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Everything posted by TheSmokie

  1. For that method to work, you need to set Pacific wowunit as unit1, unit 2 etc in your code, I don’t have my laptop on my so I can’t really help but give each wowunit it’s own number and go from there. Ps: I don’t remember you at all, I don’t remember a lot ..... I was drunk a lot more then I thought.
  2. Just message me on here, I’ll help you .
  3. You live in the US? If so I’ll send you a free pizza coupon!
  4. This sounds like a fix to the problem.
  5. No, your a idiot who should keep there mouth out of business that’s does not have anything to do with them. Oh here proof of the pizza !
  6. Personally i dislike fightclass editor, if you want tomorrow when i help you, i can teach you to use VS instead of fightlclasses editor.
  7. TheSmokie

    Vehicle options

    @Droidz any update?
  8. TAURI has developers that can do real coding unlike others, from what I’ve heard. (Never played there.) if Droidz is working on a bypass, he gonna need a lot of time because TAURI wow turns warden on and off like a dog in heat.
  9. TheSmokie

    Happy new year 2020

    HAPPY NEW YEAR DROIDZz! Remember. Don’t drink the coolaid
  10. I’m guessing your unable to read, I did it for free and I have the guy a free pizza :)!
  11. Warmane has implemented herbs / mining that bots can only see.
  12. I’ll do it for free, I have nothing better to do, send me a DM with all the info.
  13. Hello, Try this, it should work. put into your fightclass editor and enable C# code. if (Target.HaveBuff("Sunder Armor") && Player.RagePercentage >= 30 && Target.BuffStack("Sunder armor") <= 4 && Target.HealthPercent >= 30 && SpellManager.KnowSpell("Sunder Armor")) { SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Sunder Armor"); Thread.Sleep(150); }
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