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Everything posted by Jhin

  1. Didnt used any VPN, I have 2 accounts 1 for wrobot (only wrotation) the other one used as bank. Only the wrobot one got banned. First ban also. It was in the late june banwave. The ban reason was for use of 3rd party programs. I also used the default wrobot .exe (memory one I think) got banned on NW.
  2. I got banned on NW last ban wave only using Wrotation and my custom mage FC. never runned any afk profiles.
  3. Hi, I mainly use WRotation because im lazy asf. Almost everytime I inject WRobot it takes like 5 to 20 seconds and I start hearing footsteps around my char, like someone is using speedhack. I can't see the entity but I think its a GM using invisibility and speedhack (maybe he is getting alerts when its injected). I heard the footsteps for maybe 2-3 minutes. The footsteps are running around my char (surround sound). I did the test a few times and its working nearly 50% of the time when i'm logging at night. 00:00am EDT timezone. Since i'm playing legit (moving character around using my fightclass) the gm probably thinks its a false positive. I have over 9 days on my char still no ban. That could explain why some people are getting banned fast on Netherwing. I'll try to record a video next time it happens! @Droidz
  4. well, it say don't use in arena its not pqr, I use it for leveling I tough it was because it was always using the same rotation so it was noticable, we in a loop here
  5. Can you please add option to disable always facing ? I want to use it like pqr, thanks alot.
  6. Hello, I am using this FC on my level 8 char and its not casting any spells except hunter mark and serpent sting, can you help me ? :)
  7. Hello. I was wondering if I'll be able to download the plugins and profiles etc if I buy the Pserver edition. Actually using the trial version and its pretty good only its very obvious in bg. thanks alot. to download moving in combat plugin
  8. Jhin

    Add "Focus" in fightclasses

    I have some fightclass to finish, but I can't due to the focus problems :'( I'll share them when i'll finish them
  9. Jhin

    Add "Focus" in fightclasses

    any updates on the work? :)
  10. va sur l'onglet general settings, ensuite en bas completement a droite clique sur enter advanced settings... ensuite l'onglet mount et regarde si c'est activé.
  11. Hello, I want to create a small fightclass for BDruid pvp, but I don't know how to dot everyone in a 45y radius with Moonfire and Sunfire :/ any help please ? :) ps I am very beginner in lua programming.
  12. Jhin

    Add "Focus" in fightclasses

    When do you think you'll add thoses features ?
  13. Jhin

    Add "Focus" in fightclasses

    thanks theses function will be very useful :)
  14. Jhin

    Add "Focus" in fightclasses

    because i want to add something to my rogue fightclass like, if I have focus and focus is casting or have no cc on him use gouge on focus :)
  15. Hello, I wanted to know if its possible to add everything that is already here for target (conditions) but for focus ? like focus is swimming, focus level, focus is moving, focus is casting, focus distance etc, thanks :)
  16. Hello, I want to buy some pvp fightclasses, I am looking for some pvp optimized fightclasses for thoses classes (in priority) : Rogue Druid Demon Hunter Mage Warrior I want them really optimized, like autofocus, autotarget, burst on key etc. Im looking for some advanced functions like : in a 2v1 situation, use stormbolt on second enemy => set focus on it keep cc'ing while destroying the other one. Contact me for prices/classe you want to make. The more optimized/advanced function, the more i'll pay.
    This works perfectly. I wish you could had some pvp options, but its very very good overall.
  17. I still not able to use it :/ I create a spell called "Combustion" then I put in conditions: Lua Script isKeyCurrentlyDown = IsShiftKeyDown research : true var : isKeyCurrentlyDown but still the spell is getting bypassed :/
  18. I was wondering , does this is possible ? I know it was with PQR, but it seems its not working on wrobot :/ any help please ? :)
  19. Version 1.1


    Here is my personnal vengeance fightclass, its not optimized but working really well in arena/bg and in raid. Have fun, if you have any request, post here i'll try to do my best to modify my FC to fits your requirements :) btw you need to change some value in FC editor.
  20. Version 1.0


    Here's my first fightclass, its pretty simple but works like a charm. i'll try to update it when they release Legion. Have fun. Everything is customable, just check the settings I added a description to everything. to change Consume Magic, you'll need to edit the XML file and change 61 to any hp% you want +1. hope it helps. THanks Droidz for this amazing tool :) This fightclass is mainly for manual control, but you can use it in botting, I added Fel Rush in settings :) I suggest to use the build above. PLEASE REPORT ANY ERROR YOU FIND' I'LL TRY TO PATCH THEM :) BTW ROTATION DON'T WORK ON DUMMY BECAUSE I ADDED "PLAYER ONLY" TO ALL HIGH-CD SPELLS SO YOU DONT WASTE THEM ON PETS ACCIDENTLY. (only Demon's bite and Chaos Strike will works.)
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