same NPC over and over => bot never goes to vendor because it always choosest the unreachable vendor. So can I somehow access what vendor the bot blacklists when it happens, so I can add npcEntry to my own blacklist?
  13. It's your fightclass. Message the creator
  14. You can't. I'm also not sure how buffing other players is screaming bot. I've used this fightclass to gear 2 mages and I've gotten whispers from not buffing, which is why I've added it. I'll consider making it an option.
  15. long copper = Lua.LuaDoString<long>("return GetMoney();"); http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_GetMoney
  16. https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/wow-memory-editing/328263-wow-1-12-1-5875-info-dump-thread-14.html Some info on getting wanding info from memory
  17. bool partyHasDruid = Party.GetPartyHomeAndInstance().Any(u => u.WowClass == WowClass.Druid);
  18. Check the log, make sure the plugin is up to date. I haven't had issues with this at all. If the log says it's choosing one item but it actually chooses the first item, there might be a bug and you might have to increment your latency a bit. It can also happen from reloading your UI too often, so make sure your addon memory is set to at least 100mb and you aren't running any addons.
  19. It doesn't work with Pawn, I use my own parsing system that uses stat weights from Pawn TBC (not all implemented). Currently only base stats, weapon speed/max damage (beta) and attack power are being parsed correctly. It's meant for leveling, after all.
  20. You can find some inspiration here: https://github.com/Schaka/VanillaFightclassFramework/commit/11db781db73cfa1cda5b43ea6ac034f616d8eab0
  21. It's not a game object, it's an NPC. So check WoWUnits. If you wanna confirm it's yours, try unit.IsMyPet or unit.SummonedBy == ObjectManager.Me.Guid
  22. https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1495-class-questalliance-rogue-poisons/
  23. Is this for vanilla? Then there is no autoloot and you'll have to do some searching on ownedcore or similar websites on how to call the autoloot function directly in memory.
  24. If you want to turn off autoattack anywhere but vanila, use Lua "StopAttack();" If you want to ignore all combat with any mobs, do (c# code) Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked = true; But then you need to write your own code to walks to mobs for pick pocketing.
  25. List<int> containerSlot = Bag.GetItemContainerBagIdAndSlot(19022); Lua.LuaDoString($@"ClearCursor(); PickupContainerItem({containerSlot[0]}, {containerSlot[1]}); PickupInventoryItem(16); EquipPendingItem(0); ClearCursor();"); That doesn't work for equipping the fishing rod for you?
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