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Deathguardjamie's Achievements

  1. It's the point dude - It's doable, you would probably find they have a database.
  2. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/ragnaros/armory/achievements Anyone can monitor achievements. ?
  3. Quick question since it's been a while since i've posted.. - Are you guys typically using the same profiles (downloaded)? If so have you considered that the paths are being monitored, additionally the GM can see that the account being run may have no achievements bar, level 10, 20 and so on..
  4. Aye, there is that - But gold means you can buy things end game. Primarily my comment regards to the gold aspect of things, Pet battling hasn't made me rich - Grinding/Gathering have. :)
  5. Garrison ability in your fight class spell tab at the bottom left <3
  6. Version 1.0.1


    Okay gais and other minorities, Here we have a simple Redridge quester Starting in Three corners and moving its way over to the town - It's very early days in but there is about 8-10 quests - I'm going to be working towards publishing at least 1 Questing profile a week, so please stay tuned! If you'd like to help please PM me as theres lots of little jobs people could be doing to make this less grueling. Please make sure you leave feedback! It's important to the development of your questing profiles!
  7. Having the same issues, tried the code above - but it's still not accepting, Any ideas? PS, The profile itself has been uploaded under the name 'Redridge - A few more quests' I've had the quester just hand in at Magistrate soloman but if you guys could shed some light on why I couldn't get it to work that'd be gravy.
  8. Perhaps you could get the helicopter that drops them off at base for you? Have it on macro for every 3 minutes.
  9. Or some pretty fantastic Grinding profiles ;) You get rich this way too.
  10. 01:35:22 - [BG] Started01:35:29 - [Mount] Dismount[F] 01:35:30 - [Spell] Cast Mindbender (Mindbender)[F] 01:35:31 - [Spell] Cast Penance (Penance)[F] 01:35:33 - [Spell] Cast Archangel (Archangel)[F] 01:35:33 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:35:35 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:35:37 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:35:38 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[N] 01:35:39 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1101:35:39 - [Fight] Attack player Desanta (lvl 100)[N] 01:35:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1001:35:40 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Swift Stormsaber[F] 01:35:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Heal (Heal)[F] 01:35:40 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Heal (Heal)[F] 01:35:41 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Heal (Heal)[F] 01:35:41 - [Spell] Cast Penance (Penance)[F] 01:35:43 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:35:45 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[D] 01:35:46 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards[N] 01:35:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 401:35:46 - [Fight] Attack player Desanta (lvl 100)[N] 01:35:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 4[N] 01:35:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 201:35:49 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Swift Stormsaber[D] 01:35:49 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards[N] 01:35:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 201:35:49 - [Fight] Attack player Desanta (lvl 100)[N] 01:35:49 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 201:35:50 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Swift Stormsaber[D] 01:35:54 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards[N] 01:35:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 401:35:54 - [Fight] Attack player ��< (lvl 100)[N] 01:35:54 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 401:35:54 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Swift Stormsaber01:35:58 - [Mount] Dismount[F] 01:35:59 - [Spell] Cast Penance (Penance)[F] 01:36:01 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:36:02 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:36:04 - [Spell] Cast Archangel (Archangel)[F] 01:36:04 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:36:06 - [Spell] Cast Holy Fire (Holy Fire)[F] 01:36:07 - [Spell] Cast Pain Suppression (Pain Suppression)[F] 01:36:07 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:36:09 - [Spell] Cast Penance (Penance)[F] 01:36:11 - [Spell] Cast Gift of the Naaru (Gift of the Naaru)[F] 01:36:12 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:36:13 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:36:15 - [Spell] Cast Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow Word: Pain)[F] 01:36:16 - [Spell] Cast Silence (Silence)[F] 01:36:18 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:36:20 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Flash Heal (Flash Heal)[F] 01:36:22 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Flash Heal (Flash Heal)[F] 01:36:24 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Flash Heal (Flash Heal)[F] 01:36:26 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Flash Heal (Flash Heal)01:36:28 - [Resurrect] Player dead[F] 01:36:56 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Power Word: Fortitude (Power Word: Fortitude)[N] 01:36:56 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\Jamie\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\PVPZone01\PVPZone01_31_30.mesh.gz[N] 01:36:56 - [Path-Finding] Load finish: C:\Users\Jamie\Desktop\WRobot\Data\Meshes\\PVPZone01\PVPZone01_31_31.mesh.gz[N] 01:36:56 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2601:36:56 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Swift Stormsaber01:36:57 - [BG] Follow player Grethusll01:36:57 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Swift Stormsaber[F] 01:36:58 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Heal (Heal)[N] 01:37:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1001:37:05 - [Fight] Attack player Oxidiis (lvl 100)[N] 01:37:05 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 10[D] 01:37:08 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards[N] 01:37:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 201:37:08 - [Fight] Attack player Oxidiis (lvl 100)[N] 01:37:08 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2[F] 01:37:11 - [Spell] Cast Mindbender (Mindbender)[F] 01:37:12 - [Spell] Cast Holy Fire (Holy Fire)[F] 01:37:12 - [Spell] Cast Archangel (Archangel)[F] 01:37:14 - [Spell] Cast Penance (Penance)[D] 01:37:14 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards[N] 01:37:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 201:37:14 - [Fight] Attack player Oxidiis (lvl 100)[N] 01:37:14 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2[D] 01:37:18 - [Fight] Target has moved more than 45 yards[N] 01:37:18 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 201:37:18 - [Fight] Attack player Sylmik (lvl 100)[N] 01:37:19 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2[F] 01:37:20 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:37:21 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:37:23 - [Spell] Cast Penance (Penance)[F] 01:37:25 - [Spell] Cast Smite (Smite)[F] 01:37:27 - [Spell] Cast (on target) Heal (Heal)[E] 01:37:42 - GetReqWithAuthHeader(string url, String userName, String userPassword): System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at robotManager.Helpful.Others.GetReqWithAuthHeader(String url, String userName, String userPassword, String othersValue) [E] 01:39:46 - GetReqWithAuthHeader(string url, String userName, String userPassword): System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at robotManager.Helpful.Others.GetReqWithAuthHeader(String url, String userName, String userPassword, String othersValue) [E] 01:46:10 - GetReqWithAuthHeader(string url, String userName, String userPassword): System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at robotManager.Helpful.Others.GetReqWithAuthHeader(String url, String userName, String userPassword, String othersValue) [E] 01:51:27 - GetReqWithAuthHeader(string url, String userName, String userPassword): System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at robotManager.Helpful.Others.GetReqWithAuthHeader(String url, String userName, String userPassword, String othersValue) [E] 02:06:10 - GetReqWithAuthHeader(string url, String userName, String userPassword): System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at robotManager.Helpful.Others.GetReqWithAuthHeader(String url, String userName, String userPassword, String othersValue)
  11. Im getting the same error guys and i assure you, I've done everything correct; down to 'Target' 'Party' 'In BG' Etc etc, I'll rewrite the profile and you can both have a look to see what you think, Im trying to heal in PVP environment for my next fightclass update.
  12. I'd also like to learn a little bit more about as to why this is happening, same exact issue but using a Priest/levitate and no joy :/ Really starting to cheese me off :/
  13. Version 1.0.1


    My Protection warrior Fightclass
  14. Any Chance we can get this bumped back into Fight classes also?
  15. 616 downloads

    Okay so basic disc priest, if you want to add spells open in Tools > create fight class and add spell name with Correct spelling, this includes Capitals. Then from top being the last priority spell to bottom being first, assign it to the spot you want it, then you can add spell conditions if you please. Thanks for looking, Hope you enjoy!
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