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Everything posted by TheSmokie

  1. In advance settings > Pathfinding > turn on smooth move
  2. I’m completely baffled that everyone in there mother wants to use a ingame lua inject banner
  3. I know, just thought of adding a little info.
  4. Can you log discord and share your screen with me so i can provide help?
  5. bambos grinder needs to be loaded as a quester product.
  6. download this, the error is in your logs. https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/slimdx/SlimDX Runtime .NET 4.0 x86 (January 2012).msi
  7. With @Matenia Approval, i am posting the source code to be able to add RANDOM TIMERS, using two variables. use profile provide as a template. If you have any Questions, ask on the Wrobot Fourms or Wrobot discord. -Smokie Ps : due to this stay at home bullshit, i am working on making grinders + class quests from vanilla to worlk both horde and alliance, so if you do not feel like doing all the work, feel free to wait till i am done. RandomGrindingTestv2.xml
  8. Try using this plugin by @Matenia :
  9. Wow, i am glad to see others working on Wrath of the lich king content. Good job! Ps : IsMine was changed to UnitCaster in patch 3.1.0
  10. Hello, this should work as a plugin .cs file. using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Plugin; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using System.Threading; public class Main : IPlugin { bool running; public void Initialize() { running = true; if(ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Mind Vision")) { Products.InPause = true; } Thread.Sleep(500); } public void Dispose() { running = false; } public void Settings() { } }
  11. @retrostalgic I had this same problem with @Matenia warlock fightclass for shards, maybe if you ask him nicely, he will update this project with his working code for warmane. (I do not have his warlock source code.)
  12. Can you provide logs? i can help if i dont see logs on whats causing this problem,
  13. Whos profile + whos fightclass you using?
    Hello, i bought this fightclass a few days ago and so far i am level 36 using a private profile of mine and the always staying in Stealth helps not get banned and not having to deal with alliance attacking me over all. yes being in Stealth makes the toon slow but over all no one can see me unless they target me. id recommend this to anyone who wants to level a rogue without problems.
  14. Yes, @Droidz. this would be awesome to have.
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