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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Add a state with higher priority than the quester (similar to ToTown). You can look at the source of the free PartyHelper Plugin for how to do that
  2. I'm not sure what you're asking. Your older links/orders ids are for the 1 IP product, if you want 10 IPs, you have to pay for that extra.
  3. You wrap that code I gave you in Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("codeHere", "hasDebuff") and if that evaluates to true - there you go
  4. @Droidz there is a bug with XML serialization (I think) or ItemsManager.UseItem when the item contains a dash "-" chracter
  5. All of these require Lua events: Check how it reads whether overpower procs here: https://github.com/EinBaum/SP_Overpower (or if you're not in vanilla read up on COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED in TBC+) If overpower procs, set a boolean value to true in your rotation scripts Build a step in your rotation that that switches to Battle Stance if the boolean is true and rage is below 25 Build a step that casts overpower in battlestance if possible AND sets the boolean back to false Build a step that casts Berserker stance, if you're not in Berserker stance and the boolean is set to false (info on how to read current stances: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_GetShapeshiftFormInfo)
  6. You can turn off/on constant range pull in the fightclass settings if wRobot has an issue with sticking to your target (try a higher latency setting (500-800) to resolve this.
  7. Fyi: FNV's Fightmaster also uses pathing (I think) so he might need to recompile with the new wRobot binaries as well.
  8. Big thanks to both you for implementing this and providing road preference as well as water areas and Reapler for providing the data. It's a great day for wRobot pathfinding :)
  9. I sent you a version of HMP on Discord that should work. I cannot reproduce this error you're getting. But you can temporarily disable escape from combat and it should never occur again. Edit: Also updating HMP on Rocketr
  10. I've been running with and without HMP and I still get that AFK problem, but it only occurs after running a quester for a while. It's never instant.
  11. The escape from combat option is throwing errors for you. However, I just checked and the method that your errors say doesn't exist DEFINITELY exists in the binaries with the latest wRobot update. So maybe try a clean install
  12. wRobot is written in C# and C++ (for the pathfinder). You'd have to learn those and then learn to reverse engineer binaries and how to do memory reading/writing.
  13. New wRobot update should be able to take offmesh even if you can make a path - so you can give it a try. Otherwise ask FNV for the little piece of code he used to and from Searing Gorge. Basically it intercepts movements and enters your own. Or do something similar to how I automate the Darnassus portal in HMP: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using robotManager.Events; using robotManager.FiniteStateMachine; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager; using wManager.Events; using wManager.Wow.Bot.States; using wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks; using wManager.Wow.Forms; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public class Darnassus { public static bool TakingPortal; private static WoWLocalPlayer Me = ObjectManager.Me; private static Vector3 _currentDestination = Vector3.Empty; private static List<Vector3> _darnassusPolygon = new List<Vector3> { new Vector3(10749.604f, 2412.323f, 0f), new Vector3(11296.502f, 2097.9175f, 0f), new Vector3(11259.335f, 936.64453f, 0f), new Vector3(10914.204f, 317.97504f, 0f), new Vector3(9990.316f, 104.99061f, 0f), new Vector3(9236.339f, 480.24902f, 0f), new Vector3(8944.306f, 1230.7659f, 0f), new Vector3(9045.189f, 2295.6887f, 0f), new Vector3(9512.443f, 2792.6523f, 0f), new Vector3(10292.969f, 2904.216f, 0f), new Vector3(10569.073f, 2655.7341f, 0f), new Vector3(10946.0625f, 2371.7546f, 0f), }; public static void Start() { MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse += MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse; } public static void Stop() { TakingPortal = false; _currentDestination = Vector3.Empty; MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse -= MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse; } private static void MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse(List<Vector3> points, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { //cancel all movement events that aren't our own /*if (_takingPortal && _currentDestination != Vector3.Empty && points.Last() != _currentDestination && !Logging.Status.ToLower().Contains("taxi")) { cancelable.Cancel = true; }*/ if (!TakingPortal && points.Count > 0) { bool taken = TakePortalIfNecessary(points.Last()); if (taken) { //GoToTask.ToPosition(points.Last()); cancelable.Cancel = true; } } } private static bool TakePortalIfNecessary(Vector3 destination) { bool taken = false; if (Usefuls.ContinentId == 1) { if (VectorHelper.PointInPolygon2D(_darnassusPolygon, Me.Position) && !VectorHelper.PointInPolygon2D(_darnassusPolygon, destination)) { PluginLog.Log("Player in Darnassus, leaving through portal"); GoThroughPortal(new Vector3(9947.029, 2618.881, 1316.962), new Vector3(9946.723, 2618.692, 1316.909)); taken = true; } else if (!VectorHelper.PointInPolygon2D(_darnassusPolygon, Me.Position) && VectorHelper.PointInPolygon2D(_darnassusPolygon, destination)) { PluginLog.Log("Player