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Everything posted by BadBoiBotter

  1. How do I make it restart the profile after a level has been achieved?
  2. So I'm enjoying this bot alot lately, however I don't dare using it without stop bot security options enabled (Pause if nearby player). They work very great during the grinding, but I noticed it's function could be improved when the bot goes to repair or mail items. Imagine this: 1.Bot gets full inv. and goes to town, repairs, vendors, mails. 2.After mailing is done the bot grind part "resumes" and the stop bot timer immediately starts for example, if the timer is set at 10 seconds and after starting to run away from mailbox and he doesn't get away from nearby players in those 10 seconds it will pause and even get stuck in town, when there is really no need for it untill the bot is actually grinding. How would I make it so after repair, vendor, mail is done, bot doesn't start the nearby-player security "timer" untill he is back at the grind spot OR the timer is maybe disabled for 1 minute after mailing so it has time to get away from people without getting insta-stopped. Tell me if I didn't explain my issue well enough. Thank you!☺️
  3. Been botting on 2 characters all day today, turned off when I saw the posts on this thread, we'll see if they have some sort of a flag system and still get banned or not. Will post updates tomorrow morning.?
  4. Chiming in aswell, game just closes after 5-60 mins of botting. Very unfortunate how botting on sunwell has been this last ~1,5 weeks, hope @Droidz is able to do something about it. ?
  5. Mykoplazma pulling some shady shit lmao, u said "the message disappeared" and then u proceed to edit in a diffrent screenshot from the original.
  6. I had a GM port to me aswell in a remote location to tell me "to turn it off", that was last thursday, havent had the guts to really turn it on ever since.
  7. Mm, did you have your diffrent accounts added to friend lists ingame perhaps to mail items? Maybe one got caught normally and then they just went down their friend list.
  8. The profile has RunCode and never tries to vendor from inside the instance, I just don't understand why it tries to suddenly when I exit the instance when I haven't changed any settings. Because it tries to, it will just run into the Stratholme backdoor gate, not being able to open it. I need the profile to 1. Exit dungeon 2. Wait with To-Town 3. Move to gate lever, click it 4. Move outside of gate 5. Now go To-Town In theory this profiles steps should do this exact thing since it's being limited by "wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MinFreeBagSlotsToGoToTown = 0;" but it still tries to vendor right after exiting the instance portal. I don't understand. ? I've looked over the profile, my settings like 15 times. Could it be my fightclass? Idk
  9. Hey, I have this problem that when I exit a 5man dungeon, my bot immediately tries to ToTown to repair, mail and vendor. I have "minimum free slots to go to town set to 0". It's a problem because I need to make the bot open a gate before and move a few yards before I can let it go to town. Any idea what could be causing this or if there is a workaround? https://pastebin.com/VvKvLpD2 this is my error log and my profile (edited version of nudl dungeon) Stratholme.xml
  10. Yep! Tried that and it works well! Thanks man. ?
  11. Well, isn't it unsafe to register new accounts to bot on from the same IP? If one gets banned can't server admins check the IP that registered it and just ban all of the accounts that were created from that IP? So I want to for example go on warmane's site through my proxy, register a new account so I don't endanger my other accounts (I use exact same things as in this guide, ProxyCap and ProxiesForYou).
  12. Hey this guide is written really well, works good for me. I wanted to ask if there's a way to register new accounts on servers through the proxy I bought?
  13. I tried to do something with the wow API "Target Nearest Enemy" and set condition "Target Health %" to smaller than 15 but I don't know, it didnt work at all for some reason.
  14. So currently, say you're in combat with 2 mobs and you 100% - 0% the first mob, then u have this 0.5sec delay before bot swaps its target to the second mob. That looks very un-humanlike if someone if watching you. Is there anyway to make it so that the bot recognises when the current target is say like at 15% hp and tries to target 2nd mob from that point already? The first mob can be finished off with dots/cleave from 2nd mob.
  15. Got banned yesterday aswell for the same exact reason.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Hey, I made this demonology warlock fightclass. It uses Immolate + Corruption into Incinerate spam, if the character needs healing it spams Drain Life. If the player hasn't learned Incinerate yet it should spam Shadow Bolt instead. Keeps soulshards at 5. It creates spellstone by itself but for the bot to apply it to the weapon u need to make such a macro ingame. #showtooltipww /use Master Spellstone (replace master with whatever highest tier ur character can make at the moment) /use 16 /click StaticPopup1Button1 And then put it on your bars and under WRobots general settingngs - macros set the bot to click that spell every 3600 seconds. For healthstones u also need to change the IDs for correct ones in fightclass manager. (this one uses 0/2 talented Master Healthstone by default) Same with warlock armor buff, this uses Fel Armor. If you have metamorph, it uses it as a "saving" cooldown when you're being overwhelmed by mobs. Deathcoil is also set as an "oh shit" spell if you're low hp.
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