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Everything posted by Mykoplazma

  1. They are reading this forum. Now even without any files in directory ( except wow.exe ) wrobot is detected. Can that be fixed? Good that other servers don't have real computer gurus ?
  2. ahh so each wow client is returning the same time value in the same moment in epoch time? that's so clever. So virtual machine will solve it.
  3. The option - Launch multiple wow clients with random delay (set random time spread ( like 5-10 min etc ) in seprate option window ) should be added to a launcher.
  4. SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}"); not SendKeys(("{ENTER}"); for starters.You are not using microsoft c# compiling env? Or some other kind of c# thing with intelisense?
  5. If you need to send a key to game you can use many methods like Sendkeys (C# api ) , runing autohotkey or autoit exe or autoit dll and many other.
  6. write /framestack and check if you can read the text content on that popup . If you can then is rather easy to make an plugin to make it on auto.
  7. You can always detect the pop up if pop up - screenshot, cut the screenshot, make an ocr etc etc send proper accept or decline. You can get free ocr programs like tessreact ocr and prase the screenshot.
  8. Creature type target is returning value only when you have the target on your target or focus.
  9. Option in extended settings stop activity when something not npc is arround. Pity there is no way to detect hidden units.
  10. Most of the servers are using that method : https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/14569-ant-pqr-script/ Finding and blocking the channel that is used by warden to get return infromation can solve the problem. You can listen all sendaddonmassages for sure and the rest is for fun :P.
  11. { 65, new List<uint>{ 29451, 29449, 29450, 29448, 29452, 29453 } } {level required, new List<uint>{ food id,food id,food id }}
  12. So far nothing is wrong / no ban / no special admin attention / nothing at all.
  13. Supermacro is and addon to extend macro lenght - and only that. Maybe that function thing. But that is not important. Try to put that in lua part: number = 5; i=1; for bag = 0,4,1 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot); if name and string.find(name,"Soul Shard") then if i > number then PickupContainerItem(bag,slot); DeleteCursorItem(); end; i=i+1; end; end;
  14. You can add a lua script to spell condition and it will be executed each time when the spell is executed. Search for Lua in [add condition] menu in fight class editor.
  15. Look for macro in lua on forums put the macro in the lua script section in xml rotation. ( like that https://forum.elysium-project.org/topic/35846-auto-delete-soul-shard-script-macro/ )
  16. Yest removing all dlls and all exe files from the wow main directory should help ( non of this is necessary and they all used for scanning memory ) even MovieProxy is not a movie proxy lol.
  17. http://www.dropbox.com/s/swkm98q0a1jzoux/Susawow Patched 5.4.8.zip?dl=1&file_subpath=%2FSusawow+Patched+5.4.8 try that but change realm in config.wtf . Tauri client have some special files in main directory like scan.dll etc you can connect without them so maybe this is their anti hack check fix. Idk if the server will kick you if you don't have the files when the scanning order is send ( because tauri is enabling scanning sometimes not all the time )
  18. On your screen maybe run other client go there and look how it looks for everyone else. Such things are dangerous because it stinks like a bot.
  19. On nightbane admin in invisibility is going around the spots ( they are checking the time /played without logging too ) and he is adding to the mob currently attacked god mode. If you still attack it - banana. Grinder is very visible write your own grinding method and use very large area ( harder to spot by ppl - going merry o round in 20 yard circle is not good idea )
  20. Even if they can scan thru process I doubt the can scan memory of each of the process so they cannot know what exactly each process is doing. So if you name your script as a notepad.exe or other random things they will never be able to find that you are cheating them. But well the best way is just to make some account and play some time. Or maybe they can detect if the key click is a hardware action or not but this is another kind of story.
  21. You can mod power auras to show result not as an icon but as a color then detect the color by reading pixel and send a key configured with that color. This is the basis of autoit/autohotkey some paid solutions ( or idea of that )
  22. In custom c# rotation. It was working few days ago and after that end of the year break - no reaction. Pasive lua functions are working but no reactive ones.
  23. Even the simplest command like Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Blessing of Might"); is not executed.
  24. Abnormal mob status is always a problem. Maybe calculating an average time to kill a mob and then stopping the mob when the time of the fight is bigger than average time by 20% or something? Recently banned by 'super regen health mod' added to a mob.
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