outside Darnassus, entering through portal"); GoThroughPortal(new Vector3(8786.36, 967.445, 30.197), new Vector3(8788.761, 967.9706, 30.19558)); taken = true; } } TakingPortal = false; _currentDestination = Vector3.Empty; return taken; } private static void GoThroughPortal(Vector3 destination, Vector3 direction) { TakingPortal = true; _currentDestination = destination; var tmp = wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported; wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = false; GoToTask.ToPosition(destination); //For some reason, GoToTask ends right away if (Me.IsDead && Me.HaveBuff("Ghost")) { MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(destination)); while (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && Me.Position.DistanceTo(destination) >= 2) { Thread.Sleep(500); } } MovementManager.MoveTo(direction); Thread.Sleep(500); Move.Forward(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 5000); //Reenable(tmp); } private static async void Reenable(bool close) { await Task.Run(() => { Products.InPause = true; Thread.Sleep(5000); MovementManager.StopMove(); MovementManager.CurrentPath.Clear(); MovementManager.CurrentPathOrigine.Clear(); wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = close; Products.InPause = false; TakingPortal = false; //Products.ProductRestart(); PluginLog.Log("Resetting path after port"); }); } }
  14. ... no, not at all. When you log into the website, you're using the http/https protocol. When you connect to the game, you connect through entirely different ports that those proxies don't support
  15. I usually use C#, you can find my resto shaman fightclass and the source code on the forums here attached to the partyhelper plugin.
  16. You can't create party fightclasses with the XML editor afaik. But also, if this is about vanilla - you need to cancel cat form before casting anything else
  17. I'm guessing the loop in your fightclass stops when you die. You should just the condition.
  18. Are you sure you've downloaded the fightclass through the link in your purchase email as opposed to the demo attached to this forum post? It definitely works - make sure you run WoW without addons and polymorph is activated in your fightclass settings. Edit: Also obviously they need to be humanoid or beast so it's possible to poly them
  19. Zuukbot is C# and hooks. Warden is entirely different in Vanilla to MoP. ZzukBot just filters warden calls in vanilla to prevent detection. In MoP, Warden is much more advanced and way harder toget past that detection. Regarding BetterBot, it was and will never be the same as ZzukBot. It's a Java based bot that uses C to do memory reading for camera angles and such, then sends clicks into the game. You have to run every instance under a different windows user. None of what you said really contributes. I happen to know both the guys behind BetterBot and ZzukBot too. They are incredibly skilled - but none of this applies to MoP, the situations are just not comparable. None of what you linked (which isn't even ZzukBot V3 anyway) is going to help here. And even vanilla can detect hooks and injection, if you write to memory at all. That is how oGasai was detected for quite a while. From TBC upwards, servers have implemented a way to detect insecure Lua calls too, which is how most servers now instantly ban PQR.
  20. Yes, it means PER purchase, you can only run 2 warriors. However, if you run all wRobot instances through the same IP, you can run as many as you want. So - if you run each wRobot in a VM with a different VPN - only 2 at a time. If you run each wRobot in a dfiferent VM with a proxy (only proxying wow through socks5), you can run as many as you want. If you run 10 wRobots on your main computer, no VMs, you can run all of them using this fightclass without problems.
  21. Edit your profile, talk to the creator, etc. I don't even know what you're using. Read the log, see what modifies the sell quality settings and then whatever product does it, change it, adjust it, have someone else do it for you (I won't).
  22. Plugin doesn't sell anything and doesn't change those settings. You probably use a quester that modifies your settings. Check your log files.
  23. Version 1.0.1


    No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product. DO NOT USE ON TBC. For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. The attached file is a low level demo. Installation instructions Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Warrior are a rocky class to level. This fightclass is designed to have a lot of options to keep you alive. I highly recommend getting a good 2 hander and not switching to 2 weapons until higher levels (if you run Fury). Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level Uses available stances - can and will stance dance for Overpower without wasting rage Can be set to always range pull Setting to sit down to keep crit buffs up at all times Situational Spell Usage Will range pull if many enemies are around the target (Throw, Shoot, etc) Rotates through skills to handle multiple targets Automatic Skill Detection Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot No need for anything on your bars either, it will swap spells out itself PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - 2 IPs per wRobot license I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  24. If you run any of my fightclasses, turn off the "frame lock" option in the fightclass settings. Other than that, this might be a general VM problem.
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