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  1. Because sirus protection is a big problem.
  2. Crafting Function with a Wait while Player is Casting. public static void Crafting(string profession, string itemName, int quantity = 0) { MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 1000); var ItemToCraft = Lua.LuaDoString<int>(string.Format(@" if not TradeSkillFrame or TradeSkillFrame:IsVisible() == nil then CastSpellByName('{0}') end for i=1, GetNumTradeSkills() do Quantity = {2}; local skillName, _, numAvailable = GetTradeSkillInfo(i); if (skillName == '{1}') then SelectTradeSkill(i); if Quantity == 0 then Quantity = numAvailable; end DoTradeSkill(i, Quantity); break; end end return Quantity;", profession, itemName, quantity) ); if (ItemToCraft > 0) { Logging.Write("Player is Crafting " + itemName); int Time = (3000 + Usefuls.LatencyReal) * ItemToCraft; MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, Time); DateTime time = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(Time); while (DateTime.Now < time && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombatFlagOnly && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { Thread.Sleep(300); } Logging.Write("Crafting Has Came to a End."); Lua.LuaDoString("HideUIPanel(TradeSkillFrame)"); } }
  3. Use Item By Name public static void UseItemByName(string ItemName) { var useItem = string.Format(@" for bag = 0,4 do for slot = 1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local item = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if item and item:find('{0}') then local startTime = GetItemCooldown(GetContainerItemID(bag,slot)) if startTime <= 0 then UseItemByName('{0}') break; end end end end", ItemName); Lua.LuaDoString(useItem); }
  4. Csharp LoadProfile public class Load { public static void LoadProfile(string ProfileName) { var p = Quest.QuesterCurrentContext.Profile as QuesterProfile; if (p != null) { p.QuestsSorted.Add(new wManager.Wow.Class.QuestsSorted { Action = wManager.Wow.Class.QuestAction.LoadProfile, NameClass = ProfileName }); } } }
  5. @Droidzis there a way minimize wrobot from a plugin?
  6. (Csharp) - return all the Glyph a player has. private static List<string> Glyphs() { var GlyphNames = @" local Index = {} for i = 1, GetNumGlyphSockets() do local id = select(3, GetGlyphSocketInfo(i)); if id ~= nil then local GlyphName = GetSpellInfo(id); tinsert(Index, GlyphName); end end return unpack(Index); "; return Lua.LuaDoString<List<string>>(GlyphNames); } or if people do not wanna use .Contain in a list format. here is a boolen. private static bool Glyphs(string GlyphNum) { var GlyphNames = $@" for i = 1, GetNumGlyphSockets() do local id = select(3, GetGlyphSocketInfo(i)); if id ~= nil then local GlyphName = GetSpellInfo(id); if GlyphName and string.find(GlyphName, ""{GlyphNum}"") return true; break; end end end return false; "; return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>(GlyphNames); }
  7. function UseItemInSlow(slotId) local SlotCoolDown = select(2, GetInventoryItemCooldown("player", slotId)); local ItemEquipedName = select(1, GetItemInfo(GetInventoryItemID("player", slotId))); if SlotCoolDown == 0 then UseItemByName(ItemEquipedName) end end
  8. If you can provide me with the rotation you awake, I can write you one.
  9. Bug Report : Step 10 needs to be RunCode not RunLuaCode > [D] 23:14:24 - [Quester] RunLuaCode[10]: wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.Forward(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 2000);
  10. Faster way of getting people to sigh your guild charter. var PlayersAroundMe = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer().Where(c => c.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) < 30 && c.Faction == ObjectManager.Me.Faction && c.IsAlive); ItemsManager.UseItem("Guild Charter"); foreach (var Toon in PlayersAroundMe) { ObjectManager.Me.Target = Toon.Guid; bool PlayerHasNoGuild = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>(@" local GuildName = GetGuildInfo('target'); if GuildName == nil then return true; else return false; end"); Thread.Sleep(100); if (PlayerHasNoGuild) { Chat.SendChatMessageWhisper("Can you please sigh my guild Chart, pretty please :)", Toon.Name); Thread.Sleep(100); Lua.LuaDoString("OfferPetition();"); Thread.Sleep(100); Logging.Write("Petition Offered to :" + Toon.Name); } }
  11. Private servers only.
  12. Sye

    Vehicle options

    @Droidzcan you provide aiming function, not just for DK, but for Ulduar and TOC quests / vehicles.
  13. Sye

    [wotlk] SubName

    wrobot doesnt return a spells SubName, i was trying to make a fast function but it keeps returning nil on all spells i try. code I use var SpellArea = SpellManager.GetSpellInfo(3102); Logging.Write(SpellArea.SubName.ToString()); I fixed my problem with using lua but would be awesome to not have to use lua.
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