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Everything posted by Potten

  1. SOLVED! I dubble-checked I missed to install Visual C + + 2010 lol.
  2. Hi I get stuck on "server connection..." Been a while since I been botting so a bit rusty. Already done (Re)Install DirectX, Framework (minimum 4.5) (or Framework Repair Tool), SlimDX (4.0 X86), Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) Done them. 26 nov 2019 23H19.log.html
  3. Hi. how come he just used x1 judgment? atm its SoCR,judgment,SoR and then just auto attacks. I want it to keep doing more judgments, and not only auto attacks.
  4. my bot wont go to vendor to sell/repair/mail when bags are full? Been a while since Ive used wrobot. thoughts?
  5. Hello as the title says. Im looking for a warlock pvp fight class for warmane tbc server. Let me know if u know/have any! HIt me up in PM and ill pay for it. Take care
  6. Thanks :) Does that profile in netherstorm support repair/maiL? :)
  7. Hi! I wonder if the way points are for flying or ground mount? Or maybe u need to be able to have flying to get there I guess? What about your other profile? (Free] [A/H] Netherstorm - Celestial Ridge - Nether Scales + Knothide Leather)? are they just flying way points or ground aswell? Since u dont need flying to be able to get to that place in Netherstorm.
  8. Yeah true. Ive alrady running more then 1 toon at the time, So it should be ok :P ty mate!
  9. Ok ok I see! Is this Partybotbase smt that is standard in Wrobot? is it the one named "Party" under the product tab? :) ? and do I need 1 licence key for each toon that I have in my party? :)
  10. Hi. Latley ive seen alot of ppl botting in a party, all from 2-5 ppl.just following eachother and attacking the same target etc. Can some1 please explain to me how I would setup this? Its there any specific plugin I need? or how does it work? Does it do the few Qs there is in my 1-70 profile? Thanks
  11. Hello! New to Wrobot, Im a long user of HB. Glad to be here! I have 1 fast question. I wonder if wrobot can gather both mining and herbs at the same time? Since u cant track both on the same time on wow tbc private servers. Or it might be possible anyway? :)
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