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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Hey, I use slightly different code (Hook.IsLockAllowed) now and UnlockFrame(true). It seems to work on Win10, I will get back to you, if it bugs again and send you my VS project
  2. Those are combatlog events, which currently aren't supported. I already filed a bug report with Droidz.
  3. Always returns 0 right now
  4. This works when making the Settings constructor public, for some reason.
  5. Matenia

    [TBC] Wanding issues

    For the time being (I just use C# and it works fine, btw), you can use Lua RunMacroText("/cast !Shoot")
  6. Same for Automaton. It worked on MoP, but doesn't work on TBC.
  7. Tested for TBC.
  8. Hi Droidz, I use Windows 8.1 when I use Memory.WowMemory.LockFrame(); Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); in my fightclass it works just fine. When I send the fightclass to my friends with Win10, it never unfreezes. In one log, it showed one freeze taking 45 seconds. Can't reproduce it on my own machine, unfortunately.
  9. Hey Droidz, for TBC, this is missing. It's a very useful API and in 2.4.3 you already had the combatlog. I would really appreciate, if you implemented this class for TBC. I couldn't find it in wManager.dll
  10. Botting anything but AV and EotS is suicide. I wouldn't recommend botting any BG with small maps where people rely on individual players a lot.
  11. Like the log says... you'll need a fightclass. Did you actually think you can just afk BGs and do nothing? Enjoy getting banned.
  12. Like it was being said in all the other 10-15 threads with this problem, turn off the "only queue if party leader" option.
  13. https://github.com/haimanman/SciTE-ru-jx3/blob/master/api/LuaWoW.api this is for patch 3.0, but vanilla has most these functions You cannot choose to run to a target with Lua alone (unless you build a framework around movement functions). You'll need to use the C# functions the bot provides. You can join Discord and ask questions there.
  14. @Droidz this is a problem with TBC 2.4.3, where on players HaveBuff doesn't work (I tried C# API too). It works on NPCs. Or at least, in Battlegrounder mode this is bugged, but doing it normally while leveling works fine.
  15. If you keep your Search Distance low and turn off pathfinding altogether in your general settings, it will ONLY follow the path you create, given you do create a path and not several hotspots. The bot mainly functions through hotspots, at which it tries to find enemies in WoW's objectmanager (basically any unit your client knows). If it finds a unit, walks to it, then finds another, it will keep chasing them far away from your path.
  16. Disable only queue if party leader or whatever the option is.
  17. If you have a fightclass, you can add a condition of type Lua script.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple, single quest profile that only does the City of Light quest for you, so that you can safely afk instead of following an NPC around for 5+ minutes.
  19. @Droidz Is there any way I can prevent the bot (in my fightclass) to chase enemies in BGs? I'm a healer and want to do some healing. Target selection and all works in my fightclass, but the bot keeps targeting opposing faction players, chasing them and then not targeting/healing any of my teammates. It barely does what it should, unfortunately. How can I fix this?
  20. The 2.4.3 version of wManager.dll doesn't seem to have a class EventsLuaWithArgs. Any current workaround for that? I'd love to read combatlog events to automate stuff for a PvP fightclass.
  21. The TBC version of wManager.dll seems to be missing this feature (Lua events with args) entirely. @Droidz
  22. Disclaimer: OP messaged me in private, and I didn't test this: local spellTable = {8122,5782,5246,5211,22570,19577,119381,853,408,1833,89766,107570,15487,2139}; hasDebuff = false; for i=1,40 do local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowPersonal, spellID = UnitDebuff("party1", i); for k,v in pairs(spellTable) do if spellID == v then hasDebuff = true end end end return var is hasDebuff, search value is true (could also make this 0 and 1). Then the code is RunMacroText("/cast [@party1] spellName") Both the check above and this spell need to be Lua code.
  23. You can just execute the Lua code RunMacroText("/use 13"), that way no macro setups are required and your users don't need to create macros.
  24. You could multiline by using \n for linebreaks. Or you could create a small addon with a public function that executes all these things, then use the Bot's Lua API to call that function.
  25. Just add a Lua condition spell, rank, displayName, icon, startTime, endTime, isTradeSkill, castID, nonInterrupt = UnitCastingInfo("target") Use nonInterrupt as return var and look for value 1 (interruptable).
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