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Everything posted by Talamin

  1. Have the same and i didn´t update the Client. Must be serversided @Droidz8 Jun 2020 12H21.log.html Possibly the Auth Server, one of my Bot´s is still running.
  2. Can you post the code of your fc? This could have several problems, but to find out what’s causing this more information are needed.
  3. I am in the rework process for this fc. Keep in mind that the option to use it in dungeons was made as an addition after all the FC‘s were created. I will add a randomize interrupt, but not at the top priority at the moment.
  4. Since the FC was originally for questing it’s ok to use it on auto. If you want a specific class setting, just let me know.
  5. take a look here: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/10723-quest-profile-code-snippets-part-3-updated-72819/ Use the search for "gossip" and you will find many useful code snippets for interact with NPC´s like Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(1);
  6. For PvP Fightclasses you can take a look @Matenia He released his PvP Classes, combine it with his Battlegrounder and you can farm a ton!
  7. This code is sometimes used to gather large packs of mobs and then engage the fight. Like bodypulling half of the instance to one point and then kill it all together with AOE dmg. So wManager.Wow.Helpers.Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked = true let you gather all the mobs with bodypull, and wManager.Wow.Helpers.Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked = false let you attack them again.
  8. https://wrobot.eu/files/category/142-quester-tbc/
  9. Well, I don’t know the profiles but it could be that they don’t work properly. If you want to have a good and reliable questing profile you have to buy one of the good rated or you have to build one yourself. Sorry to say that but there is no shipped profile with Wrobot for questing.
  10. Hi, can you give us some more information? Which Profile are you using? BC or Wotlk? Which Fightclass are you using? Can you post a log of your last session where the problem appears?
  11. You could put the conditions in the main loop of your fightclass where you execute spells like: !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff() or you use something like !ObjectManager.Me.IsStunned. There are several ways to achieve what you want.
  12. Disable all your addons and try again if you see better performance! Then you see which addons interfere if you enable one after another.
  13. Could be, all I could say is that the FC works fluidly. But if you want more help it is a good start to post a log, otherwise it would be guessing for the next few hours.
  14. So, and the fc interact with movement only infight on hunter and mage. I’m out of this as long I don’t get any logs. To be honest, I run the FC myself for some hundred of hours on grinder and on gathering profiles and I don’t have this problem. So, no logs, no help @Sye | SMoKie
  15. And btw. the FC doesn´t interfere with Traveling, or movement out of combat!
  16. Post me a log and i can take a look. @Sye | SMoKie The problem occurs on your profiles! I used the whole FC on Full Questing, 1-80 Grinding, 1-450 Herbalism and Mining and it all works! The difference is here that the profiles i use are not the one you User uses. So, without any disrespect, Post a Log!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. What profile did you use? Maybe there is a moveto or something which tries to move you in a straight line instead using the pathfinder. Normally Wrobot doesn’t have this behavior.
  18. The AIO works smooth in the PVE environment. You have to be more clear what you want, and btw. I have no stuttering or slow choosing problems, so maybe the Problem is on your end? Maybe some used addons or something similar?
  19. For the Gunship Problem, If i remember correctly the Bot thinks he is flying or on an elevator. I read it somewhere but i can´t remember where ?
  20. Gibt schon welche nur werden die eher von den Erstellern selbst genutzt als sie zu verkaufen.
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