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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Use the Fightclass editor, it's really not hard getting a rotation started with it. That's how I started too. If you ever reach the limitations of it, you can always branch over into learning C#. But you'll probably never need it.
  2. Bot keeps trying to summon water elemental (which it doesn't have, apparently). Make your own (better) fightclass.
  3. Plus ObjectManager.Target is marked as readonly (or the GUID is iirc - I tried way back).
  4. This... changes a lot. I had no idea mouseover was a valid unit in Vanilla. Do you happen to know if SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(name, unit) works in Vanilla? OP might not have to use that Lua call, if it is possible to cast a spell directly on a Lua unit. Either way, as long as you prevent wRobot from changing target while you manually do it (e.g. pause OnFightLoop, temporarily remove Grinder state from the current product, etc), this should work. That's amazing.
  5. For anyone reading this - this will only work in TBC and onwards where "focus" is an existing unit. The direct ASM function call reapler was talking about *might* be your only solution in Vanilla if you want to achieve exactly this.
  6. Then you'll have to decompile Interact.InteractGameObject in the wManager.dll. Or just use it and instantly trigger /stopattack right after. If you just want to your spells to target another unit than your current target, there are plenty of threads on how to do this.
  7. A SPECIFIC unit? You can take a look at (decompile) how Droidz does it in the "Interact" class in the Helper namespace (lots of memory writing). If not, use Lua.LuaDoString(TargetEnemy("name")) (I think) or Lua.RunMaroText("/target name")
  8. Has nothing to do with the quest profile. That's part of how the bot works - you can set up when to vendor. Fucking HB crowd on these forums recently...
  9. Is your fightclass done in C#? If not, you won't be able to achieve this. I believe @Seminko recently figured out targeting in a (more or less) safe way.
  10. Please keep it to ONE thread. And you just create a quester profile with UseItemOn.
  11. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); inbetween those two lines
  12. You probably downloaded a grinder that needs to be started in the "Quester" product. Try that.
  13. They probably finally started tracking popular Outland locations. Feral farming is pretty much just SCREAMING to get banned.
  14. @Droidz this could be done by just changing priorities in the ToTown state. Make it SELL first, then purchase food/drink. @maukor in general bot settings, just disable "automatically add new NPCs to database". If your bot only uses NPCs from profile AND doesn't add any new NPCs, you're good to go. But you will also have to add your own mailboxes and such. @Droidz If NpcDB.AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = true; doesn't work, it's a bug imo. This could be only for vanilla, I haven't really had problems in TBC.
  15. No, there is no profile for questing in WotLK. You will have to use a grinder.
  16. You need to define the variable outside of the scope of the event handler (onfightloop eventhandler) and then assign it inside the event handler. I'm not sure why you need that to achieve it?
  17. You are actually subscribing to an event (hence the term event handler). https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/events/how-to-subscribe-to-and-unsubscribe-from-events So your entire code ALWAYS gets executed - but whatever follows this event (the original fighting code by wRobot) can be stopped by setting cancelable.Cancel to true.
  18. You're cancelling the fight loop, which is like re-targeting enemies and such. Rather, one interation on the loop.
  19. Pretty much this. Plus, since the bot runs on another thread, sometimes it switches your target back BEFORE your poly cast even starts. Then you end up polying 2 targets back and forth and looking like a retard. Basically why Jasabi could never get polymorph to work correctly, I believe. cancelable.Cancel = true is correct. However, I recommend NOT breaking the OnFightLoop event handler UNTIL your target has been successfully polymorphed. You can solve this with a while loop (Thread.Sleep inside) until poly is on another target.
  20. That will most likely result in the bot just throwing around random targeting. You absolutely NEED to do this during on the OnFightLoop and cancel all other events. As for polymorphs not being valid targets - it's because they don't target you. That's why the bot doesn't know it's being attacked. You need to actively start a fight with them again (build this into your fightclass). I had the same problem in TBC. To avoid the bot trying to polymorph another target when pulling more mobs, you can sort them by Guid + HP + Level + Entry, that should result in always the same target being selected.
  21. If you wanna pay for an IBM Watson license, I'll build it into the bot so it can have conversations with people whispering you :P
  22. Redownload from Rocketr. Now there's all kinds of settings for escaping: Escape HP percent = ALWAYS escape if you hit this level Escape Mana percent = ALWAYS escape if you hit this level of mana Escape mana percentage when fighting more than 1 enemy = if you drop below the escape HP percentage when fighting with more than 1 enemy AND the mana percentage is also hit Escape HP percentage when fighting with more than 1 enemy = if you don't have mana and 2 mobs are attacking you, you will escape below this HP percentage
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