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Everything posted by maukor

  1. BUMP. have no idea why bot decided to take this path. ignoring 2 blackspots
  2. I had similar problem months ago with HMP enabled and Smart pulls or function "avoid highlevel mobs and group" but as i remember Matenia fixed it right after i told him about that problem, try to disable hmp and check again.
  3. Hey.Quester Vanilla. Just interesting how it's even possible that bot ignores blackspots and run into it. I have checked checkbox ( avoid blacklisted zones (beta)). I have no Grinding spot in blackspots too, before few updates bot used to run near hills on the right side. now he's running directly to grindzone. Another example how it should be, now on lvl 32 bot runs to undercity for trainers. https://gyazo.com/70625278b4d4c587a031e337427e674f
  4. Hello @Droidz i used my profile month ago, and after some break decided to get back to botting, but after update i noticed that bot is running through Blackspots, probably he thinks that there's no other way to get on grind area, but profile is the same, and he never was here before (link: https://gyazo.com/ab6ef45de76565dcdc222e8ba235cda9
  5. Okay, how to avoid my char is always accepting invites?
  6. Since it's only FIrst time when gm teleported all my accs at the same time - yes, sure i didnt use vms cause i had no bans before, So probably the guy who "trolled" you think that's it's impossible, actually i though it's impossible too before
  7. All my 7 bots from one pc teleported in GM room. Using different proxies. First time i have that kind of bans.
  8. Bump. 2 months. still no meshes in Cenarion Hold
  9. @Droidz Hey. navigation in silithus is way to broken. bot cant ressurect, cant buy food/water here cause running in walls in the most cases
  10. Have the same issue. when i tammed pet (lvl10) bot started to run in circles on profile hotspots instead of pulling mobs. iHunter fc and Eeny fc. deleted all settings - the same. i remembe the same bug when i was lvl 55 with iHunter in winterspring, when i changed my pet to owl Update . Bot ignores pulling on any Fightclass when he has a pet.
  11. Not working anymore for some reason. on STEP: FollowBuggedHouse it runs in wall
  12. The problem is, that mostly all fightclasses , even paid has that issue. i downloaded eenys Warlock figtclass. and it works really well. no stucks at all. probably cause of public float Range { get { return 25.0f; } } As i remember you mentioned it in another threads, about " will be fixed with new updates " : ). hope this problem is still in todo list. ty
  13. Hello. @Droidz can we do something with [N] 05:44:27 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 05:44:27 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on Cause it looks like 100% bot, every caster has this bug, after each first cast when starting the combat. bot spams: 05:44:24 - [Fight] Player Attack Young Wolf (lvl 1) [F] 05:44:26 - [Spell] Cast Fireball (Fireball) [N] 05:44:27 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 05:44:27 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on Only 3 seconds after target-cast. and still bot thinks he's stuck I cant disable unstucker,and there's no timer to extend it
  14. @EnragedHi. tried to leveling with your FC. But after each FIRST cast when bot is pulling, char is jumping and running left for a sec. any ideas why?
  15. Bump. very important bug. need fix! pls @Droidz Bot is holding up to 150 water as in settings. but cant purchase more than 50
  16. Yeap @Droidz Hope you can fix it. Btw. how's your new update with Inkeeper sell items bug? :)
  17. @Droidz is there a way to set food/drink More than 50? cause 50 it's too low amount for vanilla. about 50-150mobs only. in some areas it runs to vendor too often. i would like to set drink to 100+ but i cant : (
  18. Hello @Droidz Get a look on this problem please. i'm facing it too often for some reason. In my Database checkboxes becomes Uncheked. (Current Profile NPC) and bot refuses to repair. facing it every day on different accounts. After i restart bot checkboxes becomes active. so it's kinda BUG in wrobot. Please fix it. 6 янв 2018 22H37.log.html
  19. @Matenia @Droidz yeah. i will try. but not today. will do it tomorrow. And dont forget to fix inkeepers selling pls. got few bans cause of reports running in loops near inkeeper
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